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The following promotion is not investment advice. Your capital is at risk when you invest, never risk more than you can afford to lose. If you are unsure whether this type of investing is right for you, seek independent personal financial advice. Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future results.

UK’s premier energy expert reveals:

The AI “Master Key”

An obscure £23 investment is soaring as it taps into every AI company in the world – and could surge by 300% as soon as 7 November

Dear reader,

I’ve been warning for some time now that this day would come.

And now, it’s almost here…

In just a few days, one of the world’s most powerful men is set to unleash a historic catalyst on an obscure £23 investment in the AI sector… and could send this already-surging “AI Master Key” to new heights.

As you’ll see, he’s already boosted this investment once in 2024 – just weeks after I warned my readers he would do so.

His move sent the “AI Master Key” soaring – even as household names like Nvidia, Apple, and Microsoft faltered.

The Economic Times noted it was soaring. And the Financial Review sounded the alarm on “stars aligning” for a breakout rally.

But the mainstream media hasn’t fully connected the dots on the true nature of this “AI Master Key” – and why it’s poised to potentially triple from this man’s next move scheduled for 7 November.

Today, if you give me a few minutes of your time, I’ll reveal the entire story and show you exactly what’s at stake.

I’ll show you the exact name and nature of the “AI Master Key” – and how it’s possible to act on it today starting with as little as £23, before the second historic catalyst hits.

Because unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you know that AI is everywhere these days.

From Goldman Sachs warning that 300 million jobs could be affected by AI over the next few years…

To 500,000 people becoming millionaires from AI, according to Fortune

To 30,000 mentions of AI on earnings calls by CEOs…

There’s simply no escaping the global $15.7 trillion AI revolution – even if, like many people, you’re uneasy about what it may do to society.

But there’s something everyone is missing about AI.

Because while most people are understandably fearful about studies showing AI could wipe out 8 million jobs in the UK…

And others are feeling optimistic or even greedy as they cash in on high-flying stocks riding the AI boom…

There’s a massive opportunity unfolding thanks to AI that could triple your money – without you having to buy a single AI-related stock.

Starting 7 November, my research shows, an overlooked £23 investment could more than triple in value as the AI boom takes off – no matter how it impacts society, the job market, or anything else!

It’s not an ETF, stock, a bond, or an investment in any single company, for that matter.

In fact, I’ve seen only one passing reference to it in the mainstream media, with this source calling it a “hot AI play” that’s “beating gold and the stockmarket.”

In this presentation today, I’ll show you exactly what this £23 investment is, and how you can act on it.

Because this unique opportunity could allow you to multiply your money without trying to guess the next big AI stock… or having to learn technical terms like generative AI and graphics processing units.

In fact, I’ll go so far as to say that if you want to make a fortune from the AI trend…

Or even just help protect yourself from an AI shock that’s coming…

Then there’s just ONE thing you need to know.

Do not buy Nvidia, Advanced Micro Devices, Intel, or any of those household names.

Of course… those stocks have soared in the past two years as AI took the world by storm.

And they’ve helped usher in what could amount to a $90 trillion wealth transfer, according to Fundstrat Global Advisors.

But I believe there’s a better way to profit from the AI craze…

This obscure, $23 investment that allows you to tap into every AI company for a fraction of the risk.

As I’ll show you today, it could soar by as much as 300% starting 7 November thanks to this specific event that could stun the financial world.

Forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results.

I call it the AI “Master Key”.

Because just as a master key of a hotel can unlock any door in the building…

This AI “Master Key” allows you to profit from every AI company in the world - without facing any consequences if they go bust.

Now I realise that may sound unbelievable.

But if you stay with me for a few minutes today, I promise I’ll show you exactly why this “Master Key” investment is positioned to soar in 2025 and beyond…

No matter which individual AI stocks surge or stumble.

Because while every investment out there carries risk – including the “Master Key”…

This £23 investment allows you to tap directly into the $15.7 trillion AI revolution and potentially profit regardless of which individual AI stocks go up or down.

In fact, it’s happening already.

Because even as some AI chipmakers stumble in 2024, such as Intel sinking by 57% in share price… and even as Warren Buffett dumps hundreds of millions of shares of another AI stock…

This “Master Key” has outperformed the overall stock market year-to-date by a margin of nearly 200% – and experts are forecasting we could see a run-up of an additional 300% from here.

Elon Musk has publicly urged his followers to make this investment – and is rumoured to be on the cusp of a major move in the sector.

I’ll reveal the exact nature of the AI “Master Key” in a moment – and what’s happening on 7 November that could send it soaring in the months ahead.

But first, I should introduce myself.

James Allen,
Editor, Southbank Investment Research

My name is James Allen.

For 17 years now, I’ve helped my readers and clients in London and New York City profit from world-changing trends in the energy markets.

For instance, in April 2020, I told readers that a flood of stimulus money from governments’ responses to Covid-19 would send clean energy stocks soaring to new heights.

Sure enough, energy stocks tripled as a group just months later.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
5 year performance figures for iShares Trust - iShares Global Clean Energy ETF (ICLN): 2019 44.35% | 2020 141.80% | 2021 -24.18% | 2022 -5.41% | 2023 -20.38%

One clean energy firm I recommended, ITM Power, did even better, soaring 794%.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results
5-year performance figures for ITM Power (ITM): 2019 204.91% | 2020 626.11% | 2021 -23.64% | 2022 -76.74% | 2023 -35.18 %

More recently, in 2022, I called the fall of European natural gas – making my readers another tidy profit in the process.

In fact, my stellar record of recommendations has earned me the reputation as the number one stock picker in the history of my publisher, Southbank Investment Research.

All told, in my 17 years in the energy markets, I’ve helped my clients and readers profit from just about every corner of the global energy market imaginable.

From a quick 64% gain on a Canadian solar company…

To opportunities in the oil and gas sector post-Covid…

I’ve helped my readers multiply their money in all kinds of energy setups, drawing on an extensive network of contacts with some of the most influential movers and shakers in the energy sector.

Of course, when it comes to investing calls, no one is perfect…

Sometimes, I’ve been early – and sometimes flat-out wrong.

But what I’ve seen again and again in my 17-year career helping regular people navigate the markets is that it only takes one big idea to really transform their lives.

And in recent months, my network has confirmed a mounting suspicion I’ve had about the $15.7 trillion AI sector.

While most investors focus on Nvidia, AMD, Microsoft, and other household names…

Almost everyone is missing the real AI story

There’s no doubt in my mind that the AI revolution will continue to mint millionaires in the years ahead.

The $15.7 trillion revolution is unstoppable – but first, there’s a problem to overcome.

It’s a problem that Sam Altman, the founder of OpenAI, has been warning of for years.

To put it bluntly, there’s simply not enough energy in the global economy (for now) to sustain the AI revolution at its current speed.

You’ve no doubt heard fantastic statistics about how power-intensive the data centres needed to keep AI running have become.

But to get a feel for the true scope of the incredible power demands, just consider this.

In 2023, Nvidia’s graphics processing units for AI data centres consumed as much as 14.4 terawatts of power – or what it takes to power 1.3 million households.

Of course, that’s just Nvidia – it’s not counting AMD, Intel, or the data centres of any other Big Tech firm.

And as for 2024? Morgan Stanley forecasts that generative AI power demand will more than triple this year, requiring enough energy to power 5 million homes.

But it’s in 2025 and beyond where things will really get out of hand…

Wells Fargo predicts that AI power demand will surge 550% by 2026, and then rise another 1,150% by 2030.

That’s 8,050% total growth – and it means that AI could soon consume as much energy as the entire country of Japan, a nation with 125 million people.

As Alex De Vries, founder of the research company Digiconomist, put it, “Each of these Nvidia servers, they are power-hungry beasts.”

When you understand just how power-hungry they are, warnings from AI moguls about the mushrooming energy demand start to make sense.

Sam Altman, the founder of OpenAI, says the Age of AI will require “an energy breakthrough.”

Elon Musk predicts that AI will run out of electricity and transformers in 2025.

As he put it:

“The artificial intelligence compute coming online appears to be increasing by a factor of 10 every six months… obviously that cannot continue at such a high rate forever, or it’ll exceed the mass of the universe, but I’ve never seen anything like it. The chip rush is bigger than any gold rush that’s ever existed.”

And with Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and Meta all planning new AI data centres, experts are warning that these additions will increasingly strain power grids.

As Ben Inskeep, program director of Citizens Action Coalition, put it:

This looming energy crisis has led to headlines such as these:

At the same time, the AI revolution can’t simply be put on “pause.” Not when the West and China are locked into a high-stakes AI arms race. There’s simply no turning back.

Which leads me to what I’m calling the AI “Master Key” – the energy breakthrough that will keep the AI revolution powered up and moving full steam ahead.

To meet the energy demands for the Age of AI, we’ll need an “all-of-the-above” approach to energy. That means more oil and gas, at least temporarily.

That’s why in America, coal-fired plants are being kept online to help meet energy needs for AI data centres.

That’s why Goldman Sachs estimates that AI energy needs will lead to 3.3 billion cubic feet of natural gas burned every day by 2030.

But with governments around the world determined to decarbonise, the lion’s share of new power will come from renewable or zero-carbon sources.

Microsoft has announced a $10 billion deal to power its data centres with clean energy.

And China, which is hell bent on winning the global AI race, is now building two-thirds of the world’s wind and solar capacity.

Between March 2023 and March 2024, China installed more solar panels than the rest of the world combined. And it’s now spending £8.5 billion to build the world’s largest solar farm, an 8-gigawatt facility in Inner Mongolia capable of powering a small country.

Here in the UK, Ed Miliband has just approved three giant new solar farms as Labour’s “Rooftop Revolution” seeks to bring solar power to millions more homes…

And America just installed solar panels on its five millionth home… while the EU just adopted its “EU Solar Standard” requiring solar installations in buildings all over the EU by 2026.

Tens of millions of electric vehicles are forecast to hit the roads in the years ahead… and even nuclear power, long considered the most controversial source of energy, is seeing an historic comeback.

China, India, Korea, Europe, and even Japan are either building new nuclear reactors or recommissioning old ones. And Britain’s Hinkley C Point nuclear power plant in Somerset – the most expensive nuclear plant ever built – will provide 7% of our national energy needs when completed.

In America, the US Senate voted overwhelmingly to pass the ADVANCE Act, which speeds up the approval and construction of new nuclear plants.

Add it all up, and the renaissance of nuclear power, combined with soaring clean energy and record fossil fuel production, means that the “Age of AI” will have the energy it needs.

Of course, some breakthroughs will help – like nuclear fusion technology, which Sam Altman has put $375 million behind.

But the “all-of-the-above” approach that the world is taking to meet AI’s power needs is already clear.

And this “all-of-the-above” energy mix is the perfect setup for…

The AI “Master Key”

Earlier I shared with you Elon Musk’s observation, “The chip rush is bigger than any gold rush that’s ever existed.”

That’s undoubtedly true – but investors looking to profit from AI today could learn some valuable lessons from the original gold rush.

What most people don’t realise is that the punters selling picks and shovels to the masses of people thronging to California to make their fortune during the 1848 Gold Rush became just as wealthy, if not wealthier, than the lucky miners who struck it rich …

Fast forward and there’s the same opportunity in the AI markets today – the biggest winners of the AI Revolution will be those who focus on the businesses supporting the AI Revolution, rather than those risking it all on one or two of the big AI players. 

In other words – don’t go looking for gold, metaphorically speaking, by hoping to find the one or two AI companies that soar above the rest.

That’s the equivalent of drilling a hole in the side of a mountain and hoping against the odds to strike gold.

Instead, look for the “picks and shovels” companies – so you can profit from the “mania” around AI, without shooting for the moon on one or two longshots.

And you’ll see that there’s a “Master Key” in just about every global tech revolution before AI, too.

Remember the Dot.com craze of the late 1990s?

Everyone backing internet stocks like AOL and Qualcomm seemed to be striking it rich overnight, as those stocks soared as much as 2,587% in a year.

But one company – Cisco Systems – laid the foundation for the public internet with its invention of the IP router.

So Cisco held the Master Key in the Dot.com boom – it was positioned to soar no matter which individual internet stocks took off.

And as you can see, it left household names like Amazon, Apple, and Qualcomm in the dust in the 1990s.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five-year performance figures for Cisco Systems (CSCO): 2019 13.87% | 2020 -3.71% | 2021 44.89% | 2022 -22.44% | 2023 9.3% | 2024 (YTD 31/07) -1.74%

And it’s not just the internet… the crypto revolution had a “Master Key” too…

Because while bitcoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum, and Ripple all surged as high as 695% over the last five years as crypto took the world by storm…

It was Nvidia – the chipmaker that made all of that vast processing power possible – that held the “Master Key” and reaped truly massive gains from the revolution.

As you can see below, it’s up 2,523% – more than all four of those household crypto names combined!

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
NVIDIA (NVDA): 2019 76.73% | 2020 122.20% | 2021 125.41% | 2022 -50.26% | 2023 238.98% | 2024 (YTD 31/07) 136.33%

Which brings us back to the biggest story of the 2020s… the ongoing AI Revolution.

Obviously, Nvidia has benefited tremendously from the surge in demand for processing power.

The stock is up hundreds of percent since ChatGPT ushered in the “Age of AI” in November 2022.

But it might surprise you to hear that Nvidia isn’t the “Master Key” of the AI Revolution.

For now, its graphics processing units have market supremacy – but AMD and numerous other Big Tech firms are working on so-called “Nvidia killers.”

There are plenty of headlines in today’s news about deep-pocketed tech giants determined to wrestle the crown from Nvidia…

You can bet there are rooms full of busy analysts sifting through hundreds of filings and reams of scientific documents to try to determine which tech giant ultimately comes out on top in the chip wars.

But at the end of the day, they’re just making informed guesses at best.

Because the power of the AI “Master Key” is that it doesn’t matter which, if any, Big Tech firm comes out on top in the AI wars.

Whether it’s Google, AMD, Nvidia, Microsoft, Apple, or some dark horse nobody is talking about today…

You’ll be positioned to potentially multiply your money regardless.

Forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results.

I’ll say it again: every investment comes with risk.

And I always caution readers never to put more into any one opportunity than they can afford to lose.

That said – as you’ll see today – I believe the path for the “Master Key” to soar 300% in the AI boom is clear.

Again, that’s regardless of which AI stocks surge or stumble in the months and years ahead.

That’s because, as I mentioned, the AI “Master Key” isn’t a stock at all.

It’s not a tech fund either – so it can’t go down based on any one company’s stumbles.

Instead, it’s one asset that no semiconductor, solar panel, nuclear reactor, electric car, or computer can function without.

For the $15.7 trillion AI Revolution, the “Master Key” is…


Most people don’t associate the “white metal” with artificial intelligence or the trillions of dollars in wealth creation it’s driving.

But just consider…

It’s not commonly known, but silver is the best electrical conductor on the periodic table, as well as the best metallic thermal conductor. It has the highest known reflectivity of any raw material.

That makes it a critical component in the most powerful semiconductor chips needed for AI.

This is why the boom in semiconductors is expected to add 23 million ounces of global demand in silver by 2030.

And this dawning reality is a huge reason silver prices have climbed to £23 per ounce today, and are up around 35% in 2024 so far.

But as the silver price brushes up against the $30/oz mark, a few forward-thinking analysts are catching on to the fact that there is still vast upside potential as the AI Revolution unfolds.

But here’s what really gets my attention…

The AI Revolution doesn’t just need silver for the semiconductors and data centres it runs on…

It also needs silver for the tsunami of new energy sources it needs to draw on. Because from nuclear reactors, to solar panels, to electric vehicles and even wind turbines…

The world can’t go green
without silver

As the best electrical conductor, silver is essential for solar panels, EVs, nuclear reactors, wind turbines, and everyday items like smartphones and computers.

And the global solar boom alone will be a huge catalyst for silver in the months and years ahead.

As I touched on earlier, Keir Starmer’s “Rooftop Revolution” will put solar panels on millions of homes… and each of those solar panels will need about 0.64 oz of silver.

In America, 105 million solar panels will be installed in 2024 by conservative estimates – requiring 67 million ounces of solar at least.

China’s additional 102 gigawatts of solar capacity added just in the first half of this year consumed 71.4 million ounces of silver…

And in the EU, solar installations have grown by at least 40% per year for the last three years. In 2023, EU solar installations consumed 39 million ounces of silver.

Then there are EVs to consider… electric cars use more silver than their fossil fuel counterparts, because, as you would expect, they’re much more electronically complex.

One EV needs about 1.3 ounces of silver… so the 17 million new EVs forecasted to hit roads in 2024 alone will add up quickly.

By 2025, EV sales are expected to triple… and they could reach 86% of all car sales by 2030, according to an RMI report.

As for nuclear power… the average nuclear reactor contains 56,000 ounces of silver.

So with fleets of nuclear power plants being built all over the world, the global renaissance of nuclear power will help drive up silver demand, too.

Now, when it comes to any of these trends – AI, nuclear power, solar energy, or electric vehicles – most investors and analysts will spend a lot of time trying to find that one uniquely positioned stock that could soar thousands of percent.

My advice to you here is simple…

Don’t overthink it!

As you’ve seen, the AI Revolution – and other energy technologies that power it – can’t take place at all without vast amounts of new silver.

Which makes silver the AI “Master Key.”

And even before the AI revolution truly takes off – before it drives hundreds of millions of new ounces in demand for silver – there’s another thing you should know.

The silver supply crunch is
already here

In 2021, the world consumed 181 million more ounces of silver than it mined.

In 2022, that deficit ballooned to 253 million ounces.

In 2023, 184.3 million more ounces of silver were consumed than produced.

For 2024, estimates are that the deficit is well over 200 million ounces, as AI and the energy technologies powering it continue to take off.

You might be wondering if new mining technologies, or an increase in mining overall, might restore equilibrium in the silver market?

Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as that.

You see, the vast majority of extracted silver comes as a byproduct from mining other metals – meaning it’s not just a matter of opening up new silver mines.

That’s why “Industrial demand is soaring, driven by photovoltaic and other electrification end uses, while supply is flat or declining,” according to Mitchell Krebs, CEO of Coeur Mining.

And you can clearly see that in the chart below – even as silver demand has skyrocketed over the last few years, supply has stayed almost constant.

Source: First Majestic Silver Corp

So we can’t simply mine our way out of the supply crunch – at least not any time soon.

Meanwhile, the amount of silver consumed by solar panels alone is forecast to rise 170% by 2030.

But you might be wondering, if we’ve been consuming so much more silver than we’ve been producing for years…

Why is the silver rally only just getting started now?

Ordinarily, commodities are very sensitive to supply and demand imbalances.

For instance, in the early days of the pandemic, a mere 10% gap between the supply and demand of oil was enough to send prices spiralling to below zero for a time.

And with the world consuming hundreds of millions of ounces more silver than it produces for years now, silver should have already exploded higher, were it not for one simple anomaly.

It all comes down to shelf life. You see, oil, wheat, and other commodities have a shelf life of two years or less, meaning vast stockpiles can’t be stored indefinitely. But silver of course can be stored for many, many years

Here in London, for example, the London Bullion Market Association has been stockpiling hundreds of millions of ounces of silver since its formation in 1987.

As recently as 2020, it had over 1.1 billion ounces of silver – enough to easily withstand a few years of supply/demand deficits.

But its reserves are shrinking, and rapidly at that.

As none other than Warren Buffett observed in an interview last year:

“There’s been a gap, in recent years, of perhaps 150 million ounces…which has been filled by an inventory of bullion above ground which may have been 1.2 billion ounces a few years back, but which has been depleted.… There’s no question the bullion inventory has been depleted significantly.”

Buffett said this in January 2023… in the time since, bullion inventories have fallen by nearly 400 million ounces.

As Johannes Bernreuter, head of Bernreuter Research, put it:

“The rapid pace of technological advancements and the global push for renewable energy are driving unprecedented demand for silver. If current trends continue, we could face significant inventory shortfalls by 2025.”

In 2025, a continued shortage of silver may be enough to turbocharge silver prices, all by itself, as global inventories dwindle.

In fact, by my calculations, silver prices would have already soared by now – well beyond the 35% rise they’ve seen in 2024 so far – were it not for one single anomaly.

Coming 7 November: The Ultimate Catalyst for Precious Metals

Precious metals have one drawback for investors – they don’t pay dividends or any kind of yield.

And in times of high interest – when investors can often lock down 5% yields buying super-safe Treasury notes – gold and silver tend to lag.

The drag of high interest rates on precious metals is so powerful that even in 2021-2023, when the UK and much of the world suffered 40-year high inflation, gold prices barely budged,while silver fell by about $2/oz.

It’s incredible… not even a historic wave of inflation could cause these two traditional inflation hedges to soar as long as interest rates were at a 17-year high.

But that’s already beginning to change… and on 7 November, it’s set to change dramatically.

Here in the UK, the Bank of England just implemented its first interest rate cut in four years, with more expected in 2025 and beyond.

China has already cut rates this year… and in September, I warned readers to act a few weeks before the US Federal Reserve stunned markets with an aggressive rate cut of 50 basis points.

The announcement helped juice silver prices to gains of over 35% for 2024 so far.

And now, the mainstream financial media is starting to catch on…

As UBS strategist Joni Teves put it earlier this year:

“In a scenario where the Fed is easing, we think silver can do really well. It tends to outperform a move in gold… I think the move could be quite dramatic.”

And with the Fed expected to cut rates once again in its next meeting scheduled for 7 November – followed by more back-to-back cuts in the next few months – I believe the time to move on the ongoing silver rally is now.

Because keep in mind… this boost for silver is coming at a time when industrial demand is soaring while supply just can’t keep up.

This situation is markedly similar to the global shortage in silver in the late 1990s, right before Warren Buffett bought a staggering 130 million ounces of silver.

In 1997, the industry had also seen several consecutive years of supply and demand deficits.

By that year there was a deficit of 111 million ounces.

Buffett noticed the gap. And even though he had derided gold as a pet rock that “sits and looks at you” he was well aware of silver’s growing industrial demand.

So he bought 3,500 tonnes of the stuff – and his move helped unlock a silver rally, scoring a $97.4 million pre-tax profit for Berkshire Hathaway in one year.

One silver mogul, Thomas Kaplan, publicly thanked Buffett for his vote of confidence in silver right before Kaplan’s silver company went public.

He credited Buffett with making him a billionaire, saying “You did me a great favour.”

And now – with Berkshire sitting on a record $276 billion in cash – could be preparing to do it again.

Is Buffett preparing for a third and final move on silver?

The Oracle of Omaha has bought silver twice in his life.

In the 1970s, he bought silver because he anticipated its demonisation by the US government.

Sure enough, silver soared more than 20-fold in that decade, from $1.73/oz in April 1970 to over $36/oz in 1979.

And of course, his bet on silver amid a multi-year production deficit in the 1990s netted him over $97 million.

Naturally, Buffett would be among the first to notice a repeat of the late 1990s playing out in the silver market…

And in last year’s conference for Berkshire Hathaway shareholders, he was asked about silver.

First, Buffett noted a huge supply deficit of “perhaps 150 million ounces, though none of these figures are precise.”

Second, he noted that the only thing enabling this massive, years-long gap between demand and supply was “an inventory of bullion above ground which may have been a billion ounces a few years back but which has been depleted.”

Buffett said that something would have to happen to restore the silver demand/price equilibrium.

It could be reduced usage… but as I’ve shown, that’s not happening this decade.

It could be increased supply… but as we’ve already seen, because silver is mostly a by-product metal, supply can’t be turned on like a tap. And in the months since Buffett’s remarks, many of the silver-producing mines have been temporarily shuttered over environmental concerns, adding to the supply shortfall that experts forecast will last for years.

Finally, Buffett noted that a price change could re-establish equilibrium, saying:

“We think that  gap is wide enough so that it will continue to deplete inventories to the point where a new price is needed to establish equilibrium.”

Of course, that was in 2023…

Fast forward a year, and what’s happened?

The silver production gap came in at a deficit of 184.3 million ounces.

New supply didn’t come to the rescue – just as Buffett hinted it wouldn’t.

And there wasn’t reduced usage either – 2023 saw record industrial demand of actually 654.4 million ounces.

So, as Buffett prophesised, price would have to go up to restore equilibrium.

And that’s exactly what’s happening… silver prices are up as much as 35% in 2024 so far.

How much farther could they run?

Remember, we’re in the early stages of the AI boom.

And as AI and clean energy become even more mainstream in the months and years ahead, I believe silver prices could ultimately soar by 4x from here.

That actually seems conservative compared to past silver booms.

In the 1970s, as you’ve seen, silver prices surged 1,900%.

And from 2008 to 2011, silver prices roared from around $9/oz to almost $50/oz.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.

Which brings us to the present moment…

Just days from now, the Federal Reserve is poised to end the high-rate regime it’s inflicted on markets since March 2022.

That means that, for the first time in history, interest rates will be falling (and making silver much more attractive to investors) at the same time as:

  • One – The global AI revolution is unfolding, driving an additional demand of 23 million ounces of silver per year,
  • Two – The auto industry consumes 90 million ounces of silver a year as EVs take off,
  • Three – Solar panels gobble up 232 million ounces of silver in 2024 alone; and,
  • Four – The supply/demand gap for silver grows again by 17% in 2024, as record industrial demand combines with a 1% decline in supply.

It’s the same dynamic Warren Buffett – who is now sitting on a record pile of cash after selling half his stake in Apple – jumped on back in 1997.

My guess is, precious metals investors are looking at the same unstoppable trends driving silver that Buffett is, and will be unable to resist an even more promising setup than he saw in 1997.

After all, back then, Buffett took his position on a 111-million-ounce shortage.

Last year, the gap was 184.3 million… and there’s every reason to think it widens from here.

If and when billionaires move on silver, they won’t just be taking hundreds of millions of ounces off the market…

They’ll also be giving the white metal enormous validation, leading to a frenzy of buying as institutional firms everywhere try to get on board.

So if this happens, watch out.

I believe we could see an epic rally in silver, the likes of which history has only seen a few times before.

Forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results.

Buy physical silver, and you’ll probably do quite well…

But this is a once-in-a-generation opportunity. Perhaps even rarer than that.

So if you want to make the most of an imminent silver run – perhaps seeing gains of 1,000% or more – then stick with me and I’ll show you exactly how you could do just that.

You see, while silver bullion could rise by 3x or more after 7 November…

Which would mean a tidy profit, even after factoring in the 20% VAT that British investors must pay…

I’m tracking three companies that each come with profit potential that’s FAR more explosive than the 3x rise in silver bullion prices I’m forecasting.

Not only will each of them allow you to sidestep the 20% VAT entirely…

But they could each rise 5-10x over the next 12 months and beyond, because of the unique ways they are structured to outperform in silver booms.

Forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results.

For instance, there’s a company on my radar with a well-established history of thrashing silver’s returns over just about any time interval you look at.

During the last silver rally from 2008 to 2011, for example, it returned well over 1,000%, while silver prices rose around 150% by comparison.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.

And as you can see below, it’s soundly beaten not just silver but also gold over a one-year, three-year, five-year, and ten-year span.

Not only that – it’s done so while reliably paying a quarterly dividend.

That’s something that no precious metal will ever give you.

Over the last decade, it’s increased its quarterly payouts by 220%... and mainstream Wall Street analysts have underestimated its earnings in each of the last four quarters.

Part of their struggle comes from the fact that this is a highly unusual precious metals company.

In fact, it’s not a mining company in any real sense.

Yet it’s laying a claim to 18 mines around the world, as well as 26 that are in development – all without having to shoulder a penny of exploration or development costs.

I have to say, even I was surprised by this company’s very healthy profit margin, which is higher than Apple’s, Amazon’s, and Tesla’s combined.

But that’s what happens when a business has just 42 full-time employees… and $1.1 billion in revenue.

I’ve put all of the details – name and ticker symbol included – in the first report I’d like to send your way.

It’s called “The Precious Metals Magnifier: How to Thrash Silver and Gold Returns with a Fraction of the Risk.”

And in a moment, I’ll show you how you can secure it with a no-obligation trial membership to join my most elite service, if that’s something you’d like to do.

But first, you need to hear about an opportunity in this precious metals boom that might be even more compelling…

Special Report #2: The Miner Sitting on a Quarter Billion Ounces of Silver

Earlier I showed you how silver supply issues generally can’t be fixed by miners deciding to ramp out their output, since most of it is produced as a by-product in copper, gold, and zinc mines.

But there’s a glaring exception…

One small-cap mining company, valued at just $1.7 billion, is currently sitting on a mine of over 250 million ounces of high-grade silver.

It’s already spent hundreds of millions of dollars getting the mine ready to produce tens of millions of ounces each year.

And as recently as 2017, this very mine was producing high-quality silver that cost the firm just $10/oz to extract.

Obviously, a mine of over 250 million ounces of silver at just $10/oz will be a game-changer for this small company… but there’s been a small hitch.

The Central American country it’s located in requires a bureaucratic consultation that has been delayed since a new government took over in January.

Right now, this little country is in the process of replacing the only bureaucrat who can carry out the mandated consultation.

On a recent earnings call, the CEO was careful not to say anything about the delay so as not to antagonise the government.

But no government on earth is going to allow a mine of this magnitude to continue going untapped forever – not when there is a fortune in taxes to collect from it.

I believe this company could receive the go-ahead to start tapping into one of the most lucrative mines on Earth within a month at the most – so you’ll want to move before then.

In the meantime, this company has a sterling record of delivering income to shareholders.

Not only has it managed to raise its dividend in recent years – including in 2020, when the pandemic sent most miners reeling – but it still pays almost 50% more than the average S&P 500 company.

All that is to say, as the explosive silver catalyst nears, I don’t think investors will mind the wait for this gem in the making.

And that brings me to…

Special Report #3: The Small-Cap Silver “Pure-Play”

Most miners produce silver as a by-product of another metal – but one small-cap firm is a rare exception.

Valued at just $1.5 billion, it’s perhaps the closest thing in the world to a “pure play” on silver mining.

Its biggest silver mine is producing for as little as $14 per ounce… which means enormous upside for this company if silver prices climb half as high as I’m forecasting… and the 150,000 ounces of gold it produces on the side won’t hurt, either.

The company’s dividend policy is one of the most shareholder friendly I’ve seen… as a rule, it gives back approximately 1% of revenues to shareholders.

Mind you, that’s revenues, not profits – so if and when silver prices surge, this company’s dividend could balloon for shareholders, too.

Analysts are projecting 680% growth next year for this firm – compared to just 12.3% for the S&P 500 average.

I’d love to rush you all three of these reports – briefing you on exactly what you need to know to profit from the ongoing silver boom – as part of a no-obligation trial membership to my most elite research service.

It’s called…

And today, I’ve arranged a way for you to try it out, with no financial obligation.

But first, I need to tell you about another opportunity on my radar… one that 342 institutional firms are already placing bets on.

Why Wall Street is Going “All In” on an Unknown, $40 Energy Stock

Earlier I showed you how no major economy can afford to turn its back on nuclear power during this “AI Gold Rush.”

And sure enough, this corner of the energy sector is seeing EXPLOSIVE growth… and the world’s most plugged-in insiders are already positioning themselves.

Because when it comes to the $40 stock at the heart of this $40 trillion sector…

BlackRock – the world’s most powerful private equity firm, with $10.5 trillion under management – has already bought 6.5 million shares.

Morgan Stanley just bought 2 million new shares last quarter, adding to its trove of 7 million…

Vanguard has 15 million shares after loading up again last quarter…

And this is just a snapshot of the institutional buying frenzy around this $45 nuclear energy stock that’s still largely unknown – for now.

And the more uranium it produces, the more efficient its business becomes… profit margins climbed from 5% in 2022 to 14% in 2023. And they’re expected to hit 23% by 2025.

Meanwhile free cash flow skyrocketed from $94 million in 2022 to $366 million in 2023. And it’s expected to reach $572 million by 2025.

This influx of cash will allow the company to make new investments, pay down debt, and reward shareholders.

Add it all up, and you can see why analysts are forecasting 84% growth next year for the company. Wall Street is obviously determined to be in the right place at the right time.

And now, you can be, too.

I’ve put all the details together for you in a special bonus report, “One $48 Stock to Ride Out the $40 Trillion Nuclear Renaissance.”

And today, it can be yours, along with all of the research I’ve just described.

Secure All 4 Reports Now with a No-Obligation “Test Drive” of Strategic Energy Alert

Strategic Energy Alert is designed to help you multiply your money from a sea change in the global energy equation.

I harness my network of industry contacts to pinpoint the most exciting and potentially explosive profit opportunities in the energy sector – and then subject them to a rigorous analysis from me and my team.

As a subscriber to Strategic Energy Alert, you’ll never have to spend countless hours sifting through hundreds of pages of research.

Instead, I’ll do that all for you.

Each week, you’ll receive briefings from me as I track what’s happening in the global energy sector and where the money is flowing.

This is where my 17 years as an energy analyst and the connections I’ve made throughout my career start to pay off.

I’ll use my insider knowledge of the energy industry and the major players to track exactly where the momentum is building…

And which subsectors are starting to lose steam.

When I think it’s time to make a move, you’ll get an email from me including a “Buy Alert” that looks something like this…

The email itself will include the recommendation – no need to click through to the website, log in and hunt for the information…

When we’re ready to buy, I want you to instantly have all the information you need to make a decision including my investment case, the risks you need to be aware of, and a specific buy-up-to price so you don’t overpay.

I’ll tell you exactly where the stock is when I wrote the recommendation, along with my reason for pulling the trigger at that time.

I’ll tell you when it’s time to take profits – or exit a position if it’s not going our way.

You need to remember, all investing involves risk, so you should only ever invest with money you can afford to lose.

For one thing—many of the silver miners I’d like to brief you on today have operations scattered around the globe.

That means that foreign currency fluctuations can affect earnings. Labor disputes and strikes have affected various mining operations from time to time.

And these stocks are volatile, to various degrees. So investors should be prepared to see big swings either way.

As much as I believe investing is a great way to build wealth and could lead to a comfortable life, you should never be risking money needed for your mortgage, food, or expenses for your family. It’s important that you understand and accept any risks to your capital before you invest.

Once it’s time to sell each position – and if all goes well, it’ll be with a nice profit – you’ll get another email from me with a “Sell Alert” telling you it’s time to get out and why.

In between these buy and sell alerts, you’ll get my in-depth coverage of the global energy markets.

I’m always on the lookout for the next recommendation and the only way to do that is to stay locked-in on what’s happening each and every day.

In addition, you’ll have 24/7 access to my research with…

Exclusive Access to the Strategic Energy Alert Website

When you decide to join me, you’ll immediately get access to our password-protected website here at Southbank Investment Research where you’ll find every special report I’ve published, every special weekly alert, every market update and buy and sell alert, access to my portfolio and more…

As soon as you join,what I believe is the best energy investment research service on the planet.

As you’ve seen, we’re in the early stages of a global energy revolution, to meet the needs of the $15.7 trillion AI boom.

One that could take countless energy companies to record profits AND record stock prices, minting new millionaires in the process.

As you’ve seen, a tipping point in silver is quickly approaching just to meet all of this demand – potentially as soon as Thursday 7 November.

That’s why I’m wasting no time in inviting you to…

Test Drive Strategic Energy Alert Today for 30 Days

Here at Southbank Investment Research, we stand behind our products and services 100%.

That’s why when you join Strategic Energy Alert today, you can test drive it for a full 30 days.

During that time, you’ll get my weekly research and updates, along with the 4 cutting-edge investment briefings I’ve told you about today…

But more importantly, you’re going to get access to each and every position I add to my portfolio, including my top silver and nuclear stock recommendations today…

And whichever investment opportunities come across my radar next.

You can take the first step today by joining me inside Strategic Energy Alert.

Now, I’m sure you’re wondering right now what a service like this will cost you.

And, ordinarily this research retails for thousands of pounds.

That’s what many others have paid.

Add to that the fact that you’re not just getting access to me and my research when you join Strategic Energy Alert

You also get indirect access to my in-house research team and the custom “trading radar” we spent months and thousands of pounds developing.

All of this combined gives me confidence that this is one of the best energy investment advisories in the UK…

John Butler,
investment director, Southbank Investment Research.

One I could justifiably charge £10,000 for, according to John Butler, the investment director here at Southbank Investment Research.

John has worked at some of the largest banks in London and knows full well that bespoke research like this is often priced far beyond what most people can pay.

And if I did charge such a price, my current subscribers may even agree it was worth it given what they’ve shared with me.

One subscriber, PH, recently pulled off a triple-bagger:

“Wow!!! My hat is off — the TRIPLE you pulled is absolutely phenomenal, I stand in awe and silence. Thank you very much for fantastic calls, definitely got my subscription money back many times over.”


Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.

AG also wrote in when we were on an epic run with clean energy stocks:

“I view your service as a Green ETF with the most informed fund manager in the sector.”


And PM kindly shared this:

“Having experienced so many other stock picking advisories, I can quite honestly say that nothing else comes close to [your research] quality and consistency of outright performance.”


Given my experience, my network and my sterling track record identifying opportunities within the energy sector, I’d be fully justified charging £10,000 or more.

But here at Southbank Investment Research, we have a mission to level the playing field for private investors. And that means making our research available at a price that private investors can handle, while also covering our costs.

What that means is you’re not going to pay anything close to £10,000 today to join Strategic Energy Alert.

You’re not going to pay £5,000 or even £2,500 today for the premium-level research I’ll be delivering to you on a regular basis, keeping you directly in touch with the global energy markets.

Instead, we’ve priced a full year of Strategic Energy Alert at only £1,997 per year.

But my publisher and I also want to make it as easy as possible for you to join me today, especially as the cost of living remains stubbornly high.

That’s why I’d like to offer you my own form of an 'energy rebate' by reducing the price of Strategic Energy Alert. During this special promotional period, you can now join for just £299 every 3 months.

That means you’ll get full access to everything I told you about today…

  • 24/7 access to the private, encrypted Strategic Energy Alert website…
  • Weekly updates from me and my team…
  • Full access to the Strategic Energy Alert portfolio, including buy-up-to prices and current recommendations to buy or hold…
  • Special Report #1: “The Precious Metals Magnifier: How to Thrash Silver and Gold Returns with a Fraction of the Risk.”
  • Special Report #2: The Miner Sitting on a Quarter Billion Ounces of Silver
  • Special Report #3: The Small-Cap Silver “Pure-Play”
  • Bonus Report: “One $48 Stock to Ride Out the $40 Trillion Nuclear Renaissance.”

All for just £299 for three months!

You can use my research with no long-term obligation until you hit the end of Day 30.

If you decide between now and then that Strategic Energy Alert isn’t your cup of tea, no worries. Just let us know and we’ll issue you a full refund, cancel your subscription, and part as friends.

You’ll even get to keep the research you downloaded and any trades you may have jumped in on while following me.

But you need to act now to reserve this discount…

If you choose to join outside this short window around the Fed’s 7 November announcement, you’ll likely have to pay full price for access to my research.

You’ve Got 3 Options Right Now…

First off, I’d like to thank you for spending some of your time with me today.

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed sharing my research with you and I hope I’ve left you with plenty to ponder.

After all, I’ve shown you the evidence that we are fast approaching a critical tipping point in the global silver market…

With the world already seeing a shortage of hundreds of millions of ounces a year…

And solar, electric vehicles, semiconductors, and more poised to add hundreds of millions more ounces a year in demand…

All while new silver supplies remain constrained for the foreseeable future…

It’s almost a mathematical certainty that silver prices will soar…

That means you’ve really got three options today…

First, you can choose to do absolutely nothing with what you’ve learned today.

You can continue investing and trading as you currently are on your own or with other advisors you may have.

But I suspect if you were satisfied with the results you’ve been getting up until now, you might not have hung around this long.

Second, I’ve revealed a lot today about what I watch for in the energy markets and how I identify individual stocks to invest in.

If you’re the type of person who prefers to go it alone, I’ve shown you enough today to get started…

But you’ll need to do a lot of leg work to get across the finish line with your own research.

And you might actually do pretty well just buying silver bullion… even accounting for the 20% VAT that UK buyers are subject to.

Finally, you have option #3…

Not only will the opportunities I’d like to send your way allow you to sidestep the 20% VAT…

But you'll also have the opportunity to stay connected with the Strategic Energy Alert community and secure an incredible discount, paying just £299 every 3 months during your first year.

You'll pay just £299 every 3 months for access as we track each and every opportunity in the energy sector together.

Every week, I’ll let you know exactly where I believe the best investments are and what price to get in at.

As a recap, here’s everything you’ll receive if you take me up on this no-obligation 30-day trial…

Special Report #1:
The Precious Metals Magnifier: How to Thrash Silver and Gold Returns with a Fraction of the Risk.

This investment has not only thrashed silver and gold returns over a 1-year, 2-year, 3-year, and 5-year period… it’s also paid a dividend that’s grown by 220% over the last decade.

It can do this thanks to its unique structure – as you’ll see in the report, it’s not a mining company in the true sense of the word. Yet with just a few dozen employees, it’s laying claim to over $1 billion in revenue from mines all over the world.

And once you know all about this $57/share investment, you can, too.

Special Report #2:
The Miner Sitting on a Quarter Billion Ounces of Silver

What happens to this nearly unknown miner when it gets the green light – which could be any day now – to start tapping into a mine of over 250 million ounces of silver?

Forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results.

If I’m even half right about the imminent silver boom, this firm could easily turn into a 10-bagger over time.

You’ll receive all of the details in this report.

Special Report #3:
The Small-Cap Silver “Pure-Play”

This is the closest thing to a “pure play” in silver, and unlike the precious metal itself, it pays a hefty dividend that amounts to around 1% of the company’s entire revenue – and that’s revenue, not profits.

For investors looking to cash out on a silver boom, and get paid a growing income stream while watching it unfold, I can’t think of a better opportunity than this.

Analysts are forecasting 680% growth this year for the company… and if they’re even half right, that could be enough for these shares to outpace the gains I’m envisioning for silver overall – even before you factor in the 20% VAT you’ll avoid.

Forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results.

Then there’s your special bonus report, should you join us at Strategic Energy Alert today…

Bonus Report:
One $48 Stock to Ride Out the $40 Trillion Nuclear Renaissance

In this special bonus report, you’ll be briefed on why analysts are forecasting 1,800% growth this quarter for the company. As you’ll see from the stampede of institutional buying I expose here, Wall Street is obviously determined to be in the right place at the right time.

And now, you can be, too.

It’s all up to you now…

The Federal Reserve’s 7 November announcement is just days away… and when it hits, I expect not just silver prices, but also shares of each of these companies to start surging.

Forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results.

Of course, the upside for silver isn’t only my opinion.

As you can see, rising expectations for the Fed’s 7 November decision have already boosted the markets…

By now, you’ve seen how quickly the silver market can move… and how none other than Warren Buffett could kick start a silver rally within weeks, if he moves on silver for a third time as I believe he will.

So, as the clean energy revolution and the $15.7 trillion AI revolution unfold… will you be on the sidelines, like so many millions of others?

Or will you be betting it all on a few companies, which may crash and burn, just like Cisco, Pets.com, and so many one-time heroes of the past tech revolutions?

Or – will you successfully tap into the AI “Master Key” and opt out of all the uncertainty and volatility of the tech arms race, even as you position yourself to potentially multiply your money?

I hope it’s the latter. And that’s why I’ve put together this special, no-obligation trial membership opportunity for you today.

Just click the button below to lock in your £800 discount and enjoy access to every report at your leisure for just £299 every 3 months during your no-obligation trial.

I’m really hoping to see you on the other side.


James Allen,
Editor, Southbank Energy Alert

Click this button to get started.

Important Risk Warning

Advice in Strategic Energy Alert does not constitute a personal recommendation. Any recommendation should be considered in relation to your own circumstances, risk tolerance and investment objectives. Before investing you should consider carefully the risks involved, including those described below. If you have any doubt as to suitability or taxation implications, seek independent financial advice.

General – Your capital is at risk when you invest, never risk more than you can afford to lose. Past performance and forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results. Bid/offer spreads, commissions, fees and other charges can reduce returns from investments. There is no guarantee dividends will be paid.

Small cap shares - Shares recommended may be small company shares. These can be relatively illiquid meaning they are hard to trade and can have a large bid/offer spread. If you need to sell soon after you bought, you might get back less that you paid. This makes them riskier than other investments.

Overseas investments - Some shares may be denominated in a currency other than sterling. The return from these may increase or decrease as a result of currency fluctuations. Any dividends will be taxed at source in the country of issue.

Funds - Fund performance relies on the performance of the underlying investments and there is counterparty default risk which could result in a loss not represented by the underlying investment.

Spread betting – Spread betting may, on occasion, be recommended. Spread betting comes with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. Prices can move rapidly against you and resulting losses may be more than your original stake or deposit. It is not suitable for everyone. Between 74% and 89% of retail investor accounts lose money when spread betting.

You should consider whether you understand how spread betting works and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money. Margin amounts vary between spread betting companies and the type of markets spread bet.

Taxation – Profits from share dealing are a form of income and subject to taxation. Tax treatment depends on individual circumstances and may be subject to change.

Editor: James Allen. Editors or contributors may have an interest in recommendations. Information and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of other editors/contributors of Southbank Investment Research Ltd. Full details of our complaints procedure and terms and conditions can be found at, www.southbankresearch.com.

Strategic Energy Alert contains regulated content and is issued by Southbank Investment Research Limited.

Registered in England and Wales No 9539630. VAT No GB629728794. Registered Office: Basement, 95 Southwark Street, London SE1 0HX. Southbank Investment Research Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FCA No 706697. https://register.fca.org.uk/.

© 2024 Southbank Investment Research Limited.


1 Forbes - Goldman Sachs Predicts 300 million Jobs Will Be Lost or Degraded by Artificial Intelligence – 31 March 2023

2 Fortune - AI stock boom helps mint 600,000 new U.S. millionaires – 8 June 2024

3 Fortune - There were over 30,000 mentions of AI on earnings calls by the end of 2023 as C-suite leaders gird for a ‘massive technology shift’ – 22 January 2024

4 PwC - PwC's Global Artificial Intelligence Study

5 Reuters - Berkshire halves Apple stake, boosts cash to $277 billion as it gets 'defensive’ – 3 August 2024

6 Noble Gold Investments - Does Elon Musk Impact the Price Silver? – 5 December 2023

7 Forbes - AI Power Consumption: Rapidly Becoming Mission-Critical – 20 June 2024

8 Forbes - Why Bill Gates Feels Energy Hungry AI Systems Are No Cause for Anxiety – 30 June 2024

9 The New York Times - A.I. Could Soon Need as Much Electricity as an Entire Country – 10 October 2023

10 Popular Science - Sam Altman: Age of AI will require an 'energy breakthrough' – 18 January 2024

11 Newatlas - Elon Musk: AI will run out of electricity and transformers in 2025 – 1 March 2024

12 The New York Times - A.I.’s Insatiable Appetite for Energy – 11 July 2024

13 CNBC – Microsoft, Brookfield to develop more than 10.5 gigawatts of renewable energy – 1 May 2024

14 The Guardian - China building two-thirds of world’s wind and solar projects – 11 July 2024

15 Goldman Sachs - Electric vehicles are forecast to be half of global car sales by 2035 – 10 February 2023

16 The Guardian - Nuclear power output expected to break global records in 2025 – 24 January 2024

17 The Spectator - Why Britain is building the world’s most expensive nuclear plant – 2 May 2024

18 United States Department of Nuclear Energy - Newly Signed Bill Will Boost Nuclear Reactor Deployment in the United States – 10 July 2024

19 CNBC - Sam Altman puts $375 million into fusion start-up Helion Energy – 7 November 2021

20 MT Royal - The Picks and Shovels Strategy

21 The Japan Times - Google, Qualcomm and Intel launch bid to break Nvidia’s grip on AI – 26 March 2024

22 BOAB Metals Limited - Which Emerging Technologies Are Driving Silver Demand – 12 December 2022

23 JM Bullion – Silver Solar Demand

24 Solar Insure - How Many Americans Have Solar Panels in 2024?

25 Sprott - Silver’s Critical Role in the Clean Energy Transition – 29 May 2024

26 Virta - The Global Electric Vehicle Market In 2024

27 The Silver Institute

28 Statista - Number of nuclear reactors under construction worldwide as of July 2024, by country

29 Carbon Credits - Silver to See Growing Deficit in 2024 as Supply Struggles – 25 April 2024

30 The Silver Institute - Silver Industrial Demand Rose – 17 April 2024

31 Abcdust - What are the biggest silver mines in the world? – 29 March 2022

32 Corporate Presentation – August 2024

33 Youtube - Warren Buffett: The Weird Reason Why I Decided to Buy Silver

34 The Jerusalem Post - Industrial Demand Might Consume the Entire Silver Market by 2025 – 6 August 2024

35 Gold Price.org - Gold Price Charts & Historical Data

36 Bullion Vault - Silver Spot Price Chart | Live Updates

37 The Guardian - UK recovery ‘will accelerate and force Bank to keep interest rates higher for longer’ – 7 August 2024

38 Wall Street Journal - China’s Rate Cuts Welcomed, But More Still Needs to Be Done – 22 July 2024

39 CNBC - Gold prices to hit $2,200 and outperformance awaits silver, says UBS – 4 February 2024

40 CMI Gold & Silver - Warren Buffett Buys 130 million Ounces of Silver! – May 1998

41 Blanchard - The Warren Buffett Silver Trade – 29 May 2020

42 Markets Insider - Billionaire Thomas Kaplan Thanked Warren Buffett for Silver Purchase – 23 May 2020

43 Markets Insider - Warren Buffett's $189 Billion Cash Pile Isn't a Stock Market Crash Signal – 19 June 2024

44 MacroTrends – Silver Prices 100 Year Historical Chart

45 Mexico Business News - Peñasquito Strike Reduces World Silver Production in 2023 – 21 November 2023

46 Carbon Credits - Silver Lining: Soaring Demand Outstrips Supply, Pushing Prices to The Roof – 16 July 2024

47 Yahoo Finance

48 Company Profile

49 Yahoo Finance – Amazon

50 Yahoo Finance – Apple

51 Yahoo Finance – Tesla

52 Company Profile

53 Nasdaq – Company Institutional Holdings

54 Forbes - Nuclear Fusion Technology Could Be A $40 Trillion Market – 27 December 2022