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The following promotion is not investment advice. Your capital is at risk when you invest, never risk more than you can afford to lose. If you are unsure whether this type of investing is right for you, seek independent personal financial advice. Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future results.


Here’s how you could turn £100 into £1,000
from the largest rollout of the next decade

Sam Volkering
Editor, Southbank Investment Research

Dear Reader,

We are standing at the brink of what Morgan Stanley calls a multitrillion dollar “Nuclear Renaissance”.

And in this presentation, my sole intention is to get you IN on it…

By giving you the details of the three stocks I believe will soar hardest and fastest in this boom.

You see, right now, governments, banks, and the biggest companies in the world are ALL pressing the nuclear button.

I’m serious.

At the latest UN Climate Summit, no less than 22 countries – including the United States, Japan, France and right here in the UK – ALL signed a legally binding declaration to TRIPLE nuclear energy production.

Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, Barclays and BNP Paribas have ALL pledged their support for nuclear.

And in a watershed moment, Microsoft has inked a deal to ‘reboot’ the infamous Three Mile Island nuclear plant. A deal said to create 3,400 jobs and create $16 billon in wealth.

Given this, it’s no wonder the International Energy Agency forecasts energy production to reach record breaking levels next year.

It’s also no wonder nuclear stocks are going through the roof.

I’m talking about stocks like BWX Technologies soaring 47%...

Source: Koyfin
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
BWX Technologies (BWX): 2019 +64.16% | 2020 -1.68% | 2021 -19.18% | 2022 +23.14% | 2023 +33.69% | 2024 YTD +42.60%

Constellation Energy rising 134%...

Source: Koyfin
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Constellation Energy (CEG): 2019 n/a | 2020 n/a | 2021 n/a | 2022 n/a | 2023 +36.90% | 2024 YTD +123.35%

And Rolls Royce – which is up 138%.

Source: Koyfin
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Rolls Royce Holdings (RR): 2019 -16.28% | 2020 -52.55% | 2021 +10.45% | 2022 -24.15% | 2023 +221.57% | 2024 YTD +75.91%

With emissions targets to meet…

Rising tensions in the middle east…

And the tech world in a mad scramble to buy as many energy hungry AI processors as they can…

Governments, mega corporations and institutions are realising nuclear isn’t just the best solution for their energy needs.

It could be the only solution.

A cheap, emissions-free source of energy that – unlike every other clean energy source on the planet – provides constant, round the clock power.

If you’ve been following my work, there’s one thing you’ll know.

I predicted all of this earlier this year.

Back in April, I released a presentation where I said that the nuclear sector is about to turn from a rising market… into a BOOMING market.

But with 491 reactors, across 35 countries, slated for construction, mark my words:

What we’re seeing here are the early stages of what could be one of the greatest wealth creation events of this generation.

So how do you play it?

Well, it starts with showing you what I believe is – hands down – the best nuclear play in the world today.

A project that ChatGPT’s genius creator is pioneering…

Which one Nobel Prize winning physicist has said has “changed everything.”

And which Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are all backing with more than $1 billion of their own money.

So if you want to take maximum financial advantage of an opportunity estimated to be worth $100 trillion…

All you have to do is sit right there, and I’ll show you how.

Drive over the Menai Suspension Bridge to the Isle of Anglesey off the coast of Wales, and you’ll see historic castles, working windmills, and award-winning beaches.

But continue north-east to the most remote part of the Island…

And suddenly – as if from nowhere – you’ll encounter one of the most heavily fortified facilities in Britain.

Source: UK government agencies, OGL 3 , via Wikimedia Commons

In this facility, every single inch is closely monitored by remote surveillance cameras.

Its perimeter is lined by miles of impregnable reinforced concrete walls.

And if you step a single foot within a one-mile radius of this area, expect to hear the whir of a combat drone above your head…

Followed by the footsteps of an armed police squad closing in on you – leaving no room to escape.

And for a very good reason.

You see, strange as it may sound, this facility is inextricably linked to a new project being rolled out by ChatGPT’s billionaire creator.

I call it “Project Aurora”.

And it could soon change your life in a very profound way.

In fact, a Nobel Prize winning physicist has confirmed it. He says the technology behind it has…

“Changed everything”.

By now, you’ve no doubt heard of ChatGPT…

The revolutionary AI software that can talk to humans… write original screenplays… generate computer code… and even pass university medical exams.

MIT credits its launch for sparking a newindustrial revolution”.

And in the process, it has triggered a bull market for AI stocks.

Over the last year, you may well have seen stocks like Nvidia soar 183%...

Source: Koyfin
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five year performance of Nvidia (NVDA): 2019 +76.73% | 2020 +122.20% | 2021 +125.41% | 2022 -50.26% | 2023 +238.98%

Soundhound AI surge 139%...

Source: Koyfin
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five year performance of SoundHound AI (SOUN): 2019 n/a | 2020 | n/a | 2021 n/a | 2022 n/a | 2023 +19.77% | 2024 +119.81%

And Super Micro Computer return 420%...

Source: Koyfin
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five year performance of Super Micro Computer Inc (SMCI): 2019 +74.06% | 2020 +30.81 | 2021 +38.82% | 2022 +86.8% | 2023 +246.24% | 2024 (YTD) +46.49% 

But what’s planned inside this facility on the Isle of Anglesey could have a far greater impact than ChatGPT or any AI application.

It could soon radically alter your life – changing the way you commute to work… the food you buy at the grocery store… the way you spend your weekend.

And at the same time, give you the chance to take part in one of the most lucrative stories in British history.

Because while Bloomberg predicts the market for AI will grow 20-fold into a $1.3 trillion industry  by 2032 …

Project Aurora is poised to take advantage of an investment opportunity worth an estimated $100 TRILLION.

Already, some of the smartest – and richest – billionaires in the world are moving their money into the technology behind Project Aurora.

Richard Branson…

Jeff Bezos…

Former Alibaba CEO Jack Ma…

They’re ALL backing it with more than $1 billion of their own money.

Even famed technophobe Warren Buffett is invested in it.

He’s entered into a $1 billion joint venture with Bill Gates to take advantage of this new technology.

Thanks to their superior connections, these billionaires are all used to investing in the most lucrative opportunities on the market – well before the wider investing crowd.

And today, you’re going to learn how to invest alongside them.

Over the next few minutes, I’ll show you exactly what Project Aurora is and what’s going on inside this high security facility.

I’ll show you why a recent report from the New York Times said Project Aurora “can save the world”…

I’ll reveal why Time magazine says it is the “only solution” for one of mankind’s greatest challenges.

But most importantly, I’ll share the three specific steps you can take right now to potentially profit from this epic market story.

That starts with telling you exactly what Project Aurora is. Along with the details on a key supplier to Project Aurora that could turn £100 into £1,000. ChatGPT’s creator has personally invested his own capital in the company behind Project Aurora. An investment that could amount to as much as $200 million.

I expect it to add hundreds of millions more to his billion-dollar net worth.

And if you follow suit – with as little as £10 per share – I’m confident you could make serious gains.


Forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results.

But if you DO want to invest in Project Aurora…

Be sure to keep reading to get the full details right away.

Because this official document, filed with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission…

Means that any time now, the tiny $8 company behind Project Aurora could go VERTICAL.

Means that any time between now and August 12th, the tiny $10 company behind Project Aurora could go VERTICAL.

My name, by the way, is Sam Volkering. I’m the Chief Technology Analyst at Southbank Investment Research – the UK’s oldest independent investment research firm.

I’ve been investing in and analysing companies for more than 20 years. Throughout my career I’ve focussed on doing just one thing:

Getting my 40,000 followers in on the most lucrative tech trends in the market.

For example, I first bought bitcoin for $12 and Ethereum for $10. I recommended those investments to my subscribers as soon as I could.

They’re both currently up by more than 4,800% in our portfolio.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five year performance of Bitcoin: 2019 +92.65% | 2020 +303.09% | 2021 +59.71% | 2022 -64.27% | 2023 +155.9%

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five year performance of Ethereum: 2019 -8% | 2020 +397.02% | 2021 +492.34% | 2022 -68.26% | 2023 +91.8%

I also got my readers in on the EV boom – with my recommendation, Quantumscape – when hardly anyone was talking about it.

Source: Koyfin
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five year performance of Quantumscape Corp (QS): 2019 n/a | 2020 n/a | 2021 -73.94% | 2022 -75.98% | 2023 +15.62%

And I did the same with Nvidia – the biggest winner of the AI boom. Except I recommended my followers in Australia buy the company a decade ago, getting them in on a 1,400% gain.

I’ve also written two top-selling books. In 2017, I wrote “Crypto Revolution” – which went onto to become one of the world’s best-selling introductions to cryptocurrencies. And in 2022, the world’s largest asset manager – Fidelity – turned to me to write the follow up: “The Crypto Handbook”.

Over the last decade, I’ve alerted my followers to every big market trend you can think to name. Telehealth, quantum computing, the legalisation of cannabis, autonomous vehicles, genetic editing and many more.

In fact, you can see some of the notes they’ve sent me below.

“My subscription has been one of the best investments I have ever made. Thank you for your & team's great work”


“Thanks, Sam. I definitely earned more after 40 weeks in crypto than I did after 40 years in business.”


“I am delighted with the amazing increase in value (approx. +450% overall, at the moment) of your recommendations.”


Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.

But enough talk of my followers’ success.

I’m here to talk about you. And how three simple steps you take today could be the best financial moves you EVER make.

Because the fact is, while most people are fixated on the AI story right now…

Destined to get in on oversold stocks that have already made their big moves…

They’re missing out on what I believe is the REAL tech story of the decade – Project Aurora.

So let’s get started with that story. First, by introducing our protagonist: Silicon Valley’s heir apparent, Sam Altman.

You might have heard of him already… or maybe this is the first time you’ve heard his name.

Either way, Altman is about to become the most influential figure of the 21st century so far.

The king is dead, long live the king

Every so often, Silicon Valley anoints a new poster boy.

A business leader that garners legions of fans… generates outsized returns for investors… and above all, pioneers the technologies that drive society forward.

In the 90’s, you had Bill Gates making computers accessible to millions.

He drove society into the digital age. And since its IPO in 1986, his company, Microsoft, has delivered a 712,534% gain. According to Gates own estimates, its created over 12,000 millionaire employees off the back of the stock’s growth alone.

Source: Koyfin
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five year performance of Microsoft: 2019 +57.12% | 2020 +42.37% | 2021 +52.24% | 2022 +27.94% | 2023 +57.96%

In the 2000s, you had Steve Jobs putting millions of songs into people’s pockets with the iPod. And then putting a computer into the palm of millions of people’s hands with the iPhone.

In doing so, he turned Apple from a company on the brink of bankruptcy into the most valuable company on the world. In fact, had you bought Apple when Jobs returned to the company as CEO in 1997, you’d now be sitting on a 136,000% return.

Source: Koyfin
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five year performance of Apple: 2019 +88.09% | 2020 +81.85% | 2021 +34.48% | 2022 -26.32% | 2023 +48.91%

Through his company SpaceX, Musk has drastically reduced the cost of space travel. Through Tesla, he’s pioneered the proliferation of electric cars. And made investors who got in on its IPO returns of 10,626%.

Source: Koyfin
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five year performance of Tesla Inc (TSLA): 2019 +25.7% | 2020 +743.44% | 2021 +49.76% | 2022 -63.03% | 2023 +101.72%

But now, the changing of guard is underway once again.

Silicon Valley has anointed its new king.

Sam Altman

That man is Sam Altman.

And boy does this kid have the Midas touch.

At the age of 19, Altman raised $30 million for his first company.

At 26, he sold that company for $43 million.

Then at the ripe old age of 28, Altman became CEO of Y-Combinator – a start-up accelerator that Wired Magazine calls “legendary”…

Under Altman’s tenure, Y-Combinator gave birth to billion-dollar unicorns like Substack… Monzo… Coinbase… and The Athletic.

But its what Altman did next that he’s most well known for.

Because at the age of 29 Altman co-founded an AI company called OpenAI…

And not long after, he changed the world with this tweet:

Source: x.com

Since then, ChatGPT has become a global phenomenon. Think of Altman’s invention like ‘the iPhone for AI’. The entry-point for the masses to start using the technology.

Lawyers, doctors, writers, coders and small business owners have all used it to make their own lives easier…

Corporations around the world have scrambled to use AI in their own businesses…

“More Than 80% of Companies Have Adopted AI in Some Way”

- Forbes

And as a result, ChatGPT has tripled its valuation to $80 billion.

With the launch of ChatGPT, Altman has already written himself into Silicon Valley’s history books, taking his place alongside the likes of Jobs, Musk and Gates.

But what most people don’t know…

Is that alongside OpenAI, Altman has another project, getting far less publicity…

An astonishing breakthrough that could be far more impactful for society than ChatGPT.

In fact, Altman has personally said it is “the single technological development [that could] help the most people in the world.”

And I think he’s right.

In many ways it will make our lives much better…

It could be about to drastically lower the price of almost everything, from your energy bill… to your next car… to your next coffee when you’re out and about.

It could save millions of lives world-wide…

And add years to your life expectancy.

Now, given just how impactful this new breakthrough could be…

It won’t surprise you to know I am NOT the only person who has spotted what Sam Altman is doing.

I’ve already told you about billionaires like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffett putting in their buy orders.

Stocks linked to Project Aurora are already beginning to move.

Like this company that supplies a component related to the tech behind Altman’s new project. Up 262%.

Source: Koyfin
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five year performance of Cauldron Energy (UFX): 2019 -34.62% | 2020 +117.65% | 2021 -32.43% | 2022 -92% | 2023 +1,100%

Here’s another supplier of a key resource related to his project that’s up 92%...

Source: Koyfin
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five year performance of Boss Energy: unavailable

And this company that provides the fuel for the tech related to Altman’s new project is up 93%.

Source: Koyfin
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five year performance of Cameco Corp (CCO): 2019 -24.94% | 2020 +48.44% | 2021 +62.23% | 2022 +11.71% | 2023 +85.54%

But as I’m about to show you this could be just the beginning.

Because Project Aurora could be about to make those moves look like a drop in the ocean.

Forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results.

Because any day now, a market event – signed into law by President Joe Biden – could send the company behind Project Aurora soaring like a surface-to-air missile.

In a moment I’ll show you how you could position yourself ahead of these potential moves.

Specifically, I’m going to reveal the details of the company behind Project Aurora…

Forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results.

Along with a key supplier to Project Aurora that could ALSO see gains as high as 900%.

So, the big question is:

What the heck is Project Aurora?

And what’s going on in this maximum-security site on the Isle of Anglesey?

Well, the fact is, this site is one of many that are being developed in countries across the world.

Sites like this are going up in China, Russia, Argentina, France, Canada, Turkey and even Estonia.

And then of course there’s this one at the National Laboratory in Idaho. Once its finished, it’ll look like a futuristic Ski Chalet.

Source: NEA (2020), Oklo Aurora powerhouse rendering, OECD Publishing, Paris

But it’s far more important than that.

You see, it’s on this site that Sam Altman is turning his attention AWAY from ChatGPT…

Towards the biggest challenge facing our lives today.

I’m talking about our society’s insatiable thirst for energy.

Now, I don’t need to tell you that energy has dominated the news cycle in recent years.

First off, the climate change movement has built up unprecedented momentum. We’ve seen the rise of controversial climate change activists like Greta Thunberg, Extinction Rebellion, and Just Stop Oil. This has created extraordinary pressure on governments to lower carbon emissions.

Secondly, just last year, Putin cut off natural gas supplies to much of Europe.

It’s made energy security a top priority for governments.

And at the same time, sent our energy bills through the roof.

In fact, even despite a recent drop, energy prices in the UK are still more than DOUBLE the historic average.

Now, to the uninitiated, these may look like two isolated problems.

But it may surprise you to know…

That these are actually symptoms of a far deeper problem.

I’m talking about the fact that society’s demand for energy is growing faster than it ever has done before.

And that it’s about to get MUCH worse.

To illustrate exactly what I mean, take a look at this chart…

As you can see, right the way through human history, energy consumption has only ever trended one way…


Since the end of World War II, the world’s demand for energy has increased more than SIX-FOLD.

And it will only continue to accelerate.


Because the sole driver of energy demand – over the long term – has little to do with geopolitics, the weather or consumer behaviour patterns.

Instead, it comes down to one thing…

New technology.

Think about it.

If there’s one enduring quality human beings possess, it’s the innate instinct to improve one’s own condition.

I’m talking about the instinct to advance. To innovate. To move forward.

And if you look back through history…

Every single one of humanity’s major innovations has resulted in a huge increase in energy usage.

Take the steam engine for example.

James Watt’s ‘Watt Engine’ ushered in the era of steam powered agriculture. Allowing food to be produced on a much larger scale for a fraction of the price.

It also revolutionised the textile industry. Leading high-quality clothes, household linens and a range of other products to become accessible to people on an entirely new scale.

And of course, it led to the proliferation of the railway system. It transformed trade and travel by providing a faster, more reliable, and efficient means of moving goods and people.

It triggered a huge leap in productivity.

But what was the upshot of this huge increase in productivity?

An insane increase in coal production.

In 1750, seven years before the Watt engine, UK coal production stood at just 5 million tonnes.

But by the time Watt’s engine was being rolled out across the country, in 1863, it had reached 106 million tonnes.

Another prime example is the silicon microchip. And how it kickstarted the personal computing revolution.

You see, for much of its life, the word computer referred to a room-sized mainframe accessible to just a handful of institutions and conglomerates.

But on March 24th 1959, Jack S. Kilby filed US patent #3,138 ,743 – the solid integrated circuit. Or as you likely know it, the silicon microchip.

The advent of the microchip ushered in Moore’s Law. From that point on, computing power DOUBLED every two years.

And over the course of just a few decades, computers went from being the size of a room…

To something you could have on your desk…

To eventually being the size of the palm of your hand.

People quickly began using computers for work, entertainment, communication and education.

And Bill Gates followed through on his vision to “put a computer in every home.”

The knock-on effect of this, of course, was a drastic increase in energy consumption.

Case in point, in 1951 there were only about a dozen computers in the United States. Those computers would have had a combined power usage of 276 kilowatts – enough to power around 700 homes for a year.

But today, computers are ubiquitous. And they consume 10,733 terawatt hours every year – enough to power 1 BILLION homes.

Fast forward to today and what are we seeing?

Exactly the same phenomenon with Sam Altman’s ChatGPT.

Think about it.

AI’s increased efficiency in mining and processing data made ChatGPT the fastest growing app of all time.

But the advance of AI has led to an explosion in demand for highly energy intensive computer processors.

How much energy demand is this creating?

One PhD candidate at the University of Amsterdam has crunched the numbers.

He estimates that if Google switched its entire business to AI, it would end up using more electricity than the whole of Ireland!

And remember, that’s just one company. And one technology.

Over the coming years, a plethora of game-changing technologies will roll out.

Autonomous vehicles. VR. 3D Printing. Quantum computing.

All of these technologies will drive an insane demand for power.

Given this, you can likely see why the International Energy Outlook has forecast global energy demand to increase by 47% by 2050. An increase of 84,000 terrawatt hours.

To put that into perspective, that’s like adding the energy consumption of 54 Americas to the global energy grid.

There’s no doubt about it.

The world needs energy.

Cheap… low emissions… safe energy.

We’re never going to consume LESS energy, let’s face it.

So the answer to this problem is going to come from the very thing that created it: breakthrough technology.

And that’s where Sam Altman comes in.

Because Sam Altman is in the process of rolling out an energy generation breakthrough that could solve the world’s energy needs.

And any day now, a landmark government decision could make this energy breakthrough exponentially more valuable.

And I think it’s going to catch a lot of people by surprise.

One group of people it won’t surprise, though, are the governments of the world.

Because they’re ALREADY committing themselves to using the energy that Altman’s new project generates.

In fact, they’re investing a titanic amount of cash to drive a full-blown rollout.

The US is in.

It’s spending more than $6 billion on this energy source. Joe Biden’s climate advisor, Gina McCarthy, has said the use of it is “absolutely essential”.

China is in.

It’s in the process of building 24 power plants that use this energy source.

India is in.

It’s expecting to have nine power plants operational in the near future, with 12 more cleared for construction.

Korea is in, too.

The South Korean government wants this energy source to power a full third of the country’s energy needs by 2030.

The UK is also in. Our government has planned for this energy source to make up a third of the UK’s energy mix. In fact, Rishi Sunak has said that it is…

“The perfect antidote to the energy challenges facing Britain – it’s green, cheaper in the long term and will ensure the UK’s energy security for the long-term,”

And that is just the tip of the iceberg…

Every year, major world leaders convene together for something called the COP Conference.

An international meeting organised to shape global energy policy.

And at the most recent meeting, no less than 22 countries signed this legally binding declaration:

It commits each country to making this energy source a major part of its energy policy.

Japan, Canada, Russia, Finland, Mexico, France, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, the Netherlands…

There’s a list as long as my arm of countries making the switchover.

And the reason is simple.

It is objectively superior to every other energy source in widespread use today.

Specifically, it ticks three crucial checkboxes. Checkboxes that make it the PERFECT energy source.

Checkbox 1:
it’s cheaper and more efficient

“Cheaper than any other energy form known to man”

That’s what former Conservative energy secretary David Howell has to say about this energy source.

What makes it so cheap?

The simple fact that, pound for pound, it produces as much ONE MILLION times more energy than anything else on the market.

Take the average solar farm, for example.

It takes up around 6-8 acres…

The equivalent of four and a half Tottenham Hotspur stadiums placed side-by-side against each other.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

And how many homes can that solar farm power?

About 600 homes.

Now, to power those same 600 homes, you’d need 2,100 wind turbines…

2,800 barrels of oil…

Or 600,000 kilos of coal which, incidentally, is about the same weight as 200 elephants.

But to power those same 600 homes with the energy source behind Project Aurora…

You’d need just 4.5 kilos – less than the weight of a bag of flour – of this piece of rock on your screen right now:

Source: Wikimedia Commons

And this energy density translates into extreme cost savings.

Finland is a prime example of this.

Mid-way through last year, Finland began operating a brand-new power plant that uses this form of energy.

It made an immediate impact on Finland’s energy costs.

In just one-month, Finnish households saw a 75% reduction in spot electricity prices.


But this energy source isn’t just cheap.

It also ticks another crucial checkbox:

Checkbox 2:
This energy source has ZERO carbon emissions

Don’t worry, the rest of this presentation will NOT be a diatribe about the need to reduce our emissions.

Nor will it be a takedown of the evidence for human caused climate change.

But I think there’s one thing we can all agree on:

That it would be better if our energy usage didn’t harm the planet.

And on that front, I’ve got good news.

Because this energy source produces ZERO carbon emissions.

Bill Gates says that this form of energy is “ideal for dealing with climate change, because it’s the only carbon free, scalable energy source…”

In fact, it’s actually cleaner than other renewable energies in widespread use.

For every terawatt hour of power a solar farm produces, it requires 16 thousand tonnes of metal, concrete, glass and other materials.

A wind farm is slightly better at around 10,000 tonnes per TWh.

But the energy source that Project Aurora uses requires just a quarter of those resources.

As the Ted Nordhaus of the Breakthrough Institute states on an International Monetary Fund podcast…

“It's an amazing technology. It's energy dense. It's zero carbon. It has an extremely small land use footprint. It's extremely efficient in terms of critical minerals, steel, cement, all of the other things that any kind of significant energy infrastructure requires”

And that brings me to our third and final check box.

Checkbox 3:
It solves the ONE fatal flaw that all forms of renewable energy possess

For a second, I want you to imagine that it’s a cold winter’s evening.

You’re sitting in your living room watching the latest episode of The Apprentice.

Lord Sugar raises his hand…

And just when he’s about to utter those famous words, “You’re fired!”, to one of his eager apprentices…

The screen goes blank.

The lights go off.

And for the rest of the evening, you’re left in darkness.

Now it goes without saying that in the UK at least, blackouts are very rare.

But in a world that’s powered entirely by renewables like wind and solar…

Mass, rolling blackouts will become a regular occurrence.


Because solar farms can’t produce power when the sun isn’t shining…

And wind farms can’t produce power when the wind isn’t blowing.

If the grid needs to draw power but there’s no power source to draw it from… there’s only one possible outcome:

Thousands, hundreds of thousands or potentially millions of people left without light, heating and hot water.

Now, it’s important you realise, this isn’t a speculation.

Whilst no region draws all of its energy from renewables yet…

Blackouts are already happening in regions that have invested heavily in renewables.

To see that, we need look no further than the US state of California.

After all, there’s probably no other place in the world more bullish on renewables than the sunshine state.

California gets 36% of its energy from renewables. And it’s on course to hit 85% by 2030.

But its reliance on wind and solar is already causing huge problems.

According to Bloom Energy, in the two years leading up to 2020, California experienced more than 50,000 blackout events.

And this over-reliance on unstable energy sources culminated last summer. California officials were forced to declare a Level 3 Energy Emergency Alert.

In order to prevent what California officials called “widespread rolling blackouts”, the government pleaded with residents to curtail their energy usage at peak times – even offering payouts as an incentive.

Remarkably, in Texas the problems have been even more acute.

Now, Texas is obviously known as the epicentre of the US oil and gas industry.

But Texas has become the nation’s leader in wind generation. It generates more than a quarter of its power from windfarms – more than six times California’s wind capacity.

And this reliance on wind has created a huge weak spot in the Texas power system.

In February 2021, Texas experienced unprecedented winter storms which resulted in the dramatic collapse of Texas’ power grid.

More than 4.3 million homes were left without power for as much as several days.

And at least 246 people lost their lives.

And do you know what many experts attribute the crisis to?

Wind turbines, frozen solid during the wintery storms. Preventing them from generating any power whatsoever.

I think it’s pretty obvious.

The renewables of today are entirely unfit for purpose.

The world needs an energy source that can provide a steady, constant, reliable stream of power.

Renewables like wind and solar are not that power source.

But the energy source that Project Aurora utilises IS that power source.

Not only is it cheap.

Not only does it produce ZERO carbon emissions.

Come rain, wind or shine it produces a 24/7 source of electricity.

It ticks all three checkboxes that make it the ideal energy source for our needs.

Why Suriya Jayanti – MD at investment fund Eney – says it is “the only clean option that can provide full satisfaction for global demand.”

Why The Spectator calls it “the answer to our energy woes”

Why Time Magazine calls it “the only solution” to the energy crisis.

Why CNBC calls it a “$10 trillion energy fix for the planet.”

Why McKinsey said it is “needed now more than ever to meet global net-zero targets”.

And it is why governments – the world over – are building out their nuclear power capacity as quickly as they can.

Here in the UK, the government recently set out its ‘Great British Nuclear’ roadmap. In January, Rishi Sunak declared “the biggest expansion of nuclear power for 70 years”, with plans to quadruple nuclear by 2050..

The United States has proposals and plans for 13 new reactors in its pipeline. And President Joe Biden has just launched a $6 billion investment initiative to support the US nuclear industry – with another TWO BILLION on the way.

Canada is planning to build the world’s biggest nuclear plant. It’s capable of powering around 6 million homes.

India is tripling its nuclear capacity. Its government plans to build 20 new reactors by 2031.

After the Fukushima disaster in 2011, Japan had all but abandoned nuclear power. But in a major policy U-turn, it’s restarting 30 reactors that were shutdown after the accident. In fact, in December, Japan lifted an operational ban on its Kashiwazaki-Kariwa plant – formerly one of the largest power plants in the world. It also has plans in the works for another 11 reactors.

France already generates 70% of its power from nuclear. And it has some of the lowest energy prices in Europe because of it. It’s planning to build even more capacity, with a proposed six more reactors by 2050 on the way.

China plans to build 150 new reactors in the next 15 years, more than the rest of the world has built in the last 35. That could pump $440 billion into the Chinese economy.

Russia has 49 reactors in its development schedule.

South Africa has 8.

Korea, 6.

Brazil, 4.

Ukraine, 9.

All told, 491 nuclear reactors across 35 countries are slated for construction.

And as a result of this worldwide buildout, nuclear stocks are in a bull market.

In the past year, supplier of nuclear fuel, BWX Technologies, is up 47%...

Source: Koyfin
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
BWX Technologies (BWX): 2019 +64.16% | 2020 -1.68% | 2021 -19.18% | 2022 +23.14% | 2023 +33.69% | 2024 YTD +42.60%

Nuclear power plant owner, Constellation Energy, is up 134%...

Source: Koyfin
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Constellation Energy (CEG): 2019 n/a | 2020 n/a | 2021 n/a | 2022 n/a | 2023 +36.90% | 2024 YTD +123.35%

And Rolls Royce – which is a leader in nuclear power – is up 138%.

Source: Koyfin
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Rolls Royce Holdings (RR): 2019 -16.28% | 2020 -52.55% | 2021 +10.45% | 2022 -24.15% | 2023 +221.57% | 2024 YTD +75.91%

But let me tell you…

What Sam Altman has planned with Project Aurora could be about to turn this stock market boom…

Into something vastly more lucrative.

Forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results.

Because Project Aurora – and the technology behind it – could soon allow nuclear energy to power every home in every community in the country with low-cost energy…

FAR quicker than anyone expects.

Put simply…

It could be about to solve the ONE problem holding nuclear power back from full-scale adoption

Speed is the setback.

We need nuclear energy online NOW.

But the industry cannot build nuclear power plants fast enough to meet demand.

You see, according to the Management and Production Engineering Review, including planning, it typically takes 19 years to build just one nuclear power plant.

This stems from the fact that no two nuclear power plants are the same.

They’re all designed – and built – from scratch.

There are no common components.

No common operating procedures.

No industry wide standards.

As you can imagine, this is horribly inefficient.

As one industry insider puts it, this results in the industry being “hobbled by costs and schedule overruns."

In fact, the average nuclear power plant construction ends up overrunning its original schedule by more than five years.

Given this, it’s clear to see that, in its current guise, nuclear power just isn’t scalable.

But Sam Altman plans to change that.

And it’s all because of this futuristic building below.

Source: NEA (2020), Oklo Aurora powerhouse rendering, OECD Publishing, Paris

You see, this building is being constructed by a company which Sam Altman is the chairman of. And which he has invested as much as $200 million of his own money into.

And inside this building, this company is building their flagship product. I’m talking about Project Aurora. Or as it’s known by its official name: The Aurora Powerhouse.

The Aurora Powerhouse is a nuclear reactor.

But it is nothing like the nuclear reactors currently in operation.

This nuclear reactor is called a small modular reactor – or SMR for short.

And it is tiny in comparison.

Think of it like a ‘nuclear battery’.

Where the vast majority of reactors currently in existence are built from scratch…

This reactor is mass produced – stamped out on a production line.

That means not only is this reactor 1/50th of the cost of a legacy reactor.

It takes 1/5th of the time to manufacture.

And just 72 hours to construct.

As a result, this new type of nuclear reactor is capable of powering:



Data centres…

Business parks…

Industrial estates.

And it can also be retrofitted inside every one of the UK’s 175 shuttered coal plants…

Source: nmrs.org.uk

Thereby giving them the ability to power every town and city in the UK.

Unsurprisingly, this has been hailed as a monumental achievement.

With OilPrice.com saying “Small Modular Nuclear Reactors Are A Game Changer For Clean Power”…

The World Economic Forum states that “nuclear power’s comeback is down to small modular reactors”…

And Forbes says that this is “the UK’s goldilocks moment for nuclear power”…

And now, governments around the world are scrambling to roll out SMRs as fast as they can.

On February 21st of last year, the US government gave SMRs official approval for construction.

This ruling, which the US Office of Nuclear Energy dubbed ‘historic’, opens the floodgates for hundreds of SMR reactors to be constructed over the coming months and years.

Here in the UK, the first SMR is already being deployed in North Teesside. It’ll power more than 2 million homes. With an entire FLEET to follow.

The Canadian government has launched a 27-point plan to deploy as many SMRs as possible. It also envisions a ‘fleet approach’. And already has plans to construct its first reactor.

France is going big, too. It's ploughing more than half a trillion euros into the acceleration of SMR technology.

In fact, the EU just formed what it calls the Small Modular Reactor Alliance. Its stated aim is to “accelerate the deployment, development and demonstration of Small Modular Reactors”.

Source: energy.ec.europa.eu

China has already connected its first two SMRs to the power grid with its third and fourth under construction.

Netherlands based ULC-Energy has signed an agreement with Rolls-Royce to start deploying SMRs.

Estonia, Turkey and the Czech Republic have also signed agreements with the same company to start deploying the technology.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Right now, more than 80 SMR designs are being developed across 19 countries.

Please understand.

All these deals…

All this development

And all this construction…

Represents the start of a market megatrend that will fundamentally reshape our energy landscape.

The smartest businessmen, investors and investment funds in the world already understand this…

They know that now is the opportunity to buy into a rising market – just before it becomes a booming market.

Sam Altman has of course personally invested as much as $200 million of his own money Project Aurora.

Warren Buffett and Bill Gates have teamed together to launch their own SMR in Wyoming, USA. And they’re doing so at an estimated cost of $1 billion.

Billionaire Chase Coleman III – and founder of the legendary Tiger Global Management – has invested $33million dollars into an SMR company.

JP Morgan has invested more than $18 million.

Blackrock has over $800 million worth of exposure to SMRs.

These investors and investment funds are not deploying hundreds of millions of investment capital out of charity.

They are doing so because they have the chance to do what few investors ever get to do…

Buy into a market just before it booms.

And right here, I’m going to show you how to do the same.

So here’s what I recommend you do right away:

Buy Sam Altman’s Project Aurora NOW

I believe you should invest in the company behind Project Aurora right away.

Forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results.

Sam Altman is Silicon Valley’s new golden boy. And I fully expect him to take Project Aurora to the same kind of heights as ChatGPT.

And I’ve put together a special report to help you do just that.

It’s called: Project Aurora: your ultimate guide.

In this exclusive bulletin, you’ll learn everything you need to know about Project Aurora and the company behind it. Including why I believe it is on the cusp of a hug price rise, and how to get in on the action today.

You’ll also discover:

  • How it has received a crucial legal green light from the U.S Nuclear Regulatory Commission. (One that gives it a first mover advantage against the competition.)
  • Why it has been selected by the United States Air Force to supply it with power and heat.
  • Key details on the deals it has signed with tech companies like Siemens and energy giants like Centrus Energy… AND the US Department of Energy.
  • And of course, the risks that you need to consider ahead of investing, so that you can make an informed decision on whether this type of investment is right for you.

That brings me onto an important point, because whilst this is just about the most exciting opportunity I’ve ever come across, it’s not a 100% guarantee.

We’re talking about breakthrough technology. There could be developmental issues that take longer to solve than envisioned. And this company is also a small cap. So while that sets you up for extreme upside potential, it’s also high risk. Its price is volatile and could be illiquid. I’m talking about an investment for a small portion of your portfolio. The part reserved for your high risk, high potential reward stocks.

In spite of these risks, the company behind Project Aurora is one of the most promising opportunities on the market today.

My advice: get your hands on this exclusive free report: Project Aurora: your ultimate guide – as fast as you bloody can!

Because a landmark decision from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission could be about to send nuclear stocks soaring.

You see, I’ve called this presentation the $100 trillion nuclear reboot for a reason.

Right now, we’re witnessing the rebooting of nuclear – and the re-emergence – of nuclear as the number one energy source on the planet.

But at the same time, governments and companies across the world are rebooting their nuclear plants.

Japan leads this charge, reigniting its nuclear ambitions after the Fukushima disaster. They've already restarted 10 reactors since 2015, with plans to have 17 operational by early 2025.

Meanwhile, France is doubling down on its nuclear bet. They're not just maintaining their fleet – they're extending plant lifespans.

And now for the first time ever, the United States is on the verge of restarting a previously decommissioned nuclear reactor.

Any day now, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is expected to approve the Covert Township Nuclear Station in Michigan.

Please understand, this is the first domino of a nationwide shift to nuclear power in the U.S. One that could send the market vertical.

As I mentioned earlier, Microsoft has just signed a deal to restart the Three Mile Island nuclear powerplant.

Software company Oracle is building a data centre set to be powered by three small modular reactors.

And the US government has GUARANTEED $2.7 billion to build out nuclear power capacity.

And by grabbing your special report: Project Aurora: your ultimate guide

You can position yourself AHEAD of this billion-dollar wave…

And ahead of the nuclear boom.

But there’s something else you need to know:

Project Aurora is FAR from the only way to play the nuclear boom.

I have a small list of nuclear stocks that could potentially make you even bigger and faster returns than the company behind Project Aurora.

Forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results.

And I want to get you in on the most profitable of those opportunities.

So the next thing I advise you do…

Is move on to…

Prepare to profit from the uranium price squeeze

It’s the oldest law in finance.

When demand is much greater than the supply of a product, service or commodity…

The price must go up.

And that is the exact situation happening in the uranium market right this second.

In fact, I think we’re standing in the middle of a perfect storm that could send the uranium price soaring.

First, you’ve got the demand side of the equation.

As you’ll recall, more than 83 countries around the world have made building out nuclear capacity a strategic national interest.

As we speak, more than 500 nuclear reactors are in development pipelines.

Just those projects alone equate to a uranium demand DOUBLING in the years ahead.

But where things get really exciting is when you look at the supply side of this opportunity.

Because when it comes to supply and demand, there’s something that most people completely miss.

You see, when demand for something increases, it actually entices business and entrepreneurs to create more of it.

Or in other words, an increase in demand automatically triggers an INCREASE the supply.

The knock-on effect of this is for the price to naturally be brought back into equilibrium.

In economics, this is called the supply and demand curve.

It makes intuitive sense, doesn’t it?

After all, when the iPhone debuted in 2008, it was the first smartphone on the market.

But then other tech manufacturers saw its meteoric rise in sales numbers. And they decided to get in on the game. Samsung, LG, HTC and a host of other manufacturers raced to release their own versions.

As a result, Apple may have been able to charge more for their iPhones as demand for them has exploded. But not an extortionate amount. When the first iPhone was released in 2008, Apple charged an inflation adjusted $733.

The price of an iPhone today is $799.

There are numerous other examples of this.

Be it fashion designers racing to copy the latest trend…

Or coffee shops scrambling to fill demand for oat milk lattes…

But I can tell you the uranium market isn’t and won’t be one of them.

It is a special case.

And that is because, on average, it takes 15 years to build a uranium mine.

That means, no matter how many mining site feasibility studies are undertaken…

No matter how many mining applications are submitted…

No matter how many holes are dug…

It will be over a decade before ANY of that supply comes online.

And what’s more, the US locking Russian imports or uranium completely out of the market will place an even tighter squeeze on the market.

And that means you have a rare window of opportunity to claim your stake in the uranium boom – before the price REALLY takes off.

Forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results.

Now, full disclosure: the uranium price is already moving higher.

Since August of 2023 to the end of August 2024, the spot price increased 30% from $60 per pound to $78 per pound.

But if my analysis is correct, this is just the beginning.

In fact, analysts at Bank of America recently released a note saying “the uranium market is only getting hotter”…

Legendary resource speculator Lobo Tiggre’s average return outstrips the S&P 500 by more than 5-to-1. He says we are entering a “multi-decade bull market” which he is putting “a lot of money into”…

And perhaps the most iconic living investor in the resource game, Rick Rule, recently released a note saying, “Uranium… is now firmly in bull market territory and we believe this will continue”.

So what’s the best way to play the uranium bull?

In your second report, The Uranium Bull Market Playbook, I will show you.

First off, I want to give you my #1 uranium stock.

It’s a way to track the price of uranium as it moves higher. And a way to do so, without the risks that come along with exploration, mining, developing or processing of uranium.

Now, for obvious reasons, you can’t buy uranium on the spot market.

So the first uranium investment I want to send your way is what I consider the gold standard uranium trust.

This company’s business model is two pronged.

First, it has navigated the regulatory hurdles to be able to buy up physical uranium oxide.

Second, it buys uranium through its deal with largest producer of uranium in the world, in anticipation of the rising price.

This company has no debt.

It recently received $150 million worth of outside backing from investors.

And I reveal the full details about it – along with its name and ticker symbol – in your second free special report, The Uranium Bull Market Playbook.

I don’t think there’s a smarter financial move in the world today than investing in this company.

It should form the core of any uranium stock portfolio.While no investment is without risk, I believe this is the safest, most sure-fire way to take advantage of the uranium boom. Of course, as with all investing, your capital is always at risk when you invest. There is no such thing as a guaranteed return and it’s possible to lose money. You should always understand the risk of any investment, and be comfortable with them, before you take the plunge.

The second stock I want to introduce you to has a vastly higher risk profile.

Because of that it has some of the highest upside potential I’ve ever come across.

At less than £100 million, its market cap is extremely small.

And that makes it so price sensitive that even a small influx of capital could send it soaring multiples higher. It will experience volatility in price, which means large swings up and down, and it could also be illiquid, which makes it harder to buy and sell than larger stocks. It’s not for the faint hearted. This type of higher risk won’t be for everyone…

It also means that I have to be extremely careful about what details I reveal about it in a public forum.

To do otherwise would risk letting the cat out of the bag. And send this company racing higher before any of my readers had managed to move on it.

So with that said, here’s what I can tell you about it…

Firstly, this stock is a uranium explorer.

Its modus operandi is to find places where uranium is hidden underground. Once they find a good spot, they can dig and collect the uranium.

What’s great about uranium explorers is that they have built in leverage to the uranium price. Put simply, for every dollar rise in the price of uranium – a quality uranium explorer can shoot far higher.

And this stock has three specific qualities that make it a top-tier explorer:

  • It has a blockbuster management team with a proven track-record of successfully taking several uranium companies from explorer to producer status.
  • It’s in possession of a large, proven, deposit of uranium. In fact, at 12.4 million pounds, this company is sitting on the lion’s share of deposits in one of the largest uranium rich areas in the world.
  • It has a very low break-even point. This company becomes profitable when the price of uranium moves above $29.81/pound. With uranium prices hovering above the $90/pound mark at the moment, this company stands to make some very healthy margins.

But above all of that it has a fast-approaching catalyst.

An upcoming government decision that could instantly make the deposits this company is sitting on EVEN MORE profitable.

When that happens, it could send its share price VERTICAL.

Forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results.

Frankly, I think this stock is about to become a major new player in the uranium industry.

And when it does, it will surprise the investing world.

But it won’t surprise you. Not if you grab my brand new free report: The Uranium Bull Market Playbook.

But that’s not all.

Because there’s a fourth and final nuclear stock I want to send your way.

And its an absolute firecracker.

When Russian imports of uranium are banned on August 12th…

This company, in my view, will be one of the main beneficiaries.

So here’s step three in your nuclear investing masterplan…

Invest in Project Aurora’s secret supplier that could 10X your money

This company is the only US based supplier of something called HALEU.

If you haven’t heard of HALEU before, you will do soon.

HAELU is a special type of nuclear fuel that many small modular reactors use to generate power.

Now, I can hear you thinking: isn’t uranium the fuel for small modular reactors?

Well, HALEU is a special type of uranium.

HALEU stands for high assay low enriched uranium.

Now, don’t worry if that all sounds like gobbledegook to you.

All you need to know, for now, HALEU is standard uranium that has undergone a special treatment that makes it far more energy efficient.

HALEU is nuclear’s equivalent of premium petrol for your car.

Alongside better engine performance, high octane fuel from the pump makes it more efficient. Ultimately allowing you to drive more miles will less fuel.

HALEU does exactly the same thing for a nuclear reactor.

And just like a high-performance car should only be run on high-octane fuel…

Many SMR’s should only be run using HALEU.

The problem is, the market is dominated by one hostile player – Russia.

According to the UK government, “Russia is the only commercial producer of HALEU”.

As you can imagine this poses a major problem for the SMR build out.

But that’s where my next stock recommendation comes in.

It’s managed to navigate the regulatory hurdles…

And become the only company in possession of a licence for HALEU production from the US government…

It’s followed that up by building the country’s only uranium enrichment plant – the first to be constructed for over 70 years.

This makes it the SOLE producer of HALEU in all of the United States…

And the first US owned producer of enriched uranium in over 70 years.

And this is all at a time when Russia – which up until now has supplied more than 20% of the US’ enriched uranium – is being cut out of the market.

Needless to say, this puts the company in a sweet position.

It’s in possession of a key piece of technology that the nuclear industry cannot live without.

And it has carved out a wide moat to guarantee high profitability.

Given this, it’s no wonder its order book is bursting with over $1 billion of future orders in the pipeline.

Its customer list include the U.S. Navy…

The US Department of Energy…

And even the company behind Project Aurora itself.

As the SMR build out gains steam, this company is primed to become a keystone of the nuclear industry…

Forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results.

And if you invest in it today, it could multiply your stake many times over.

Which is precisely why I want to send you my full thesis on this stock, including its name and ticker symbol.

Yep, you guessed it. All of that information is available to you – for free – in a special report I’ve put together called: Project Aurora’s secret 10X supplier.

The three resources I’ve just told you about will give you all the information you need to take maximum financial advantage of the shift to nuclear.

And these are the first three free reports I want to send you when you take a no-obligation trial to my technology stock advisory service, called Southbank Growth Advantage.

I’m not one to boast, but I hold the record at Southbank Investment Research for the largest investment return in the history of our business.

Through my investment services I’ve closed out no less than fourteen 100%+ returns…

And six 1,000%+ returns.

And as for the investments I’m still holding in model portfolios?

Two investments are sitting at more than 5,000% returns.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.

And in Southbank Growth Advantage you get to put my record-breaking expertise to work.

You see, I launched this service with one aim:

To help everyday investors – just like you – profit from the most lucrative growth opportunities on the market.

Here’s how it works:

On the last Thursday of every month, by email, I’ll send you my latest report and newest growth stock recommendation.

Each report is split up into two parts.

It starts with a deep dive on a tech trend that is in the process of repainting the world as we know it.

One week it may be augmented and virtual reality. The next it may be AI. The next it may be crypto or 3D printing.

Whatever the subject matter, by the time you’re finished reading, you’ll know more about it than 99% of investors.

The second part of your report is all about making money. I’ll give you a full run-down of the highest potential stock in the space. And why it could be on the cusp of a huge price rise.

The stocks I’ll be recommending to you come in ALL shapes and varieties. They tend to be on the smaller side. These stocks aren’t for the bulk of your money. They’re for the part of your portfolio that’s high risk… and high potential reward.

Because of their smaller size… They’re subject to outsized price swings, both down and up. And they can be illiquid, which means they are harder to buy and sell when you want or need to. Risk appetite is a personal thing, and something you should consider carefully before taking the plunge with any investment. And always remember the golden rule to only ever invest money that you can afford to lose. Each report will have all the details and risks laid out for you to digest. You’ll have everything you need to make an informed decision.

So, all you have to do is sit back, relax, read and then decide if you want to invest.

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When it’s time to sell the stock – and all going to plan, bank a large profit – you’ll be the first to know about it.

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But if everything plays out as I expect…

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With this special introductory offer to Southbank Growth Advantage, you can access everything I’ve just described…

  • A full year of breakthrough growth stock opportunities and investment recommendations from me and James Allen, two of the best advisors in the business, if I do say so myself
  • 3 brand-new, breakout reports
    • Project Aurora: your ultimate guide
    • The Uranium Bull Market Playbook
    • Project Aurora’s secret 10X supplier
  • Full access to my members-only website, where you’ll find valuable archives of all my investment research, recommendations and special reports
  • A 30-day, no-risk, money-back guarantee

All for just £79.

You won’t find a better deal than this. And it won’t last long.

Click here to take up your 30-day trial to Southbank Growth Advantage right away

How can I make you such a good deal?

Look back through history and you’ll see that the greatest fortunes were forged by those willing to capitalise on opportunity when they saw it.

Jeff Bezos launched Amazon.com just as the internet was moving into the mainstream… but before online retail was mainstream.

His timing allowed Amazon to carve out a dominant market position. And turned the $10k he used to start the company into a trillion-dollar empire.

Warren Buffett also bought his most profitable investments ever at the perfect time.

He bought American Express, Goldman Sachs and Bank of America when each were going through crises. Decisions like that fueled Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway’s 35,000% stock market return.

Each of these men saw their window of opportunity…

And pounced on it.

And that’s why I’m lowering the barrier to entry to join Southbank Growth Advantage.

Because the time to invest in nuclear is NOW.

As we speak, governments from the USA… to Japan… to China… to Brazil… to South Africa are all building out their nuclear capacity.

In fact, 110 countries have committed to TRIPLING their nuclear capacity by 2030.

And stocks in the sector are already moving.

Supplier of nuclear fuel, BWX Technologies, is up 47%...

Source: Koyfin
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
BWX Technologies (BWX): 2019 +64.16% | 2020 -1.68% | 2021 -19.18% | 2022 +23.14% | 2023 +33.69% | 2024 YTD +42.60%

Nuclear power plant owner, Constellation Energy, is up 134%...

Source: Koyfin
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Constellation Energy (CEG): 2019 n/a | 2020 n/a | 2021 n/a | 2022 n/a | 2023 +36.90% | 2024 YTD +123.35%

And Rolls Royce – which is a leader in SMRs – is up 138%.

Source: Koyfin
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Rolls Royce Holdings (RR): 2019 -16.28% | 2020 -52.55% | 2021 +10.45% | 2022 -24.15% | 2023 +221.57% | 2024 YTD +75.91%

I don’t want anything to stand in the way of you profiting from that.

That’s why I’m making this special offer to you today – so you can get into the best nuclear investments available today, quickly and easily.

Get the names and ticker symbols of those investments by grabbing your special reports and signing up to Southbank Growth Advantage.

If you want to give yourself a chance at having a drastically better future…

I suggest you claim them right now.

Simply click the button below to join Southbank Growth Advantage.

Remember it will cost you just £79. I think it’s the best deal in the world today. And remember, it’s zero risk. If you disagree for any reason, you can get a full refund in the next 30 days.

Simply click the link to get started. It will take you to a Secure Order Form.

There, you’ll get access to all of our critical Research Reports, in a matter of minutes.

Thank you for reading. And I look forward to seeing you inside.

Click here to take up your 30-day trial to Southbank Growth Advantage.


Sam Volkering
Editor, Southbank Growth Advantage

Important Risk Warning

Advice in Southbank Growth Advantage (previous name: Small Cap Investigator) does not constitute a personal recommendation. Any advice should be considered in relation to your own circumstances, risk tolerance and investment objectives. Before investing you should consider carefully the risks involved, including those described below. If you have any doubt as to suitability or taxation implications, seek independent financial advice.

General - Your capital is at risk when you invest, never risk more than you can afford to lose. Past performance and forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results. Bid/offer spreads, commissions, fees and other charges can reduce returns from investments. There is no guarantee dividends will be paid.

Small cap shares - Shares recommended may be small company shares. These can be relatively illiquid meaning they are hard to trade and can have a large bid/offer spread. If you need to sell soon after you bought, you might get back less that you paid. This makes them riskier than other investments. Small companies may not pay a dividend.

Overseas shares – Some recommendations may be denominated in a currency other than sterling. The return from these may increase or decrease as a result of currency fluctuations. Dividends from overseas companies may be taxed at source in the country of issue.

Taxation - Profits from share dealing are a form of capital gain and subject to taxation. Tax treatment depends on individual circumstances and may be subject to change in the future.

Editors: Sam Volkering and James Allen. Editors or contributors may have an interest in shares recommended. Information and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of other editors/contributors of Southbank Investment Research Limited. Full details of our complaints procedure, privacy policy and terms and conditions can be found at, www.southbankresearch.com.

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1 A-Z Quotes - Top 25 Nuclear Power Quotes

2 Bloomberg - Generative AI to Become a $1.3 Trillion Market by 2032, Research Finds – 1 June 2023

3 TIME - Nuclear Power Is the Only Solution – 4 December 2023

4 Briefing - Max Altman Targets $200 Million in New Fund – September 2023


6 Investing.com - Sam Altman's Under-The-Radar SPAC Fuses AI Expertise with Nuclear Energy: Here Are the Others Involved – 24 March 2024

7 Southbank Investment Research – Crypto Profits Extreme Portfolio

8 Southbank Investment Research – Revolutionary Trend Investor Portfolio

9 Koyfin – Microsoft Corporation

10 Wikipedia – Microsoft

11 Koyfin – Apple Inc.

12 Koyfin – Tesla, Inc.

13 Wikipedia – Sam Altman

14 X.com – Sam Altman – 30 November 2022

15 Social Shepherd - 32 Essential AI Statistics You Need to Know in 2024 – 26 February 2024

16 NDTV World - ChatGPT Creator's Valuation Triples In 10 Months After Latest Deal: Report – 18 February 2024

17 Energy – Sam Altman – 28 June 2015

18 Koyfin – Cauldron Energy Limited

19 Koyfin – Boss Energy Limited

20 Koyfin – Cameco Corporation

21 TIME - Oklo Aurora Powerhouse: The 200 Best Inventions of 2023 – 24 October 2023

22 Oil Price - Energy Costs in UK Still Double the Historic Average – 10 January 2024

23 Our World Data - Global primary energy consumption by source

24 Our World in Data - The death of UK coal in five charts – 28 January 2019

25 IEEE Xplore - Miniaturized electronic circuits [US Patent No. 3,138, 743]

26 Investopedia - What Is Moore's Law and Is It Still True? – 11 February 2024

27 History Tools - Computers in the 1950s: The Dawn of the Information Age – 11 November 2023

28 E Week - IBM Water-Cooling Technology Helps Computers Beat the Heat, Energy Costs – 2 January 2013

29 Electricity Plans - What Is a Kilowatt-hour(kWh) And What Can It Power?

30 X.c0m – Misha da Vinci – 9 April 2023

31 Exploding Topics - Number of ChatGPT Users (Mar 2024)

32 New Scientist - Should we be worried about AI's growing energy use? – 10 October 2023

33 Enterprise Tech News EM360 - Google’s AI Could Eat as Much Energy as Ireland, Experts Warn – 12 October 2023

34 McKinsey Sustainability - Yes, nuclear can help answer the climate and energy security challenge – May 2023

35 Statista - Number of housing units and annual percentage increase in the United States from1975 to 2022

36 Department of Energy - DOE Establishes $6 Billion Program to Preserve America’s Clean Nuclear Energy Infrastructure – 11 February 2022

37 VOA News - White House Cautiously Embraces Nuclear Power to Meet Green Goals – 7 June 2021

38 CGTN - China takes world's crown in nuclear power units under construction – 26 April 2023

39 Seneca ESG - India to Have Nine Operational Nuclear Powerplants by 2024 – 20 September 2023

40 World Nuclear News - South Korea aims to resume reactor construction by 2024 – 12 July 2022

41 World Nuclear News - UK releases roadmap to quadruple nuclear energy capacity – 13 January 2024

42 Department of Energy - At COP28, Countries Launch Declaration to Triple Nuclear Energy Capacity by 2050, Recognizing the Key Role of Nuclear Energy in Reaching Net Zero – 1 December 2023

43 World Nuclear Association - Plans for New Reactors Worldwide – March 2024

44 The Guardian - Timeline: Nuclear power in the United Kingdom – 27 May 2008

45 European Nuclear Society – Fuel comparison

46 Solar Reviews - What is a solar farm? Costs, land needs & more – February 2024

47 Sky Sports - Will the bigger Wembley pitch affect Tottenham this season? – 16 August 2017

48 The Eco Experts - Complete Guide to Solar Farms | Everything You Need to Know – 2 December 2022

49 Just Energy – How is Oil Needed for Gas and Electricity – 4 January 2023

50 US Energy Information Administration - How much coal, natural gas, or petroleum is used to generate a kilowatthour of electricity?

51 Freeing Energy - How many pounds of uranium are needed to generated a MWh in a nuclear plant?

52 The National News - Nuclear power helps bring down electricity prices by 75% in Finland – 14 May 2023

53 NEI - Bill Gates Talks About the Potential of Nuclear Innovation on ‘60 Minutes’ – 17 February 2021

54 Elements - The Advantages of Nuclear Energy in the Clean Energy Shift – 7 June 2021

55 Forbes - California Can Reliably Hit 85% Clean Energy By 2030 Without Risking Outages – En Route To A 100% Clean Grid – 11 May 2022

56 Bloom Energy - How Power Outages Are Affecting California

57 Los Angeles Times - California averts rolling blackouts amid heat wave – 6 September 2022

58 California Public Utilities Commission - Take Actions to Reduce Your Electricity Use

59 Comptroller.Texas.Gov - Wind Power: Energy is Good for Texas

60 TIME - Texas Power Outage: 5 million Affected After Winter Storm – 15 February 2021

61 The Texas Tribune - Texas winter storm official death toll now put at 246 – 2 January 2022

62 Forbes - The 13,000 Wind Turbines in Texas Can Be Winterized, But Should They? – 2 March 2021

63 Youtube - Inside the New Micro Nuclear Reactor that Could Power the Future – 5 October 2022

64 Youtube - Global Macro: Is the Green Transition at a Crossroads? – 16 November 2023

65 The Spectator World - Nuclear power is the answer to our energy woes – 16 October 2022

66 TIME - Nuclear Power Is the Only Solution – 4 December 2023

67 CNBC - Bezos, Microsoft bet on a $10 trillion energy fix for the planet – 6 March 2019

68 McKinsey & Company - What will it take for nuclear power to meet the climate challenge? – March 2023

69 Great British Nuclear Blog - Three months into the year, and three big steps forward – 22 March 2024

70 GOV.UK - Biggest expansion of nuclear power for 70 years to create jobs, reduce bills and strengthen Britain’s energy security – 11 January 2024

71 The Guardian - Biden launches $6bn effort to save America’s distressed nuclear plants – 20 April 2022

72 Bloomberg - Canada Plans World's Biggest Nuclear Power Plant in Ontario – 5 July 2023

73 CNET - Gigawatt: The Solar Energy Term You Should Know About – 22 March 2024

74 The Wire - How India Is Shifting Its Nuclear Power Plans into High Gear – 13 November 2023

75 World Economic Forum - Nuclear power’s comeback is down to small modular reactors – 6 October 2022

76 Wikipedia – List of largest power stations

77 Euronews – Energy crisis in Europe: Which countries have the cheapest and most expensive electricity and gas? – 29 March 2023

78 Statista – Median construction time for nuclear reactors 2022 – 9 January 2024

79 Nuclear Engineering International - Cost-effective delivery of nuclear new build – 22 November 2023

80 ANSTO - What are small modular reactors and what makes them different? – 17 July 2020

81 Northern Mine Research Society – Coal Mines England

82 Oil Price - Small Modular Nuclear Reactors Are a Game Changer For Clean Power – 29 January 2023

83 World Economic Forum - Small reactors could make nuclear energy big again. How do they work, and are they safe? – 6 October 2022

84 Nuclear News - The U.K.’s Goldilocks Moment for Nuclear Power – 17 September 2023

85 Office of Nuclear Energy - NRC Certifies First U.S. Small Modular Reactor Design – 20 January 2023

86 The Telegraph - First ‘private’ nuclear reactor to power 2m British homes – 8 February 2024

87 World Nuclear News – Agreement signed for planned UK fleet of AP300 reactors – 8 February 2024

88 Canadian Energy News - SMRs - Canada emerging as nuclear leader in development of small modular reactors

89 Atalayar - France calls for half a trillion euros to be invested in nuclear power in Europe by 2050 – 10 January 2022

90 European Commission - European Industrial Alliance on Small Modular Reactors

91 World Nuclear News - Core module completed for Chinese SMR – 14 July 2023

92 World Nuclear News - Collaboration for Rolls-Royce SMR deployment in the Netherlands – 25 August 2022

93 International Atomic Energy Agency – SMR Platform: New Web Portal Facilitates Technical Support – 17 August 2022

94 This is Money.co.uk - Around £88bn of pension savers' cash is invested in fossil fuels - putting £3k per pot at risk of big losses, claim campaigners – 30 June 2023

95 Professional Pensions - Nine in ten pension funds intend to increase renewable energy investments – 23 January 2024

96 The Guardian - Bill Gates and Warren Buffett to build new kind of nuclear reactor in Wyoming – 30 June 2021

97 Forbes – Chase Coleman III

98 Yahoo Finance – AltC Acquisition Corp. (ALCC)

99 SEC.gov - Oklo, an Advanced Fission Technology Company, to Go Public via Merger with AltC Acquisition Corp.

100 UK Business Angels Association - What is a certified HNWI and a certified sophisticated investor?

101 Oklo Inc. - Oklo Announces Historic Acceptance of Combined License Application – 15 June 2020

102 Oklo Inc. - Oklo Tentatively Selected to Provide Clean and Resilient Power to Eielson Air Force Base – 31 August 2023

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104 Android Authority - iPhone price history: How Apple's pricing changes (inflation included)

105 Markets Insider - Uranium's "Third Bull Market" Set to Shine in 2024 – 11 January 2024

106 Finnotes – Lobo Tiggre

107 Investopedia - S&P 500 Average Return and Historical Performance – 3 January 2024

108 Investing News - Lobo Tiggre: The Next Bull Market Will be One for the Record Books

109 Youtube - Uranium is headed higher for 2024 | Lobo Tiggre – 28 February 2024

110 BNN Bloomberg – Rick Rule’s Top Picks – 12 October 2023

111 Bacchus Capital - YELLOW CAKE PLC Results of Placing

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113 Yahoo Finance – Aura Energy Limited (AURA.L)

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116 France24 - COP28: More than 110 nations commit to tripling renewable energy capacity by 2030 – 2 December 2023

117 CNBC - MIT research on ChatGPT shows ‘Industrial Revolution level large’ leap for workers, says AI CEO – 10 May 2023

118 CNBC - This 34-year-old’s start-up backed by Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos aims to make nearly unlimited clean energy – 12 February 2021

119 The New York Times - Nuclear Power Can Save the World – 6 April 2019

120 WIRED - Silicon Valley’s Most Powerful ‘Mafia’ Gets a New Boss – 2 September 2022

121 International Monetary Fund – Nuclear Resurgence | The energy security case for nuclear power is building

122 Research Gate - Typical timeline of a nuclear plant construction and start-up project

123 The Atlantic - The Real Obstacle to Nuclear Power – 7 February 2023

124 Proactive Investors - Aura Energy set to benefit at Häggån Project as Sweden weighs up scrapping uranium ban in pursuit of net zero – 25 February 2024

125 Yahoo Finance – The Truth about Warren Buffet’s investment track record – 1 March 2021

126 Southbank Investment Research – Small Cap Investigator Portfolio

127 Wylfa nuclear power station, from above - UK government agencies, OGL 3 , via Wikimedia Commons