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The following promotion is not investment advice. Your capital is at risk when you invest, never risk more than you can afford to lose. If you are unsure whether this type of investing is right for you, seek independent personal financial advice. Past performance and forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future results.

Genius investor James Altucher just announced…

New AI 2.0 Will Open a Brief

“Wealth Window”

For Regular Investors to Get In On the $15,700,000,000,000 AI Boom

Re: Your Second Chance – If you missed out on crypto, AI 2.0 could be 10X bigger. Early movers could change their fortunes with Altucher’s three AI wealth-building strategies (see below)

Broadcast begins in:


Click here to join NOW

You can review your order before it’s final


This presentation was originally recorded in the US, for a US audience.

Important Risk Warning

Advice in Altucher’s Investment Network UK does not constitute a personal recommendation. Any advice should be considered in relation to your own circumstances, risk tolerance and investment objectives. Before investing you should carefully consider the risks involved, including those described below. If you have any doubt as to suitability or taxation implications, seek independent financial advice.

General – Your capital is at risk when you invest, never risk more than you can afford to lose. Past performance and forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results. Bid/offer spreads, commissions, fees and other charges can reduce returns from investments. There is no guarantee dividends will be paid.

Small cap shares - Shares recommended may be small company shares. These can be illiquid meaning they are hard to trade and can have a large bid/offer spread. If you need to sell soon after you bought, you might get back less that you paid. This makes them riskier than other investments in larger share companies.

Overseas investments - Shares may be denominated in a currency other than sterling. The return from these may increase or decrease as a result of currency fluctuations. Any dividends will be taxed at source in the country of issue.

Taxation – Profits from share dealing are a form of income and subject to taxation. Profits from converting cryptocurrency back into fiat currency is subject to capital gains tax. Tax treatment depends on individual circumstances and may be subject to change.

Managing Editor: Sam Volkering. Editors or contributors may have an interest in shares recommended. Information and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of other editors/contributors of Southbank Investment Research Limited.

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Altucher’s Investing Network UK is published in the UK with licenced content from Paradigm Press LLC, that owns the copyright for its content. It contains regulated content and is issued by Southbank Investment Research Limited. Registered in England and Wales No 9539630. VAT No GB629 7287 94. Registered Office: Basement, 95 Southwark Street, London, SE1 0HX.

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Five year performance of company stock gains mentioned above, but not included with charts:

Tesla: 2019 +25.7% | 2020 +743.44% | 2021 +49.76% | 2022 -65.03% | 2023 +101.72%



Yahoo Finance

PwC - PwC's Global Artificial Intelligence Study – accessed February 2024

Forbes Digital Assets - Cryptocurrency Prices, Market Cap and Charts – accessed February 2024

Y Combinator - Elon Musk on How to Build the Future – 15 September 2016

Analytics Vidhya - More Profound than Fire or Electricity: Google CEO Sundar Pichai on AI Developments – 20 April 2023

Imagine It - Artificial Intelligence (AI): What the top 12 tech influencers believe – accessed February 2024

UC Berkeley Sutardja Center - "AI is the New Electricity": Insights from Dr. Andrew Ng – 6 October 2023

Business Insider - Mark Cuban thinks the world's first trillionaire will work in artificial intelligence – 14 March 2017

Exploding Topics - Number of ChatGPT Users (Jan 2024) – 18 January 2024

CTech - 5 reasons why generative AI hype might be exaggerated – 15 June 2023

U.S.Census Bureau - How Many U.S. Businesses Use Artificial Intelligence? – 28 November 2023

Futurism - Amazon's CEO Says We're Living in the Golden Age of AI – 9 May 2017

Supply Chain Today - Artificial Intelligence for Supply Chain Management – accessed February 2024

Four Business Solutions - AI and Machine Learning - top minds quotes – accessed February 2024

LinkedIn Top Voices

CNBC - Jeff Bezos on AI: Autonomous weapons are ‘genuinely scary,’ robots won’t put us all out of work – 11 May 2018

Forbes - Which Jobs Will AI Replace? These 4 Industries Will Be Heavily Impacted – 30 March 2023

CNBC - $24 million iced tea company says it’s pivoting to the blockchain, and its stock jumps 200% - 21 December 2017

The Byte - CEO of AI Startup Says Many AI Startups Will Fail Because They're Making a Serious Mistake – 28 October 2022

LinkedIn – Gary Vaynerchuk

Investor's Business Daily - S&P 500; 13 Firms Hoard $1 Trillion In Cash (We're Looking At You Big Tech) – accessed February 2024