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The following promotion is not investment advice. Your capital is at risk when you invest, never risk more than you can afford to lose. If you are unsure whether this type of investing is right for you, seek independent personal financial advice.


of the most valuable investing book in Britain?

Give me an ‘OK’ today, and I will email your copy to download, alongside a complete investment blueprint & FREE gifts worth over £500...

PLUS – you’ll get a free trade: James will reveal the name, stock code and entry price of his #1 energy investment live at the event...

By signing up to our free event, AI Fortunes Summit, you are consenting to receive emails about the event. However, we will never give, sell or rent your email address to any other companies. If you want to stop receiving our free emails at any time, you can immediately unsubscribe by clicking on the link in each email. For more information, please see our privacy policy.

Nick Hubble,
author and financial forecaster

Dear Reader,

Do I have your permission to send you a free book?

And over £500 worth of investment research?

Put together by an award-winning, $1bn investor…

Your research package includes the names and ticker symbols of THREE powerhouse stocks to buy today…

Three companies that look set to rocket as an estimated $2.8 trillion hits their sector this year alone.

If you are smart enough to say ‘yes’… everything will be in your hands in the next 15 minutes.

Find out how you can grab your copy today….

My new book, ‘Threat Zero – The Dark Side Of Going Green And How Smart Investors Can Profit’… is the result of over 8 months of meticulous research.

It isn’t yet available in the shops, or on Amazon.

In fact, when it does go on sale first editions will change hands for £29.99.

But today I’m willing to offer the chance to forgo that cost and email you a complimentary copy.

Read it carefully, and if the research and conclusions resonate with you, share it with as many friends and family as you can.

Because, whether you’re a green energy believer…

Or you think it’s a load of hogwash…

It doesn’t matter.

It’s time to leave your ideology at the door and think like an investor.

With an estimated $125 TRILLION being channelled into transforming the global energy grid between now and 2050…

The impact this colossal influx of money is having on certain stocks should not be ignored…

Take a look at this chart for a company called Broadwind Inc, a manufacturer of wind turbine towers.

Source: Koyfin
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five-year performance figures for Broadwind Inc: 2018 -52.21% | 2019 +27.69% | 2020 +377.71% | 2021 -76.27% | 2022 -4.79% | 2023 (to 28/2) +152.51%

Or Weatherford International – an oilfield service company.

Source: Koyfin
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
5 year performance of Weatherford International: 2018 unavailable | 2019 unavailable | 2020 unavailable | 2021 unavailable | 2022 +83.69% | 2023 (to 28/2) +30.83%

Or NGL Energy Partners - a vertically integrated supplier of crude oil, natural gas liquids and refined products.

Source: Koyfin
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
5 year performance of Weatherford International: 2018 unavailable | 2019 unavailable | 2020 unavailable | 2021 unavailable | 2022 +83.69% | 2023 (to 28/2) +30.83%

Of course, not all energy stocks are going up. It is a volatile market and, as in all investing, nothing is guaranteed. You need to pick and choose – and only invest money you can afford to lose.

But in five months alone this year, 82 energy stocks doubled in price.

We’re seeing a no-holds-barred investment frenzy into practically every corner of the energy market, all at once.

Here in Britain, although most new cars will have to be electric by 2030, this year also saw 27 new oil and gas exploration licences for the North Sea granted… and the UK government has promised to release a "practical" roadmap on how to reach 24GW of nuclear energy by 2050.

Across the Atlantic, Joe Biden’s $378 BILLION Inflation Reduction Act promises to supercharge green investments.

Over the channel, the EU has accelerated plans to rollout renewable power and hydrogen projects across the bloc as a way to replace dependence on Russian fossil fuels.

While China’s renewable megaprojects are on a scale seen nowhere else on Earth – as they plan to reach 80% of energy coming from carbon-free sources by 2060.

This colossal money flow has created an unmissable opportunity for savvy investors.

As The Telegraph puts it, it’s making a select group of energy traders “rich beyond their wildest dreams”.

Getting into the energy markets today could be the most lucrative decision you make in 2023.

Forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results.

As our own in-house energy expert James Allen says:

“I’ve spent 15 years as an energy market insider. But I’ve NEVER seen a situation so packed with opportunities. Wherever you look in the energy market, something is going on… pipelines are being laid… LNG terminals are being built… and new oil wells are being drilled. I am more excited about what’s playing out now than I have ever been.”

That’s why:

You cannot afford NOT to read this book

You’ve heard all the big Net Zero claims I am sure:

No more petrol-guzzling cars on the road by 2035.

The fields of Britain brimming with wind turbines and solar panels…

Energy harnessed from the air, like magic…

Effortlessly charging the batteries to power our buses, our trains, our ships and even our planes… all with zero emissions.

No more filthy old coal. No more smelly old gas. No more dirty old oil.

They make changing our energy system sound like flipping the channels on your TV.

But the numbers don’t add up. In fact, nothing adds up.

The central claim of my book is simple: the net zero commitments governments have made are not achievable.

As I say in the opening chapter:

“Net zero will fail because there aren’t enough resources to make it a reality. We simply won’t be able to find, mine and refine the metals, minerals and other resources needed to create a net zero economy. It’s that simple.”

Or, as top energy commentator Doomberg puts it:

“A back of the envelope with a pen is all you need to rule out some of these fantasies.”

Let’s just take a look at the amount rare earth metals needed (metals that are mainly found in China, by the way).

Estimates vary between 700% and 4,000% of how much the total supply of these metals will have to increase…

But, as I detail on page 27, you will be in no doubt over the impossible scale of the task:

  • Lithium 4,200%
  • Graphite 2,500%
  • Cobalt 2,100%
  • Nickel 1,900%
  • Rare earths 700%

Based on this, the IEA argues 100s of new mines are needed soon. But it takes about 16 years to get a mine up and running thanks to the environmental regulations imposed. That’s 2039… By this time, the estimates on what resources are needed to hit net zero by 2050 will have blown out dramatically.

Like I said before this is all about FACTS and SCIENCE. Not ideology.

And the facts tell us that this once-in-history collision in the energy markets has created TWO opportunities for you to profit:

  1. In the short term, a mad rush into suppliers of ‘Net Zero metals’ like zinc, copper, nickel and lithium… used in the billions of batteries we need for all the electric vehicles and devices being rushed through the production line for Net Zero.

Those stocks are really starting to soar:

Patriot Battery Metals Inc. (PMET): UP 83% over the last 12 months…

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five year performance of PMET: 2018 -75.86% | 2019 -75.71% | 2020 +17.65% | 2021 +70% | 2022 +1194.12% | 2023 to 30/9 +66.67%

Liontown Resources (LTR.AX) – lithium suppliers: UP 84%

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five year performance of LTR: 2018 -44.92% | 2019 +265.4% | 2020 +290.8% | 2021 +414.71% | 2022 -20.48% | 2023 to 30/9 +122.73%

NGEx Minerals (NGEX.V) – copper suppliers: UP 188%

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five year performance of NGEX: 2018 n/a | 2019 n/a | 2020 +35.06% | 2021 -255.77% | 2022 +66.49% | 2023 to 30/9 +82.47%

  1. In the longer-term, as I explain in my book, an epic U-TURN back to the ‘dirty’ energy firms we’re going to need to keep the lights on.

Overlooked by the mainstream, the smart money has been quietly flowing into traditional energy firms this year – in a big way.

Just look at how these three big fossil fuel companies have surged in value:

Baker Hughes Company (BKR) +54%

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five year performance of BKR: 2018 –25.77% | 2019 +22.56% | 2020 -15.84% | 2021 +18.85% | 2022 +25.77% | 2023 to 30/9 +21.57%

NGL Energy (NGL) +200%

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five year performance of NGL: 2018 –2o.84% | 2019 +34.52% | 2020 -70.99% | 2021 -24.17% | 2022 -33.52% | 2023 to 30/9 +219.83%

Marathon Petroleum Corp (MPC) +41%

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five year performance of MPC: 2018 -7.78% | 2019 +5.69% | 2020 -27.5% | 2021 +6.32% | 2022 +85.78% | 2023 to 30/9 +31.96%

Most people won’t understand how to play this estimated $125tn energy mega-trend.

They’ll be left scratching their heads as stocks rise and fall before their eyes – seemingly for no reason.

All investing is risky. And, as I have said, the energy markets can be extremely volatile.

Whilst the press attacked Shell and other oil companies for their “obscene profits” this year, it is easy to forget that in April 2020, oil futures dropped to below zero for the first time ever. And the big five – ExxonMobil, BP, Shell, Chevron, and Total – posted a combined record loss of $76 billion.

Which is why I want you to help guide you to the potentially hugely lucrative windfalls that can be made.

Armed with my book – and your energy investing blueprint – you’ll know precisely what to do, and when.

As $1bn wealth manager Eoin Treacy says:

Net Zero may be the biggest delusion in the 5,000-year history of financial markets – and a great opportunity for clever investors.”

In just a moment, I’ll show you how to get your hands on over £500-worth of valuable research for just £24.99:

But first, let me explain what prompted me to write the book – and make it freely available to our readers:

Q: Why did you write the book?

Q. What surprised you most when researching the book?

Q. What do you want people to take away from the book?

Q. Who is this book for?

Q. Why are you making the book available on a complimentary basis?

Let me give you a taster of what you’ll discover when you grab your own copy:

Chapter I

First and foremost, Net Zero is founded upon a deception.

Yes, governments around the world have made a long list of commitments to try and reduce carbon emissions.

To do it, they say they will build vast amounts of wind and solar energy…

Electrify our heating systems and transport systems…

Use alternative fuels such as hydrogen and biofuels…

Set up large-scale battery and power storage on the electricity grid…

Cull farm herds, reducing fertiliser use, meat production and consumption…

Incentive carbon capture industries to sequester carbon emissions…

Tax carbon emissions…

Plus, a whole lot more.

Unfortunately, this is not achievable.

Not because of political reality or willpower, nor because of the science of climate change.

We simply won’t be able to find, mine and refine the metals, minerals and other resources needed to create a net zero economy.

As my step-grandfather likes to tell me, "Never assume anything!"

As the old saying goes, it makes an ass out of you and me.

Yet, believe it or not, as Chapter II, highlights:

“Governments have legally committed to a goal, without considering, let alone planning, what achieving that goal might mean.”


Chapter III

Did you know that to build a renewable energy power plant to replace combustion turbines like gas, you need between 1,000% and 2,000% more minerals to deliver the same unit of power?

OK, it’s not a dinner party one-liner (although in these polarised, unthinking times, perhaps it should be)…

But in this chapter you’ll hear from Dr Simon Michaux.

Simon is an associate professor of engineering, with a PhD in mining, years of front line experience and he is also a firm believer in climate change science

Yet he believes a different approach is needed.

For one simple fact: “you cannot magic up more minerals”.

All the solutions clamour for the very same resources as the problems they are trying to solve: copper, cobalt, cheap energy…

They are energy intensive, polluting, inefficient and bump up against the underlying problem of resource scarcity to an even greater extent. As the next chapter shows:

Chapter IV

Dr Copper says no!

In this chapter you’ll discover how mining for a net zero world in a net zero world just isn’t viable.

Humans mined 700 million tons of copper over the last 5,000 years. The same 700 million tons will need to be mined over the next 27 years to meet 2050 energy transition targets using wind, solar, & electric vehicles. Yet 200 major copper mines will reach the end of their life before 2035.

Net zero requires vast amounts of resources to achieve… and no industry is more vilified by net zero campaigners than mining (except perhaps fossil fuel production).

Supply for key energy transition metals will not come close to meeting demand, delivering high prices to those companies that own proven reserves and producing mines.

The investment conclusions of all this are obvious:

A spectacular mining and resources boom.

Which brings us to:

Chapter VIII

You’ve been told we have the technology to go green. We don’t.

You’ve been told we have the minerals and metals for those billions of batteries, turbines and generators we’re going to need. Not by a long shot.

You’ve been told we’ve got the money to pay for it all. Not nearly enough.

Net zero just isn’t going to happen in the way governments have committed to.

We do not have the time, money, resources, political will, workforce or technology to deliver the future we’re being promised.

By now, you will understand that ignoring Net Zero is not an option.

After all, Net Zero’s scope is the entire economy.

Green or dirty, it will fuel our already considerable cost of living crisis.

As such, I believe it is the most important financial threat…

And the most important investment opportunity you face.

Chapter VIII gets to the nitty gritty of how you might play it – either way – for potential profit.

On the one side, we have voracious demand for the resources needed to fuel the Net Zero campaign.

On the opposite end we have the fossil fuel energy that governments will need to rely on just to keep the lights on.

Here’s the big take-away:

By taking smart action now, you stand to profit from BOTH of these extreme outcomes.

Forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results.

Which is why I urge you to see how you can claim your digital copy of Threat Zero: The Dark Side Of Going Green And How Smart Investors Can Profit.

Because when you do, I will also send you a complete Energy Investing Action Plan…

Including two stocks to buy now – to get on the RIGHT SIDE of the energy super-trend.

  • Energy Play #1: How you could profit from the ‘EV Supercharge’
  • Energy Play #2 Secure your stake in the atomic revival

Alongside my book, these two stock plays represent an enormous opportunity for you to gain advantage in the energy markets.

All three tactically exploit the mad money being thrown at Net Zero…

Coupled with strategic plays on the long-term and established energy firms that will be relied upon for many years to come.

I have arranged a way for you to download these valuable reports and access a treasure trove of our financial research – worth many thousands of pounds.

All I ask in return is for you to take up a no obligation, trial membership to a very prestigious publication.

That way I can pass this valuable information over to you in private, behind closed doors.

The power of private information

My name is Nick Hubble, by the way.

I have degrees in law and finance, I’m a published author, strategist and investment writer.

And it is my job to ask questions, to look beyond what the mainstream media covers, to not accept the status quo.

I’m simply here to share alternative facts and research that doesn’t tend to make its way to the popular news outlets or tv channels.

For over 15 years now, I’ve been analysing our financial system.

My particular area of expertise is in identifying and alerting my readers to upcoming crises.

In 2012 I exposed the sub-prime practices of Australian banks - that bankers and mortgage brokers routinely manipulated their customers’ loan applications. I upset and angered a lot of people - but my findings were vindicated by a Royal Commission in 2018.

In 2018, I predicted Italy’s budget battles would lead to “Bloody October” and successfully warned my readers about the worst period in financial markets since 2008... research that led to my first book, How the Euro Dies.

In 2020, I posed the question: “Is the green bubble little more than ‘investing on thin ice’?” – a year before green stocks tanked.

It is a question that ultimately led to my work today.

You see, I pride myself on finding the news behind the news…

And pin-pointing those moments of deep change that – in investing terms - can make or break great fortunes.

The sort of deep change that the establishment does not share.

I know. I’ve seen the inside at Goldman Sachs, and I’ll tell you now…

The system is rigged against YOU.

The government… bankers… fund managers – they’re not in it for you.

They’re in it for themselves – quote me on that.

It’s one of the reasons why I left my hopes of joining Wall Street behind to become a senior strategist at the British division of an underground, global investment network.

Now I represent a private network of financial experts and advisors who for 85 years now have been helping private investors like you protect and grow their wealth.

Our work is certainly appreciated by our readers.

 “I know I am with an excellent group of experts giving advice for me to then reflect and make my own decisions.  I also appreciate and understand the relevance of the historical perspective and intellect documented of previous major historical events and their overall relevance on today's world.  New Investors most certainly try it. It provides independent, forthright information - a sound basis for investment.”

Barbara Ann Facer

“It's well written. It's easy to understand. It's not over adventurous and it talks sense”

John Seaman

“You have given me the big picture of everything, which Financial Advisors do not discuss – all of the information is valuable to me.”

Glenis Kellet

Today I’d like to offer you the chance to join them…

And share in over eight decades of priceless insider insight.


Protecting private investors – since 1938

We do not publish our work in the City. Nor do we want to.

Instead, we share our research through a little-known, but widely-circulated publication I now edit, called The Fleet Street Letter

The Fleet Street Letter is Britain’s longest-running investment newsletter.

Since its foundation over eight decades ago, it has established an incredible track record for helping its readers pinpoint and profit from ‘the news behind the news’ – the threats and opportunities you won’t find published in the mainstream media: until it is too late.

Let me highlight just a few:

In 1938, the founding editor of The Fleet Street Letter, Patrick Maitland, 17th Earl of Lauderdale, spent several weeks in Rome, gathering intelligence on Fascist movements there. He'd looked into troop movements in Germany. He'd studied Central Power armament plans. And he'd overlaid this against the backdrop of political and economic tension in Europe.

This enabled him to share an incredibly valuable insight with Fleet Street Letter readers: Germany would make war, but not before September 1939.

Germany invaded Poland on 2nd September, 1939.

Maitland looked at the ‘news behind the news’. And found a ‘truth’ that went completely against the official line that ‘appeasement’ would work. He had identified a deep change.

This is what The Fleet Street Letter seeks to do in all its research.

Let’s fast forward to “Black Monday” in October 1987.

Thousands of investors saw their savings wiped out.

It was one of the worst crashes British investors have ever had to endure.

Yet for our select group of investors, the crash came as no surprise…

They’d been put ‘on guard’ over 5 months earlier – in a discreet and timely warning.

When the markets panicked about a Chinese invasion of Taiwan in March 1995, this group of investors were informed that a major opportunity had opened up for them.

Over the next 18 months, the Taiwanese market more than doubled.

In September 1999, while the rest of the world was piling into tech stocks, our readers received another warning: ‘CRASH IMMINENT’.

And when most experts hated gold back in 1999… this group of elite investors were able to quietly position themselves at the beginning of one of the biggest bull markets ever.

On 20 October 2001, we informed our readers that “the time to invest in residential property is now”. We were right.

Look at this chart showing house prices in Britain.

Source: houseprices.uk.net

As you can see, house prices went on to stage a huge rally.

A rally The Fleet Street Letter readers anticipated in advance.

They were the first to know what was coming… with the right information at the right time.

In 2008, when the ill-informed were still blindly investing in the FTSE 100, our inner circle were discreetly warned that “the City’s dream run is about to end… and it could trigger our worst recession in 35 years.”

Five and a half months later Lehman Brothers collapsed and the entire financial sector buckled.

Over the past five years alone, The Fleet Street Letter has shown investors how to get ahead of emerging trends… and use that intelligence to their financial advantage.

Like forecasting the increased demand for silver, recommending our readers buy into the WisdomTree Silver ETF way back in November 2019:

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five year performance: 2018 –3.55% | 2019 +12.57% | 2020 +40.85% | 2021 -12.11% | 2022 +15.5% | 2023 to 30/9 -7.82%

Or strategically channelling the rise of cryptocurrency to our advantage, taking profits of 43% whilst most other investors moved too late or held on too long.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five year performance: 2018 –73% | 2019 +95% | 2020 +301% | 2021 +90% | 2022 -81.02%

In 2021, our research warned that soaring inflation was on the cards – when the Bank of England was still insisting it would stay at 2%... then, at worst, transitory.

We subsequently highlighted the drive for value and dividend stocks… and pointed to the bonds crisis well ahead of Liz Truss’s controversial budget…

Of course, we don’t get it right every time… and we won’t get it right every time in the future.

No-one can – and if anyone says otherwise, you should run a mile. Remember Bernie Madoff, architect of the greatest Ponzi scheme in history?

But our mission at The Fleet Street Letter is very simple.

  • Help you understand what’s coming next in the world of money and markets
  • Show you what that means for you, your money and your family
  • And share specific investment recommendations to help you protect yourself or profit

We want to arm you with the intelligence and insights to stay one step ahead of the big financial and geopolitical trends shaping your world…

And to show you what to actually DO with your money in light of those trends.

Generally speaking, the recommendations we share with you will involve the stock market. That involves risk – as all investing does.

Some of our recommendations may be listed abroad. That involves foreign currency risk as stocks listed overseas may have the added risk of negative forex movements.

Every recommendation is for your risk capital only – that’s money you can afford to lose.

We’ll explain this to you clearly with every new recommendation.

In fact, EVERY SINGLE idea we share with you will contain a full write up of the risks, the potential rewards, everything.

And to help keep you fully informed on all these matters, let me introduce you now to two key members of The Fleet Street Letter team:

First up, giving you his unique insights from the corridors of political power, is probably the most influential British politician of the last 50 years, Nigel Farage.

It matters not one jot if you like him or not, his sense of what is the real story and his fearless ability to ask questions the establishment does not want to hear is unparalleled.

What many people don’t know is that he also understands the world of finance.

His grandfather and father worked in the City. And, having set up an investment club at school, Nigel skipped university and followed in their footsteps.

Aged 18, he joined the world of institutional trading at the London Metal Exchange. First, with the American commodity operation at Drexel Burnham Lambert… then Credit Lyonnais, Refco and Natexis Metals.

As a result, Nigel has incredible connections… amazing experience… and above all, he’s willing to say and predict things that the elite may scoff at… until they come true.

In Chapter XV of my book, you can read his views on ‘Net Zero’s Great Flip’.

No-one is better than Nigel at identifying the gap between what politicians are saying and what people want: the reality of wanting a cleaner planet – alongside keeping the lights on, food on the table and anarchy at bay.

And when we realise our Net Zero deadlines are unachievable, the great flip could make smart investors a lot of money indeed.

Which is where Eoin Treacy comes in…

You may well have seen him on CNBC, Bloomberg TV, CNN, NDTV Profit or Reuters India. (He has also been interviewed on the BBC World Service, Ireland’s TodayFM and Financial Sense Online). 

That’s because Eoin is an award-winning investor with close to $1 BILLION in assets under management.

He currently advises four different $100m funds… manages the money of some of Asia and the Middle East’s wealthiest families… and other clients include sovereign wealth and pension funds.

Most impressive of all, this much sought-after global strategist and wealth manager is the guy other fund managers and traders go to help improve and hone their investment methods. In fact, there are several funds that don’t let their traders on the trading floor until they’ve been coached by Eoin.

In Chapter XVI of my book, he explains how you could profit ‘the Net Zero Bubble’s Boom and Bust’…

Think of him as your very own $1 billion wealth manager.

Because Eoin is our Investment Director… the man who turns our INSIGHTS into ACTIONS you can take with your money.

Eoin has worked painstakingly to curate your urgent Energy Investing Action Plan… to help you take maximum possible advantage of this situation.

If you want to take positive action as Net Zero threatens your freedom and wealth…

Not just passively sit back and hope for the best…

Then I want you to have all of our research, insights and stock recommendations as soon as possible.

To make that happen, I have a simple proposition:

Claim your 90-day all access pass to The Fleet Street Letter – for just £24.99

This is worth repeating.

You can try out our publication today, without any lasting commitment… for just £24.99.

Let me explain how it works:

I want you to see our work with your own eyes. Read it. Use it. Take 90 days – that’s three full months - to review our analysis and investment selections.

You’ll have full unrestricted access to everything we publish – and our full research archive, filled with invaluable material.

Our research, our stock portfolio, our videos, special reports and books…

All yours to download, make use of, and keep… whatever you decide.

  • You’ll get your exclusive Energy Investing Blueprint…
  • Your complimentary e-book about the true cost of going green…
  • You’ll get access to an exclusive video series we recorded with some of the world’s foremost experts about why Net Zero just won’t work.
  • You’ll get a special report we’ve just published showing you which green stock to avoid at all costs…
  • You’ll gain unrestricted access to a host of valuable briefings showing you how to invest in gold and other alternative assets outside the traditional stock market.
  • You’ll be able to review Eoin’s full model investment portfolio – a curated mix of strategic long-term investments and tactical trades.

If you like what you see…

If you decide to stay with us past the first 90 days…


The customer service team will simply renew your membership for another 3 months – at exactly the same rate: £24.99.

That’s 90-day’s membership for £24.99.

Which means, if you renew every quarter for the first year, you are receiving 12 months membership for just £99 – instead of the full annual membership price of £249.

Click here to take advantage of our offer, on our secure order page

Here at The Fleet Street Letter, we have been helping UK investors stay ahead of events, for decades.

Take up your quarterly membership and you be joining over 8,000 fellow Brits who want to make the most of their money – and understand what’s REALLY going on:

“I know I am with an excellent group of experts giving advice for me to then reflect and make my own decisions.  I also appreciate and understand the relevance of the historical perspective and intellect documented of previous major historical events and their overall relevance on today's world.  New Investors most certainly try it. It provides independent, forthright information - a sound basis for investment.”

Barbara Ann Facer

“It's well written. It's easy to understand. It's not over adventurous and it talks sense”

John Seaman

“Of all your titles over about 15 years The Fleet Street Letter is my favourite.  It does the research that I'd never have time for.”

Colin Byatt

 “I based my mortgage decision on The Fleet Street Letter’s forecast and it proved to be remarkably accurate.”

Ian Carrington

“You have given me the big picture of everything, which Financial Advisors do not discuss – all of the information is valuable to me.”

Glenis Kellet

“The Fleet Street Letter often provides clear insightful analysis of what is going on behind the scenes in both the political and economic arenas. This is critical information for anybody who wishes to successfully navigate the tricky investment waters of today. Keep up the good work and thank you to all the team”

Glyn Williams

Take up my offer today and you will join them for just £24.99 a quarter.

Time to decide

At the start of this letter I asked you a question…

Can you afford NOT to read Threat Zero: The Dark Side Of Going Green And How Smart Investors Can Profit?

My answer is a resounding “NO”.

And if you have read this far, then I think we’re on the same page.

Remember, you are getting a sneak peek – a complimentary digital copy ahead of the print run.

When the book is published on Amazon, it will cost £29.99.

There’s never been a more important time to understand how energy – in all its forms - powers the world… and how understanding that could make or break your investment portfolios.

That’s why I took over 8 months to put this book and research together.

And it’s why I believe you need to act decisively to claim a copy right now.

Now it’s up to you.

You can either sit back and accept the threat that Net Zero could curb your basic freedoms, turn out the lights and raise the cost of living…

Or you can grasp this opportunity with both hands… find out all you can about how to invest on both sides of the energy divide.

In times of great change money migrates – and the smart, early moving investor can profit. Hugely.

Remember, just look at how these three big fossil fuel companies have surged in value:

Baker Hughes Company (BKR) +54%

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five year performance of BKR: 2018 –25.77% | 2019 +22.56% | 2020 -15.84% | 2021 +18.85% | 2022 +25.77% | 2023 to 30/9 +21.57%

NGL Energy (NGL) +200%

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five year performance of NGL: 2018 –2o.84% | 2019 +34.52% | 2020 -70.99% | 2021 -24.17% | 2022 -33.52% | 2023 to 30/9 +219.83%

Marathon Petroleum Corp (MPC) +41%

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five year performance of MPC: 2018 -7.78% | 2019 +5.69% | 2020 -27.5% | 2021 +6.32% | 2022 +85.78% | 2023 to 30/9 +31.96%

Follow the money and the picture becomes very clear: the smart money isn’t buying the hype.

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Many thanks for reading,

Nick Hubble,
Editor, The Fleet Street Letter

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Investment Director: Eoin Treacy. Editor-in-Chief: Nick Hubble. Editors or contributors may have an interest in shares recommended. Information and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of other editors/contributors of Southbank Investment Research Limited. Full details of our complaints procedure, privacy policy and terms and conditions can be found at, www.southbankresearch.com

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Source List:

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