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Produced by Southbank Investment Research Ltd, the following promotion is not investment advice. Your capital is at risk when you invest, never risk more than you can afford to lose. If you are unsure whether this type of investing is right for you, seek independent personal financial advice. Simulated past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.

The man once named the #1 investment strategist by Institutional Investor magazine reveals:

The “Retirement Accelerator” algorithm under lock and key by the city elites

It’s less risky than investing in a FTSE100 tracker fund... yet over 12 years of historical testing it’s beaten the market 7-to-1

PLUS – you’ll get a free trade: James will reveal the name, stock code and entry price of his #1 energy investment live at the event...

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John Butler
Founder, Southbank Wealth Advantage

Dear Friend,

Hi, my name is John Butler.

And today I'm writing to you because after years of working on Wall Street...

I've developed a market-tested “Retirement Accelerator" algorithm that I believe...

Could help you accelerate the size of your retirement pot over the next decade…

While taking on even less risk than your typical FTSE 100 index fund.

You see, institutional money managers rely on specific algorithms to grow wealth consistently, regardless of market conditions.

It doesn't matter if the Tories or Labour are in power...

If inflation continues to rise...

Or if the Bank of England hikes interest rates again.

These money algorithms adjust investment portfolios to maximize performance in any economic environment.

They've been tested and refined over decades, but have typically been kept under wraps.

But today...

I'm going to reveal the exact guidelines I used during my years on Wall Street to help my clients - and my own family - build substantial wealth over the long term.

Even if the market goes nowhere over the next 10 years…

This “Retirement Accelerator” algorithm could still help you steadily grow your retirement pot every single year.

Without touching crypto, options, or anything highly speculative.

And it's no riskier than your typical FTSE 100 index fund.

Yet historically, in back testing, it could have turned a modest £10,000 starting pot into £177,000 in just the past 12 years.

Calculated using back testing. Simulated past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Figures do not take into account any investing costs or taxes.

Without accounting for costs and taxes, of course.

And simulated past performance doesn't guarantee future results, but it’s certainly a strong indicator of what’s possible.

During the 2008 Financial Crisis when most investor’s portfolios were decimated...

This “Retirement Accelerator” algorithm helped me not only avoid losses, but positioned me to profit from the subsequent rebound in gold.

And during the epic bull market of the 2010s, it continued to outperform…

Helping me put all four of my children through private school.

Today, I want to show you how this "Retirement Accelerator" algorithm could help you.

Say you invested £50,000 into a FTSE 100 tracker fund in 2009, right after the financial crisis.

And you reinvested all your dividends.

By 2022, your money would have grown to a respectable £114,000 (before costs and taxes).

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five-year performance of the iShares FTSE100 tracker: 2018 -9.05% | 2019 +17.23% | 2020 -11.28% | 2021 +17.48% | 2022 +4.97%

Not bad. Doubling your money is nothing to scoff at.

But now imagine if you had put that £50,000 into my proprietary "Retirement Accelerator" algorithm …

Your money would have grown to more than £850,000 over the same period.

Calculated using back testing. Simulated past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Figures do not take into account any investing costs or taxes.
Five-year performance breakdown of back-tested results: 2018 +1.47% | 2019 +36.39% | 2020 +3.66% | 2021 +31.29% | 2022 +11.57%

That's a staggering £770,000 difference!

Enough to transform your retirement and the financial future of your family.

Imagine what you could do with that kind of extra wealth.

You could bring your retirement date forward by years, or even a decade, giving you the freedom to live life on your terms.

You could pursue your passions, travel the world, and create unforgettable memories with your loved ones.

With my “Retirement Accelerator” algorithm…

You could have the financial security and independence to make your dream retirement a reality.

This is the kind of wealth that doesn't just change your life – it creates a lasting legacy for the people you care about most too – your family.

All while taking less risk than most regular investors.

Now, I know what you might be thinking…

"An algorithm that can accelerate my retirement pot with less risk than a tracker fund? Sounds too good to be true.”

Well, you’re right. There is a catch.

Warren Buffett once said “The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient”.

And that’s precisely who this strategy is for: those with patience.

It’s not going to get your rich next month or even next year.

But I do expect it to make you a lot of money in the next ten years.

This is for people who don’t want to take big risks with their capital.

And here’s what folks from across the UK are saying about my “Retirement Accelerator” algorithm since I launched this new service in October.

Now let me explain how this “Retirement Accelerator” algorithm that beat the market by 7-to-1 was born...

In the early 2000s I took a job as Managing Director at one of the largest investment banks in the world.

A bank with more than 25,000 staff. And tens of billions in turnover.

At this bank, my specific role was Head of Macro and Portfolio Strategy.

One of my main projects was to build the rules and processes for our core portfolio strategy.

Now, this wasn’t a core portfolio strategy for the investment bank itself.

This was a portfolio strategy that we’d sell to OTHER institutions. So that they could manage the bulk of THEIR wealth. In return, as their broker, we would see even more business as their wealth grew.

The project was a resounding success.

It soon became one of the more popular strategies in the industry. And proliferated throughout the City of London… Europe… and the US.

And resulted in Institutional Investor magazine ranking me their #1 investment strategist.

And I can tell you…

Twenty years and counting, the big institutions haven’t changed much.

To this very day, they’re still using a very similar set of rules to those that I built.

Rules which are surprisingly simple.

They tell institutions exactly what to invest in during any given market environment.

And institutions have used them to help grow their assets. Right the way through bull markets, bear markets, and sideways markets.

In fact, over the last 18 months whilst markets have been falling…

And whilst most investors have been losing money.

Financial institutions are making record profits…

“Allianz reports record operating profit” – Allianz SE

“Citadel breaks records with $16bn profit” – The Financial Times

And the people working at these institutions are making big money.

How much are they making?

To answer that question, we need to head to this pub – The New Moon in Leadenhall Market…

It’s a legendary haunt for bankers in the Square Mile. And as one bartender at this establishment told The Guardian…

“They come here to celebrate when they get told their ‘number’ – the numbers seem to have been particularly obscene this year.”

“We have had quite the run on champagne – the poshest champagne we stock.”

That’s right. Over the past 18 months, most investors have seen the value of their investments fall.

But whilst you might have been feeling the pinch, these guys have been popping champagne.

And their success can be traced back to the simple rules institutions are following to grow their core wealth.

But what if you could use the same rules to grow YOUR wealth?

Forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results.

You would be able to take advantage of the ability to outperform through all types of markets.

And you could potentially grow your pot, no matter what the wider market was doing… just like these guys.

And on that note, I have good news.

Because I’m about to tell you exactly what these rules are…

And how you can use them yourself.

So, let’s open up my rulebook:

RULE #1:
Buy the right sector at the right time

I’m talking about investors like…

  • Ray Dalio, the found of the world’s largest hedge fund – Bridgewater Associates…
  • Ken Griffin, the founder of Citadel, the world’s second largest hedge fund. And last year’s best performing fund.
  • Stan Druckenmiller, George Soros’ former right-hand man. And an investor whose family office has more than $6.2 billion in investment capital.
  • And Paul Tudor Jones, one of the world’s most renowned investors, responsible for more than $12 billon worth of investor capital…

Mark my words: if you adopt this rule, it will be the single biggest difference maker to your returns as an investor.

You see, each of those famed money men have ONE thing in common.

They’re what’s known as macro investors.

Now, a lot of people think macro investing is just about making bold, risky bets.

But that’s not the case at all.

It’s actually about sticking to my first rule:

Buying the right sectors at the right time during the business cycle.

What is the business cycle?

It’s the simple principle that the economy tends to follow a repeating, predictable pattern of peaks and troughs.

As Ray Dalio will tell you himself, “the economy works like a simple machine… though it may seem complex, it works in a simple, mechanical way.”

The theory is easy to understand – the market can be easily split into four stages of activity: recession, recovery, expansion and downturn.

Source: Zero Hedge

And here’s the thing…

During each phase, a completely different set of sectors usually outperform the market.

So which sectors tend to outperform at each specific phase?

Let me show you.

First, you’ve got the expansion phase. This is when the economy is growing.

Jobs are being created. People are making more money. And they’re going out and spending it.

As a result, the tech sector – responsible for this job creation – tends to outperform, in a big way.

And what’s more, because people have more disposable income, they’re spending more on things that people buy for fun. Think new clothes, gadgets and eating out at nice restaurants. This leads the sector “consumer discretionary” to outperform, too.

Then you’ve got the slowdown phase when economic growth starts to decelerate.

Central banks have just raised interest rates to stop the economy overheating. Here, the big winner is the banking sector because it can suddenly make more money on its loans.

Then you’ve got the full-blown recession phase. The economy is no longer growing. In fact, it’s actually contracting.

Business owners start to cut jobs. And investors rotate to the only remaining sectors that people will continue to use. I’m talking about sectors like utilities, health and “consumer staples”. That’s the essential items that people need rather than simply want – like basic food, drink, soap and cigarettes.

Finally, you’ve got the recovery phase.

Central banks lower interest rates. Imbalances in the economy correct themselves. And lower costs stimulate economic demand.

Off the back of cheap mortgages, people pile back into the real estate sector.

And after seeing their inventories deplete during the recession phase, manufacturers are now ramping up production. This causes the industrial sector to outperform. And it has a positive effect on the materials and commodities sectors as well. Because more material and commodities are needed to feed that production.

Easy to understand – isn’t it? When the market is in any one of those four stages, you simply need to buy into the right sector.

Now, let me ask you…

What would happen if, year after year, you could spot which phase of the business cycle we’re in…

And then ONLY invest in the sectors proven to outperform?

Well I can tell you: THIS is what happens…

Pretty impressive, right?

As you can see from the column marked FTSE 100 tracker, had you invested £10,000 into it in 2009, 13 years later in 2022 your money would have grown to £22,870.

You’d probably pat yourself on the back – more than doubling your money.

But now look at the column on the right. Had you invested that same £10,000 using this approach, your money would have more than doubled in just THREE years.

And by 2022, that £10,000 would have grown to £177,053.32.

Calculated using back testing. Simulated past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Figures do not take into account any investing costs or taxes.

That’s £154,000 more than you’d have made just tracking the FTSE 100

It’s terrific outperformance.

I should point out, of course, that although it tends to be the case that these sectors outperform, it won’t always be the case. My back testing is built on the assumption that the top 5 performing sectors were chosen for each period. It also includes reinvested dividends.

But I’m sure you can see why I’m investing my son’s money with the exact same philosophy.

Now, I’m going to wager you’re thinking about adopting this approach yourself. And you can… in fact, I’ve been working on a way to make it easy for you to invest this way, too.

And, in a moment, I’m going to show how to get started.

That’s because I’ll be telling you exactly where we are in the business cycle.

And the simple way you can invest in each sector for maximum possible upside.

So, how do we do it?

The first thing that might come to mind is to invest in a sector-specific ETF.

But there’s a couple of problems with that.

Firstly, not all sectors within the FTSE 100 have their own tracker fund. So building a portfolio entirely out of ETFs would be impossible.

Second, many sector-specific ETFs actually contain stocks that don’t actually belong in that sector.

For example, many clean energy ETFs contain oil companies. Some tech ETFs contain banks. And some healthcare ETFs contain consumer goods companies like Procter & Gamble.

Bottom line: buying ETFs just isn’t the best way to get exposure to a sector.

But I believe my method is.

I’ve split the FTSE 100 up into its individual sectors. And then analysed every company within that sector using my proprietary formula.

This formula takes into account a host of factors, including risk-adjusted return, risk contribution, price-to-book value… and many more criteria I have honed over the last 20 years.

And it then tells me the perfect small set of companies to own to gain exposure to any specific sector.

It’s a strategy I have come to rely on for years now – and over time, it has always provided.

If you’d like to dive into the deep details of how it works…

And the name and ticker symbols of the stocks it’s highlighting to buy in the current business cycle… it’s simple.

I’ve packaged up all the details in a special report called: "The Butler Family Portfolio".

It’s yours today, without obligation.

And it will tell you everything you need to know to start using my strategy yourself.

I’ll show you how to claim it in just a second.

But, first, there’s an additional benefit to this rule that I haven’t mentioned.

Bear market “portfolio insurance”

As a parent there’s nothing worse than seeing our children go through any kind of turmoil. It’s natural – when they suffer, you suffer.

Now, I realise I can’t insulate my children from every single danger in life.

But I can, to some extent, insulate them from financial anxiety.

Because as you’ll notice below…

Calculated using back testing. Simulated past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Figures do not take into account any investing costs or taxes.

Whilst the FTSE 100 tracker had four years in which you’d have lost money…

By following my first rule, you’d have kept your core wealth growing through financial turmoil. Let’s me show you what it would have felt like to use this approach during one of those downswings.

Cast your mind back to 2015.

You may remember this wasn’t a particularly enjoyable time for most British investors.

The FTSE 100 was undergoing its worst year since the financial crisis. Plunging commodity prices had led it to a -2% return.

And had you invested £50,000 in a FTSE 100 tracker fund, you’d have ended the year one thousand pounds poorer with £49,000.

I don’t have to tell you how disappointing this type of return can be.

It’s a terrible feeling to open your brokerage account to see your portfolio has gone backwards over the past year.

But if you’d been following my first rule, you would have experienced none of that disappointment.

Quite the opposite.

Because if you’d simply noticed that we’d moved into the slowdown phase of the business cycle…

You could have invested in the sectors that tend to outperform when the economy is starting to contract.

You’d have invested in tech, insurance, consumer discretionary and industrials…

And whilst most investors lost money, you’d have turned £50,000 into £61,845.

Calculated using back testing. Simulated past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Figures do not take any costs or taxes into account.

All told, that’s a net difference of £11,000.

PLUS, you’d have been saved that sinking feeling of seeing your portfolio in the red.

Now let’s look at another example of this in action. Fast forward to 2018…

As you may recall, central banks around the world were raising interest rates. And it resulted in markets throwing a wobbly.

The US S&P 500 finished the year down -6%.

And the FTSE 100 had an even more torrid time, returning -9%.

And had you invested £50,000 in a FTSE tracker at the start of the year, you’d have ended it significantly poorer. In fact, you’d have been sitting on just £45,500.

What a setback that would have been.

But had you spotted that the economy was moving into another slowdown phase…

And invested in the sectors that tend to outperform during this phase…

You’d turned your £50k into £54,500 – that’s a difference of almost ten grand!

Calculated using back testing. Simulated past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Figures do not take into account any investing costs or taxes.

But there’s a reason why Warren Buffett famously only has two rules of investing.

The first being not to lose money. And the second being never to forget the first rule.

That’s because losses – great or small – can be catastrophic for your long-term wealth creation. They add up into larger and larger setbacks that you may never recover from.

Now, I don’t want to get too technical here…

But consider that if you lose 50% of your stake on an investment, you now need to DOUBLE your money to break even.

This can wreak havoc with your financial ambitions.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not trying to convince you that this strategy will make you money all of the time. This is investing, not fortune telling!

I’m not suggesting that the strategy will never have a losing year. We’re comparing data going back 12 years because that’s when the iShares Core FTSE 100 ETF – a fund that tracks the performance of the FTSE as a whole – began. But if we go back further to calculate performance of the strategy alone, we see that 2008 was a losing year, for example.

Whilst this strategy lowers your risk compared to tracking the FTSE 100… it doesn’t eliminate risk. You need to be aware of that.

But by following rule number one – investing in the right sector, at the right time – it’s possible to minimise your losses.

This means you have MORE spare capital to invest when the market is going up. Which in turn leads to even BIGGER returns.

And on that note, how does this strategy perform during the good times?

Well, let’s take a look at how it fared during the final chapter of the most recent bull market.

Now, 2021 already feels like a very long time ago.

But as you may remember, the market couldn’t get enough of tech stocks, clean energy stocks and cryptos.

Strange as it may seem, the FTSE 100 wasn’t on their buy list. Because it returned a relative underwhelming 2%.

And whilst that would have turned your £50k into £50,500…

My “rulebook” – applied in back testing – would have made you a nice 10% return, turning your £50,000 into £55,000. A meaningful boost to your pot.

Calculated using back testing. Simulated past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Figures do not take into account any investing costs or taxes.

So, there you have it.

With this approach, making money through ALL market environments is entirely possible. The big banks do it. I’ve done it. And now my son is doing it too.

Not only could you preserve your capital in the bad times… you could outperform in the good times.

Forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results.

And in just a second, I’m going to show you a very straightforward way to follow my rulebook yourself.

  • Follow my lead and you’ll know which phase of the business cycle we’re in…
  • Which sectors are poised to outperform…
  • And which stocks to buy for the chance to take advantage of that outperformance.
  • With all that in place, you stand very good odds of enjoying the sorts of consistent returns that I’ve just showed you.

First, let me run you through my second rule…

RULE #2:
Cut your risk down to the bone… WITHOUT reducing your returns

My second rule allows you to take advantage of what’s known as “the only free lunch in finance”.

It’s the easiest, simplest way to lower your risk… WITHOUT compromising on potential upside.

And a concept that won the Nobel Prize for economics back in 1991.

I’m talking about creating an efficiently diversified portfolio.

The theory is simple…

If you spread your eggs across various baskets, you can make as much money as if you’d just put it all in one single basket – but without running the risk of ruining yourself if your single bet fails to work out.

In fact, look at this study from BlackRock. It’s pitting the S&P 500 index against a fully diversified portfolio.

It found that had you put $100,000 into each strategy, not only would you have lost LESS money during downturns…

Overall, you’d have made more money, too – $20,000 more to be exact. And you’d have done so whilst taking on LESS risk.

As a professional investor, this is a principle I just cannot ignore. It’s a complete no-brainer. It’s just that most people have no idea how to do it properly.

Because a lot of people don’t know that the FTSE 100 is a poorly diversified index.

In fact, five companies make up nearly one whole third of the index. So if you think you’re investing equally in 100 companies when investing in the FTSE 100, you’re not.

You’ve got huge exposure to just five companies.

Fortunately, I have spent decades mastering the art of creating efficiently diversified portfolios for the investment research departments of the foremost investment banks in the world… and some of UK’s wealthiest family offices.

This is a core tenet of the strategy I’m using to manage my son’s money. The same strategy that, in historical testing, is proven to outperform any other low-risk strategy you can throw at it…

Whether it’s putting your money in the bank…

Into 10-year gilts…

Or a 5-year savings bond…

Calculated using back testing. Simulated past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Figures do not take into account any investing costs or taxes. Investing your money is riskier than putting your money into savings.

You could beat them all by following my rules.

Forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results.

And today, I want to help you use the very same rules to manage YOUR family money.

I’ll tell you exactly which phase of the business cycle I think we’re in at any one time.

I’ll tell you exactly what to buy, including the specific allocation each stock should take in your portfolio...

To ensure your portfolio is properly diversified.

And when the macro environment changes, I’ll tell you exactly how to adjust your portfolio. So you’ll always be owning what I believe are the strongest stocks at the best time.

How am I going to do that?

I began this presentation speaking about the responsibility I have as a father of four children.

But at the start of the year I took on an additional responsibility.

I became investment director here at Southbank Investment Research.

And that led me to feel responsible not just for my kids…

But for YOU.

That’s why, over the last twelve months I have been hard at work on a special new venture. I’ve been crunching the numbers late into the night. I’ve hired an experienced research assistant to get this just right.

I’ve been fine tuning the strategy that has worked so well for me over the years, so that you can follow it in a very simple way, alongside me.

Today, I’m doing something that’s never been done before at Southbank Investment Research.

I’m launching a completely NEW arm of our company.

Today, I’d like to invite you to become a founder member of…


Southbank Wealth Advantage is my very first advisory service here at Southbank Investment Research.

And my mission is simple:

To allow you to benefit from the very same strategy that I’m using to manage my family’s money.

Just as with my son’s money, I’ll be doing ALL of the work.

I’ll be showing you how to construct your ENTIRE core investment portfolio – step by step.

Fully diversified, exploiting the potential outperformance if the right sector at the right time.

The idea is to grow your pot, every year, by a good margin more than the FTSE 100. And to do so whilst taking on less risk.

Forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results.

What will that look like?

Well, it starts today, with me sending you this special report: The Butler Family Portfolio.

As I said earlier, you’ll learn the name and ticker symbols of every stock my rulebook is highlighting to buy right now.

Along with how much of your pot you should devote to each.

Now, of course, how much you decide to invest in total is completely down to you and how much capital you can afford to invest. Your money is always at risk when you invest – there are no guarantees.

Whether you have £1,000 to invest… £10,000… £100,000… or £1 million or more…

This strategy is designed to keep your wealth growing consistently, and steadily.

And to do so through ALL market conditions.

That’s why I call it the “Retirement Accelerator” algorithm.

As I said the idea here is that this is a “hands-off” portfolio. We’ll be rebalancing every six months. And outside of that, we’ll make changes to the portfolio as and when the business cycle changes.

If you’re like me, you’ll be a stickler for detail.

So, if you want to learn everything you can about this strategy I also want to send you this special three-part document: The Wealthmaker Rulebook.

This is a deep dive into the Wealth Advantage strategy.

I reveal how to determine where we are in the business cycle.

I delve into the mathematics that goes into constructing a diversified portfolio.

And how to spot emerging megatrends.

This report won’t just improve your understanding of financial markets. It will improve your understanding of the way the world works.

And it’s all yours when you accept your founding membership to Southbank Wealth Advantage.

Following on from that, every month you’ll receive a new issue from me.

Your monthly issue will include updates on any changes to the portfolio, as and when we make them. It will also include a full breakdown of the positions we’re selling and the positions we’re buying. This way you’ll never be left wondering what you should be invested in.

Every month, you’ll also hear my market commentary about where we are in the business cycle. How I see that changing in the coming months. And how the megatrends we’re invested in are playing out.

You’ll be able to access all of these materials through the exclusive members’ area.

It’s a password-protected portal where you can access all of the videos, reports and updates in Southbank Wealth Advantage.

But that’s not all. Every month, you’ll also have a chance to speak to me personally.

Because I’ll be holding a monthly Zoom Q&A call where, outside of tailored investment advice, you’ll be able to ask me anything and everything.

Whether you want to know about the macroenvironment… a particular megatrend… any of the stocks in the portfolio…

Or perhaps you’ve booked a family trip to my hometown of San Francisco and you want to know the best hiking trails…

I’ve got you covered!

And if you have any other questions in the meantime, you’ll also have a dedicated email address to contact me on.

I want to do everything I can, personally, to ensure you make the most out of this service.

I know first-hand just how profitable this strategy can be.

It’s turned £10,000 into £177,000 in my historical testing.

Calculated using back testing. Simulated past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Figures do not take into account any investing costs or taxes.

It’s delivered for me personally for the last 20 years.

I’m so confident in it that I’m using it with my son’s money.

And I think you can see that it could make you a lot of money over the years ahead.

The kind of money that could give you real peace of mind.

So, it’s natural to ask:

Is it expensive to join Southbank Wealth Advantage?

Not at all.

I’m going against the grain here, I know.

Usually, access to this sort of investment intelligence comes at quite a cost.

Working at Deutsche Bank, I can tell you first-hand, I ran investment teams that cost us tens of thousands of euros a month… just to produce the level of insight and guidance I’ll be sharing in Southbank Wealth Advantage.

And you can forget about big wealth funds – the other sort of big hitters who might run a strategy like this. They require you to invest six figures, just to get through the door.

So, it’s fair to say that in the “normal world” the strategy that underpins my approach is not just “expensive”… but simply off limits.

Under no other circumstances would you be able to use something like this without shelling out an astronomical amount of money.

But Southbank Investment Research is all about removing barriers to entry. We try to make our work accessible to the man on the street who wants to make the most of their money.

So, we are not pricing membership to this service out of reach.

In fact, our brand-new service is priced much lower than all of our other premium advisories.

That is something I personally insisted on.

You see, when I joined Southbank Investment Research at the turn of the year, I had one driving ambition above all others:

To share the most powerful wealth-building strategies at my disposal with as many of our readers as possible. I want to help the majority of our readership build a “base of wealth”.

That’s the philosophy behind my first service. A core strategy to run in the background of your financial life. Ever present, ever growing. 

In my view EVERY single person reading this presentation, every single one of our readers, should be able to take advantage.

And that means keeping the membership fee as low as possible.

So that’s what we have done.

An annual membership to Southbank Wealth Advantage comes in at just £379.

Considering some wealth managers charge that for just an hour’s consultation, we think it’s a fair price.

Just £379 for access to the same wealth-building approach that has become the backbone of the City, Wall St and my own prosperous investing life.

The same strategy I am now passing on to my eldest son.

The same simple-to-follow-strategy that could have turned a starting pot of £10,000 into £177,000 over the last 12 years – according to my extensive back-testing.

Calculated using back testing. Simulated past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Figures do not take into account any investing costs or taxes.

That’s great value, I hope you’ll agree.

But that’s NOT what you’ll pay if you can move quickly.

Today, you can become a member of Southbank Wealth Advantage for just £129

That’s a saving of £250 on the full price…

A special deal to celebrate the launch of this exciting new advisory service. The only one of its kind anywhere in the UK, to my knowledge.

Take up my offer and you’ll pay the equivalent of just 35p a day – for a service capable of making a profound and lasting impact on your family wealth.

(About the same cost as buying a pack of Wrigley’s chewing gum every morning.)

What’s more, I’d also like to make membership available to you without any financial commitment.

That means you get to “look under the hood” before you become a full member.

Join today and you’ll have a 30-day grace period. You’ll be afforded a whole month to review the service. Read the strategy report. Take a look at my investment recommendations. Receive the inaugural issue. Take part in our special Q&A, just for charter members.

If you like what you see, you don’t have to do a thing. You’ll automatically become a full annual member after 30 days.

But if you don’t think my new service is for you – it’s not a problem. Just call our customer care team on 0203 966 4580 inside 30 days. They’ll issue you a full refund, no questions asked.

So, snap it up now.

I know some people could take advantage of this offer.

They’ll sign up, download everything, and then cancel. We always get a few of those. But despite that, I’d like you to be able to see what you’re getting.

I think that’s a fair deal. The kind of deal I’d like, if I were in your shoes.

Let me quickly recap what you’ll get as a new member:

  • Benefit #1: The Butler Family Portfolio
  • Benefit #2: The Wealthmaker Rulebook
  • Benefit #3: Monthly Q&A Session
  • Benefit #4: The inaugural issue of Southbank Wealth Advantage and one full issue a month, should you stay on
  • Benefit #5: Timely updates on our investment positions
  • Benefit #6: Access to the exclusive members area
  • Benefit #7: An exclusive email address to contact me personally

All of that is yours – invaluable material to improve your investing life.

You can do that now by clicking that button below.

Remember, your first 30 days are like a test-drive, fully covered by our rock solid, money-back guarantee.

Claim your discount now by clicking on the button below.

Click here to claim your discount now

Before I go today, I'd like to thank you for reading.

I’m very proud to be able to share this strategy directly with you.

Over the years I have returned to it again and again.

Having it running in the background has been a great source of comfort for me, and my family.

As I said earlier, following this strategy allowed me to pay for the best education for my children.

Money isn’t the be all and end all in life, of course. But let’s be honest, not being able to pursue your interests, travel the world or indulge in a few luxuries certainly has an impact on the quality of your life.

None of us are getting any younger (more’s the pity). So it’s important that the financial plans we have in place actually deliver. That’s why I call this strategy my “Retirement Accelerator” algorithm.

Today, I’ve shown you just how well this approach performed in back testing over the last 10 years or so.

And I have every reason to believe it will deliver to a similar degree over the next 10 years.

If that sort of impressive, lower-risk, low-stress wealth accumulation appeals to you… then let’s get you on board.

Click on the button below to join the Southbank Wealth Advantage.

Click here to claim your discount now

You’ll have 30 days to decide if it’s for you. And you’ll have access to everything you need to start growing your wealth, year in year out, with this strategy.

I think you’re going to thank yourself for it down the line.

Now, before I go, there is a final key component – an unbreakable rule that I follow in my investing strategy. One that gives me even more confidence that this approach will deliver.

RULE #3:
Use megatrends to squeeze even more juice out of your portfolio

Investing using the two rules I have just laid out could be VERY profitable for you.

But it would be remiss of me NOT to tell you about my third and final rule.

Because the fact is…

There is an opportunity to outperform the market by an even wider margin.

Now, as I said earlier, my first rule allows you to take advantage of the business cycle – the natural, repeating ebb and flow of markets. And one of the main drivers of stock market returns.

But there’s another force that drives stock market returns. And it acts completely OUTSIDE of the business cycle.

I’m talking about megatrends.

Megatrends are the large, transformational forces that define the future and go on to change the way we live.

They tend to impact everyone. And everything.

And if you can invest in the companies benefitting from those megatrends you stand to make a lot of money.

Some examples of megatrends include:

The ageing population in the Western world. Stemming from increased life expectancy and declining birth rates, the Western world’s older population is rapidly growing.

This has led to outsized performance for many healthcare companies.

For example, Pfizer has grown from just 80 cents per share in the early 1990s to $26 today – a 3,000% gain.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five-year performance of Pfizer: 2019 +48.8% | 2020 +28.69% | 2021 -0.39% | 2022 -11.18% | 2023 -2.7%

Then you’ve got the rise of the middle class in emerging markets, like China, India and Southeast Asia.

These countries’ cultural affinity for gold helped send its price from just over $250 in year 2000 to over $2,400 today. A 860% gain.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.

And of course there’s the rise of e-commerce and digital transactions, which led Amazon to grow from a split adjusted 7.4 cents per share at its IPO to the $184 it sits at today…

Which is more than a 24,000% gain.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five-year performance of Amazon: 2019 +23.03% | 2020 +76.26% | 2021 +2.38% | 2022 -49.62% | 2023 +80.88%

As you can see, there is serious profit to be had from taking advantage of megatrends.

Which is why, in Southbank Wealth Advantage, I will devote a small portion of capital to investing in the megatrends of today.

Now, let me be clear: this does NOT mean making risky speculation of small caps or penny stocks.

The stocks I’ll select are all large-cap, lower-risk companies…

Yet, each of them is poised to benefit greatly from the most impactful long-term megatrends in the world today.

I can’t wait for you to see precisely WHICH stocks I’ve selected for the portfolio.

You can find out the names and ticker symbols of those stocks…

Along with the rest of the portfolio…

And have the chance to use the same strategy.

By clicking the button below NOW.

Join Southbank Wealth Advantage now

Remember: this special deal saves you £250.

You’re also backed by my 30-day, money-back guarantee.

If for any reason during that time, you decide the service isn’t for you, no problem.

Contact the customer service team. And you’ll receive a prompt refund in full.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this presentation.

I’m serious about helping my son grow his money. Year in, year out.

And I’m serious about helping you use the same strategy to grow your wealth, too.

Everything I’ve shown you today proves that…

I’ve shown you how the biggest financial institutions in the world are using it to grow the bulk of their wealth…

Simulated past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.

How, in historical testing, it's proven to beat the FTSE 100 by 7-to-1…

And how it could have multiplied your money by more than ten times over the last 12 years…

But now, it’s over to you.

Click the button below to get started immediately.

I’m John Butler and I thank you for your time today. 

Join Southbank Wealth Advantage now

Best wishes,

John Butler
Founder, Southbank Wealth Advantage

The backtesting for The Southbank Wealth Advantage is conducted using total return data sourced from Koyfin.

  1. FTSE100 constituent companies are sorted into their respective sectors
  2. The average total return for each company in each sector is calculated for each calendar year, and ranked
  3. The average total return for the top five best-performing sectors is calculated for each calendar year
  4. The cumulative total return of always and only holding the top five sectors in each calendar year—20% allocated to each—is calculated and then reinvested accordingly each year
  5. This is then compared to the ishares FTSE100 tracker ETF (CUKX.L) total return reinvested for each calendar year

Important Risk Warnings:

Advice in The Southbank Wealth Advantage does not constitute a personal recommendation. Any advice should be considered in relation to your own circumstances, risk tolerance and investment objectives.

Before investing you should carefully consider the risks involved, including those described below. If you have any doubt as to suitability or taxation implications, seek independent financial advice.

Your capital is at risk when you invest, never risk more than you can afford to lose. Simulated past performance and forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results. Bid/offer spreads, commissions, fees and other charges can reduce returns from investments. There is no guarantee dividends will be paid.

Profits from share dealing are a form of income and subject to taxation. Tax treatment depends on individual circumstances and may be subject to change.

Investment director: John Butler. Editors or contributors may have an interest in shares recommended. Information and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of other editors/contributors of Southbank Investment Research Limited. Full details of our complaints procedure, privacy policy and terms and conditions can be found at, www.southbankresearch.com.

The Southbank Wealth Advantage contains regulated content and is issued by Southbank Investment Research Limited.

Registered in England and Wales No 9539630. VAT No GB629 7287 94. Registered office: Basement, 95 Southwark Street, London SE1 0HX.

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To contact customer services, please call us on 0203 966 4580, Monday to Friday, 9.00am - 5.30pm.

Southbank Investment Research Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FCA No 706697. https://register.fca.org.uk/.

© 2024 Southbank Investment Research Limited.


  1. Data source: Koyfin
  2. Yahoo Finance
  3. Morningstar
  4. Allianz - Allianz reports record operating profit – 17 February 2023
  5. Financial Times - Citadel breaks records with $16bn profit – 23 January 2023
  6. The Guardian - ‘We’ve had a run on champagne:’ Biggest UK banker bonuses since financial crash – 16 February 2022
  7. CNBC Ken Griffin’s hedge fund Citadel is up again in 2023 following a record year – 3 March 2023
  8. Bloomberg - Paul Tudor Jones Says Investors in Tough Spot With Fed in New Era – 3 May 2022
  9. Zero Hedge – The top performing S&P500 sectors over the Business Cycle
  10. Insider - Britain's stock market just had its worst year since the financial crisis – 30 December 2015
  11. Financial Samurai - 2018 S&P 500 Return: Worst Year Since The Financial Crisis
  12. Blackrock - Diversifying investments – accessed Sept 2023
  13. Nationwide - Compare Savings Accounts & ISAs – accessed Sept 2023
  14. Bloomberg - United Kingdom Rates & Bonds – accessed Sept 2023
  15. Moneyfacts Compare - Best 5 Year Fixed Rate Bonds – accessed Sept 2023
