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The following promotion is not investment advice. Your capital is at risk when you invest, never risk more than you can afford to lose. If you are unsure whether this type of investing is right for you, seek independent personal financial advice. Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future results.

AI’s $200 TRILLION Wave of Creative Destruction

For every single millionaire it creates (and it will create thousands), AI could destroy 10 times more in pensions, jobs, and livelihoods.

You can’t stop it. You can’t avoid it. You can only choose which side you will be on…

James stood frozen by the window of his Canary Wharf office.

“I can’t believe it’s happening so fast,” he muttered.

For 15 years, his market research firm helped FTSE 100 companies grow.

Now, it was all unravelling.

The firm’s most prestigious client, a major high-street retailer, was the first to ring. 

“James, we’re terminating our contract,” the Chief Marketing Officer said.

“This new AI system – it’s analysing social media trends, national shopping habits, even music and movie influences. It’s providing insights we never imagined possible.”

With that, a £2 million contract – more than half of the business he built from the ground up – was gone.

Then Britain's largest drinks maker called. Then a national restaurant chain.

AI took every single contract.

In total, 90% of James’ business – gone to AI.

James prided himself on predicting trends, yet somehow he missed the one that would upend his entire industry.

The data was undeniable.

AI’s forecasts were proving more precise. Its strategies more effective at predicting buying behaviour from London to Glasgow.

James isn’t alone. Thousands of Britons are facing the same crisis.

Like Harry Sinclair...

A gaming programmer for Pioneer in Cambridge.

For more than a decade, Harry was the foremost expert in his field – using years of technical training and experience to write code that brought virtual worlds to life. He was earning £125,000 – top of his game.

Last year, things changed – and fast. Pioneer introduced an AI coding system.

Within five months, the bustling floor of 100 coders crumbled to a skeleton crew of 20 surrounded by empty desks.

Six weeks after that, Harry and his team clocked out for the last time. All 100 jobs completely replaced by AI. More than £8 million in hard-earned salaries wiped from the board.

When Harry left Pioneer for the last time, he realised how naïve he’d been.

His specialist skills and decades of experience were easily replaced by AI. Like he was never there.

They are just two of many who could be affected in the coming weeks and months, victims of AI’s creative destruction.

As the influence of AI accelerates, things could get worse for UK jobs. A lot worse.

2 in 3 British jobs could radically change or even disappear

In my hands are three shocking reports...

From the Government, the IMF, and McKinsey. Each one details AI’s disruptive impact on jobs.

The IMF report states that 40% of global employment is exposed to AI.

That’s one in every three jobs... that could radically change or even disappear... by 2030.

But in advanced economies like Britain...

The number of jobs on the chopping block rises exponentially.

AI is set to shake up or eliminate up to 60% of UK jobs... in just the next six years.

That means... two out of three UK jobs... disrupted or destroyed.

The Institute for Public Policy Research agrees, saying we could see a “job apocalypse”...

As 8 million jobs could disappear.

Within that 8 million, 33% are nearing retirement age.

Here’s the kicker – it’s already happening...

In recent weeks, AI-related layoffs have escalated, with job cuts announced at Google, Duolingo, and UPS.

And that’s just the AI-related redundancies from companies you know.

Turns out…

37% of business leaders have already started replacing staff with AI.

And they expect to make further job cuts in 2024.

Most troubling of all...

AI isn’t just replacing factory workers like previous tech revolutions.

It’s reaching up from the factory floor into offices where white-collar, higher-paid workers tend to be.

Here’s what I mean...

The Law Society warns AI could create a “savage reduction” in legal jobs.

Legal researchers could be the first to disappear. Their primary task is digging through huge piles of data to find critical case-winning facts. AI can do that faster with greater accuracy.

It’s the same story for paralegals. AI can draft documents and prepare data for court in seconds.

Even mediators with hard-won interpersonal skills are at risk. AI is already analysing case details and suggesting possible outcomes.

That’s why Goldman Sachs warns AI could automate 44% of legal tasks.

Let’s look at another high-paid industry…

95% chance of losing their jobs as machines take over…

Last year, KPMG fired 13,600 staff just before announcing a partnership with Microsoft to leverage AI.

And four in ten senior KPMG auditors expect AI to cut headcount even more.

Now, brace yourself for this...

Research by Oxford University says accountants have a 95% chance of losing their jobs as machines take over the number crunching and data analysis.

There are 204,000 British accountants over 45 years old… all of whom I would consider highly at risk to AI, according to IMF findings.

This presentation is for them. And for you.

We can’t stop AI, but I CAN give you the tools to help you understand and navigate this dramatic shift. 

But it’s not only data-driven jobs that could be eaten by AI.

AI’s taking a bite out of the creative arts...

Vauhini Vara is an award-winning journalist.

She’s written for The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic and Businessweek.

After interviewing Sam Altman in 2017, he gave her exclusive, early access to Chat-GPT.

For more than a decade, Vara had tried to write about her sister’s death.

Then one night, out of sheer desperation, she turned to ChatGPT.

AI not only wrote her story in seconds...

As she says, “it succeeded in moving me, about the most important experience of my life.”

Vara later told WIRED magazine...

Vara’s not the only writer who sees the game-changing potential of AI.

Joe Russo

The director of Avengers: Endgame, Joe Russo, predicts AI could make entire moves in just two years’ time.

As you’ll see in a moment, there are two sides to this story.

AI could enrich your life and your bank account.

But you need to prepare now... because it’s not just two out of every three British jobs that will be disrupted by AI...

Entire industries could undergo a sea change or fade away

Here’s what’s already happening...

A mobile phone factory in Dongguan City, China, replaced 90% of its human workforce with machines.

The National Eating Disorders Association recently fired its ENTIRE helpline team. In its place is a new AI system.


BT plans to cut around 55,000 jobs by 2030.

CEO Philip Jansen says, “BT is set to be a huge beneficiary of AI.”

Philip Jansen, CEO of BT
Source: x.com/bt_uk

Here’s another wild story...

AI-controlled machines will soon plant, nurture and harvest everything we eat.

That’s why AI farming is set to grow from $3 billion today… to $12 billion by 2026.

Simply put...

AI is flipping industries upside down.

Farming? Transformed.

Customer service? Revolutionised.

Accounting and law? Yep, AI’s got its fingers in those pies too.

Sounds scary, right?

Well, what if I told you this could actually be the opportunity of a lifetime?

As with every other world-changing innovation before it...

AI is expected to disrupt or destroy up to £1.3 trillion worth of British jobs in industries ranging from accounting to law to farming in just the next six years. 

At the same time, it’s CREATING £180 TRILLION worth of wealth in industries just being born.

Simply put, AI will create new winners and losers.

Today, you can choose which side of the AI wealth divide you land on.

A few simple steps could completely change your financial future.

I’ll walk you through these steps in this presentation.

But let’s switch gears for a second...

Billions flowing in AI farming…

Remember when I said, AI-controlled machines will soon plant, nurture and harvest everything we eat?

Although that might sound scary.

AI is actually helping us survive.

You see, the Food and Agriculture Organisation estimates that by 2050, we’ll need to produce 60% more food just to feed a global population of 9.3 billion people.

That giant leap in food production is almost impossible with current farming techniques because we don’t have enough land or water.

This is where AI can come to our rescue.

CropX, an AI soil monitoring system, reduces water usage by 57%, cuts fertiliser use by 15%, and increases yield by 70%.

But that’s not all…

Pests destroy around 40% of food in the field. Costing farmers at least $70 billion a year.

New AI systems are solving this $70 billion problem without chemical pesticides.

That’s why the AI farming market is expected to boom from $3 billion today… to $12 billion by 2026.

That’s a $9 billion investment surge – in just the next 18 months.

Here’s another huge market opportunity…

The report in my hand estimates that autonomous delivery charges could fall to as little as 20 pence per trip.

Just think about how that would change your shopping habits.

If you forgot to buy milk at the supermarket.

You wouldn’t go back. Not for a 20-pence delivery charge.

You’d simply grab your phone and get the milk delivered in a couple of hours.

How would that affect your weekly shop?

If you’re like me, it’ll disappear.

Because you’ll only order the food you want to eat tonight.

Imagine how much less food you’ll throw away.

That’s why the autonomous delivery market is set to grow from near zero today to $1 trillion to $2 trillion by 2030.

Even dinosaur industries are loving AI…

The oil and gas industry is using AI to optimise operations, cut costs, and improve safety.

And it’s easy to see why…

A 1% platform improvement boosts revenue by $300 million.

Accounting giant PwC predicts AI will boost Middle East oil revenue by $320 billion by 2030.

But that’s not all…

The biggest cost in oil and gas is dry wells.

It typically costs between $5 million and $9 million to drill an oil well.

If there’s no pay-dirt at the end, that’s a heavy loss.

AI can analyse seismic data to predict oil fields with astonishing accuracy.

So it’s no surprise that BP is already using AI to identify oil fields and improve drilling operations.

Shell has developed an AI system to predict equipment failures, reduce downtime, and improve safety.

Saudi Aramco, the world’s largest oil company, has even developed an autonomous AI-powered drilling rig.

That’s why we’re about to see a $5 billion AI investment flow into the oil and gas industry by 2030.

But, here’s the thing…

That’s only AI’s profit-boosting potential on established industries.

With the power AI improving seven times faster than computers…

Doubling its performance every 3.4 months…

It won’t be long before new industries that we can’t begin to imagine start to blossom.

AI could boost the global economy by
$200 trillion…

Those smart enough to see what’s coming will have the chance to make an absolute fortune... as the AI mega trend takes the world by storm.

I’m talking about bigger gains than the internet, EVs, or cryptocurrencies.

That’s not my prediction. It comes directly from the two exciting reports in my hand.

PricewaterhouseCoopers, one of the world’s largest accounting firms, says AI could be a “$15 trillion game changer”.

But I think it’s underestimating AI’s profit potential.

The second, and more recent report...

... indicates that AI will have a much more dramatic impact on our income and investments.

It states – “AI should increase the productivity of knowledge workers more than 4-fold by 2030...

At 100% adoption, AI could increase global productivity by a jaw-dropping $200 trillion.

That’s almost double the entire global economy today.

For some, that could mean their income, investments, and living standards rise at the fastest rate we’ve ever seen.

Now, here’s the best part...

If you walk away with only one nugget of gold from our conversation today, this is what you need to remember...

AI has reached a critical tipping point.

Generative AI has become so powerful, so easy to use...

It’s now poised to rewrite business models. Revolutionise jobs. Reinvent entire industries.

That’s why Forbes reports...

“I think AI is going to be the greatest force for economic empowerment and a lot of people are getting richer than we have ever seen.”

Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI

Mustafa Suleyman, Co-founder of DeepMind, warned...

“As we stand at this turning point, we are faced with a choice – a choice between a future of unparalleled possibility and a future of unimaginable peril.”

Mustafa Suleyman, Co-founder of DeepMind

“As we stand at this turning point, we are faced with a choice – a choice between a future of unparalleled possibility and a future of unimaginable peril.”

So, right now, you need to ask yourself – are you going to be on the right side of history when this comes to pass?

Because AI is coming and it’s coming fast. Whether you’re an accountant, doctor, writer, or retiree, you’ll feel the impact of this.

My stance is, you need to be prepared. It’s the best way to come out unscathed, and even better, with some significant profits to show for it.

AI will wreak havoc on millions of unprepared British investors...

Forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results.

But it will also create an entirely new generation of millionaires... for those who position themselves to profit now.

AI will create a new generation
of millionaires

I want to help you become part of it.

I’m going to show you the best AI investment opportunities I see right now.

So you can potentially profit from the companies using AI to supercharge their productivity, sales, and share price.

As Google boss Sundar Pichai said:

“Artificial intelligence will do more for humanity than fire.”

Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google

Right now, we are at AI’s tipping point.

Those who fail to see... or who choose to ignore this unstoppable mega trend... may pay a terrible price.

However, those who see the writing on the wall and take decisive action right now...

They have the chance to make huge investment gains... and live the life of their dreams.

In a moment, I’ll give you details on three specific companies I believe will be the biggest winners.

Forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results.

One company currently controls the rollout of AI across cars, robots and phones.

The second company is solving a problem at the centre of AI… and at the heart of civilisation.

And the market for the third company is poised to explode 73 TIMES higher in just over a decade.

Act now, and you could see bigger profits than at any point in history.

Before we get into all that...

I should properly introduce myself

Hi, I’m Sam Volkering.

Sam Volkering
Editor, Southbank Investment Research

I’m the Head of Moonshot Research for a community of over five thousand of British investors.

Over the last decade, I’ve helped UK investors profit from the biggest tech breakthroughs.

Way before you could read about them in The Telegraph, The Economist, or Time magazine.

I bought my first stock at ten years old... and I was instantly hooked.

I started my career in Melbourne as a financial adviser but quickly decided that wasn’t for me.

Instead, I wanted to help everyday investors profit from early-stage companies, building breakthrough technology, that could radically change our lives.

Just look at Nvidia.

Today, it’s the most talked about stock in the world.

Yet, in 2013, when I first recommended it…

Only hardcore PC gamers and tech enthusiasts like myself knew their name.

I saw that Nvidia was building the backbone of an emerging mega trend in money – bitcoin.

Anyone still holding it is up an incredible 38,000%.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five-year performance for NVIDIA (NVDA): 2019 76.73% | 2020 122.20% | 2021 125.41% | 2022 -50.26% | 2023 238.98% | 2024 (YTD 31/07) 136.33%

Quantum computing is another emerging technology with far-reaching implications.

For instance, the cryptography underlying everything from email to nuclear weapons security could be hacked in seconds.

That’s why I was excited to recommend a tiny quantum computing chip maker – Archer Materials.

Less than two years later...

Archer Materials won two patents for its quantum chips.

The news sent its share price soaring 1,875%.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five-year performance for Archer Materials (AXE): 2018 -53.75% | 2019 +122.97% | 2020 +292.73% | 2021 +151.85% | 2022 -50.55% | 2023 -36.13%

Then there’s cryptocurrencies…

When most people thought they were a fad or a scam…

I believed crypto could change the entire financial system.

In other words, I saw cryptocurrencies as a mega trend in money.

And I showed members of my crypto readership at the time how to bank huge profits.

I recommended bitcoin in early 2017, when it was around $900.

Anyone who got in back then watched the value soar to over $73,000 at its highest.

That’s an 8,000% gain.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five year performance of Bitcoin (BTC): 2019 +92.65% | 2020 +303.09% | 2021 +59.71% | 2022 -64.27% | 2023 +155.9%

I also recommended a string of smaller altcoins most people have still never heard of.

Let me show you what I mean...

Harmony built an unrivalled marketplace for trading non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

And Harmony paid you to hold its coin.

Much like a dividend on a stock. Only the Harmony dividend was much higher than what you’d get on a stock.

Everything looked rosy until March 2021.

That’s when I sent this urgent message…

Harmony has been surging of late. It has now punched through 2,200% from our initial recommendation.

I have no doubt that’s because of its close ties to the NFT space and the sheer mania that’s surrounding NFTs right now.

The NFT space is going bonkers – a little too bonkers for my taste.

I fear a lot of hype and FOMO around NFT art and in-game collectives is starting to get wildly overblown.

Hence I think it’s smart to take some of the profits Harmony has delivered.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.

I sent that sell alert six months before the NFT bubble burst.

Helping my crypto readers bank a 2,200% winner.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.

I’ve guided members of various investment communities  to 14 different 1,000%+ crypto and stock winners.

As you’ve seen, some of these gains have been as high as 8,000%.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.

Each of these trades made members of my different investment communities much richer – like Charles, who sent me this note…

“Firstly a MASSIVE thank you!!!”

“In April 2020 I bought about £250 worth of 5 altcoins you’d mentioned. By March 2021, my crypto portfolio had gone up to £86,000!”


Susan made six figures. Here’s what she wrote…

“My total investment is around £90,000 and my current crypto portfolio value stands at £450,000.”


And Mike said...

“I definitely earned more after 40 weeks in crypto than I did after 40 years in business.”


Now, I should also say that not all of my recommendations are homerun winners. I concentrate my research in markets that are higher risk. Like every investor with more than a decade in the market, I’ve had my fair share of losers.

As I always say – if you’re going to try and knock it out the park, sometimes you’re going to hit nothing but air. You should only ever invest money you’re prepared to lose.

But you’re trading that higher risk for more excitement, greater autonomy, and the chance to swing for huge rewards… in sectors well used to dishing them out.

If you can accept the risks and go in with your eyes open, active investing could put you on the path to the kind of success that others can only dream about.

Now, for every person who knew about these huge stock and crypto opportunities and profited from them…

There were far more people who missed out. 

If you’re one of them…

This could be your second chance...

We’re at the tipping point of a MUCH bigger new trend – artificial intelligence.

AI isn’t just a trend. It’s a mega trend.

A technology that will radically change our lives on a global scale.

Just like electricity, personal computers, and the internet.

And there’s one lesson my experience as a 30-year market veteran has taught me above all others...

TRUE mega trends have the power to make or break a person’s future on a scale that no other market force can.

Just look at the rise of personal computers…

Do you know who made the first PC?

I’ll give you a hint – it wasn’t Apple or IBM.

It was Xerox.

That’s right, the photocopier company.

Xerox developed the Alto...

Courtesy of PARC (Palo Alto Research Center, Incorporated)

... a computer with a mouse, desktop and graphical user interface…

In 1973!

More than a decade before Apple released the Macintosh.

Source: Wikimedia, By Sailko - Own work, CC BY 3.0

Xerox failed to capitalise on this innovation because it couldn’t see the potential of the PC market.

It wasn’t long before investors paid the price for this failure.

Shares that were once worth as much as $103 have spent the last two decades trading for little more than $20.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five year performance of Xerox Holdings Corp (XRX): 2019 +91.65% | 2020 -34.39% | 2021 +1.94% | 2022 -31.1% | 2023 +32.40%

On the flip side...

Apple pioneered the PC market…

And shareholders made a fortune every step of the way.

$1,000 invested in Apple when it went public in 1980 would now be worth more than $1.6 million.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five year performance of Apple Inc (APPL): 2019 +88.09% | 2020 +81.85% | 2021 +34.48% | 2022 -26.32% | 2023 +48.91%

This is an inescapable fact of every single mega trend. 

The same story plays out. Every. Single. Time.

Except this time...

With artificial intelligence…

The gap between the winners and losers is likely to be bigger than ever before.

Because AI is about to boost the global economy by as much as $200 TRILLION.

That’s 85 times bigger than crypto…  four times the size of the S&P 500… and almost double the current entire global economy.

Today, you can choose which side of the AI wealth divide you land on.

Elon Musk recently said:

“I think we really are on the edge of probably the biggest technology revolution that has ever existed.”

Elon Musk, Founder of Tesla and SpaceX

Google Brain Co-founder Andrew Ng said:

“Just as electricity transformed almost everything 100 years ago, today I actually have a hard time thinking of an industry that I don’t think AI will transform in the next several years.”

Andrew Ng, Co-founder of Google Brain

Simply put, AI will be more disruptive than any other mega trend in history.

How can I be so certain?

Because throughout history, new innovations have replaced old ones.

Just like cars made horses, wagons, and steam engines obsolete.

The economist Joseph Schumpeter described this change as:

“Explosions of innovation igniting new businesses in bursts of 'creative destruction.'”

Joseph Schumpeter, Economist

This violent process is capitalism’s
driving force…

Because it leads to better products that help us live longer, healthier and happier lives.

As new replaces the old…

Established businesses, and even entire industries, can be rendered obsolete.

In other words, creative destruction creates winners and losers.

The internet is a great example.

The Netscape web browser put the World Wide Web on every computer and rewrote the rules of business.

Suddenly every business owner had a shop on the online high street… with the same potential footfall… and the same-sized shop window as everyone else.

Some businesses thrived with the new technology...

Others are now a footnote in history.

Remember Woolworths?

A retail giant for 100 years...

Before the company went into administration in 2008.

What about BHS?

Its 88-year high-street presence ended in 2016.

And what about the Friday night Blockbuster ritual… and the mad rush to return DVDs on Sunday?

I’m sure I’m not the only one who thought good riddance when it went bust in 2014.

All these retail giants ignored the internet and paid the ultimate price.

Thousands of employees lost their jobs.

And investors lost everything.

Well, not all of them – there were some people who saw the warnings, and took action… this is what we’re here to do today.

Picture this…

Let’s say you ignored a tiny online book store in 1997...

And “only” invested in Amazon when it launched Prime in 2005.

A £10,000 investment would now be worth £1.1 million (before any costs or taxes).

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five year performance of Amazon.com Inc (AMZN): 2019 +23.03% | 2020 +76.26% | 2021 +2.38% | 2022 -49.66% | 2023 +80.88%

And if you invested £10,000 in Netflix in 2007...

When streaming changed your movie habits...

Today, you’d be sitting on a £1.8 million fortune (before any costs or taxes).

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five year performance of Netflix Inc (NFLX): 2019 +20.89% | 2020 +67.11% | 2021 +11.41% | 2022 -51.05% | 2023 +65.11%

It’s worth pointing out that huge, exceptional gains like these are rare. Some companies working in this space won't have seen anywhere near this kind of success.

It takes a new mega trend to create them.

Right now, we’re at the start of the AI mega trend.

We could see AI add as much as $200 trillion to the global economy in just the next six years.

Those who take action right now, and get this right, stand to make a fortune in the years ahead.

It all starts with three companies building AI’s future.

I believe each is capable of handing you similar gains over the coming years, to those we just discussed.

Forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results.

How can I be so confident?

Because I’ve been recommending huge tech winners for more than a decade.

I saw Nvidia coming all the way back in 2013…

And helped some of my readers earn life-changing profits from it.

Anyone still holding it after a decade is up an incredible 38,000%.

Even though I recommended banking it as a 15 bagger after a couple of years.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.

So, how do I find big potential winners before everyone else?

It all starts with rolling my sleeves up and doing the research.

Reading obscure journals and attending conferences.

The tech and futurist events I attended more than a decade ago are even more relevant today.

And the conversations at the bar, after the stage presentations…

They give me insights you won’t find in a Bloomberg terminal. (A £20,000 per year research tool).

That gives me a feel for what’s really happening on the ground.

Then I listen to earnings calls, read annual reports and examine balance sheets. 

After all my boots-on-the-ground research…

Combined with my balance sheet and business model investigation…

Only then am I ready to put a potential business through my three-step investment process.

Let me show you how it works...

  • Step #1: A company must be leveraging a mega trend – something that will change the way we live our lives. Like electricity, personal computers and the internet. 
  • Step #2: It must have a unique technology solving a huge potential problem. Such as developing a quantum computing chip. 
  • Step #3: It must be an asymmetric opportunity. Simply put, I’m looking for companies that could shoot to the moon... giving you a chance to turn every £1,000 into £10,000 or more. When I go to bat, I’m not trying to hit a single. I’m aiming to smash it out of the park, every time.

Forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results.

It’s worth mentioning that if you’re going to swing for big winners... sometimes you’re going to hit nothing but air.

Nothing is guaranteed in investing.

But remember – you’re trading that higher risk for more excitement, greater autonomy, and the chance to swing for, quite frankly, huge rewards… in sectors well used to dishing them out.

Such sectors tend to be higher risk because there can be huge swings in price, meaning you need a strong stomach. The market can be relatively illiquid, meaning it can be hard to buy or sell when you want or need to. There’s also a higher risk of companies in this space failing.

As always, if you are looking to invest in companies at the frontier of tech, you should only do so with the portion of your investing capital reserved for high-risk plays. And you should only ever invest with money you can afford to lose.

If you understand and can accept the risks, responsible, well-researched, active investing could put you on the path to the kind of success that others can only dream about.

There’s no other way you can bank a 1,875% winner in less than two years.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.

And in the next six years…

AI will create winners that absolutely dwarf anything we’ve seen.

Bigger than tech. Bigger than crypto. 

That’s why AI is at the centre of my research.

And three companies are at the very top of my AI investment list.

Apple, Microsoft and Nvidia rely on
this company…

My No. 1 AI Investment is a company that’s at the centre of AI’s rollout. 

It’s literally putting AI in our hands and homes – without us even realising it.

Let me show you what I mean...

When you open your phone to make a call or respond to a message...

Do you type in a password? Or does your phone recognise your face?

That’s artificial intelligence in your hand.

And if you ask Siri, Alexa or Google a question...

You get an answer in seconds.

Yet, your phone isn’t a supercomputer.

So, how does it find the answer?

It’s all thanks to the technology from a Cambridge company I’m calling The Invisible Hand of AI.

You see, your phone pulls information from the biggest and fastest data centres in the world.

In other words, it taps into a supercomputer to tell you that it’s going to rain today.

The only way your phone can do that – is with The Invisible Hand of AI.

That’s why Apple, Samsung, and Microsoft have all partnered with this Cambridge company.

When Apple recently announced its move into AI it said, “Apple Intelligence” would only be available on “Apple Silicon”.

In other words, you need Apple’s newest and most powerful devices to enjoy all its cool new features. 

What Apple didn’t say is…

Apple Silicon is built on The Invisible Hand of AI’s breakthrough technology.

It’s not only Apple that’s reliant on this Cambridge company.

Microsoft is pushing forward on its new AI laptops.

What’s going to power Microsoft’s next-generation PCs?

You guessed it.

The Invisible Hand of AI.

Now, here’s the best part...

The biggest AI company in the world right now...

Thought this technology was so valuable that it tried to buy the company.

The takeover sparked a flood of opposition from the world’s biggest tech companies.

Elon was quite vocal in his disapproval of the deal.

And who can blame him?

If the sale went through...

It would literally control the rollout of AI...

Across cars, robots, and phones.

My research indicates that investing in The Invisible Hand of AI right now...

Is like investing in Nvidia five years ago.

Forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results.

Back when it was just four bucks a share… and Nvidia was a $168 billion company.

Back then, the idea of a $1 trillion valuation was bonkers.

Let alone a market cap of over $3 trillion.

But here’s the thing...

Most investors don’t appreciate the speed AI is rolling out… and pushing up share prices.

That’s why you’ve got to act now… or you could miss out on the biggest gains.      

Of course, The Invisible Hand of AI is not immune from the wild fluctuations in the tech market. Apple’s market cap recently dropped by $161 billion in just two days. 

Even the mighty Nvidia has seen its share price fall over -25% in less than two months.

Wiping almost a trillion dollars from their market valuation.

In the last year, The Invisible Hand of AI’s share price has tripled.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.

I believe that’s just the start of an epic ride for early investors.

The Invisible Hand of AI could be the first British company to reach a trillion-dollar valuation… over the next five years.

And with the likes of Apple, Microsoft and Nvidia relying on its technology.

I’d go so far as to call it – the greatest British company in history.

I’ve put all the details in a special report I’d like to send you right away.

It’s called The Invisible Hand of AI.

If you invest in only one AI stock, this is the one.

AI is expected to add as much as $200 trillion to the global economy... in just the next six years.

And this company is at the centre of it all.

If it captures just a small portion of that growth, it could easily become the first British company to reach a trillion-dollar valuation… handing today’s investors a 480% gain.   

Forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results.

But that’s not all…

This is just the first of several AI opportunities I want to share with you today.

Which brings me to AI Investment No.2.

The ONLY solution for one of mankind’s greatest challenges…

It also has a huge, unmatched advantage.

Because it’s not only solving a problem at the centre of AI...

It’s solving a problem at the heart of civilisation.

Modern civilisations rely on vast amounts of energy.

In fact, the crudest possible equation for our world would look something like this...

If you increase any of those inputs, you create a sea-change in society.

Right now, we’re trying to change TWO of the biggest inputs in the civilisation equation.

Life and intelligence.

That means we’re going to need a lot more energy, just to keep the lights on.

Elon Musk agrees with me.

He recently said,

“The simultaneous growth of electric cars and AI, both of which need electricity. I think next year, you’ll see they just can’t find enough electricity.

Elon Musk, Founder of Tesla and SpaceX

The International Energy Agency predicts that by 2026, thanks to the rise of AI, data centre energy consumption will double.

That’s a huge potential problem.

And why I’m so excited to tell you about a company developing a brand-new type of clean energy.

I call it “Next Gen Energy”.  

A Nobel Prize-winning physicist says the technology behind it has “changed everything”.

Time magazine says it is the “only solution” for one of mankind’s greatest challenges.

The New York Times said:

Now, this incredible company isn’t only creating a new, abundant, clean energy source.

It’s also creating a new business model.

Normally, energy companies sell their power to the government.

Then, companies and individuals plug into the grid.

This revolutionary company is rewriting the rule book...

Giving it two huge competitive advantages...

A unique technology AND a unique business model.

What’s its new business model? 

Selling direct to customers.

That might not sound like much, but in the energy market it’s huge.

And it could mean even greater profits for early investors.

The Next Gen Energy company has already signed some mega contracts.

The first is with one of the world’s largest data centre companies.

Chances are you’ve never heard of them...

Yet one operates 260 data centres in 33 countries on five continents. 

The second major contract is a 20-year deal with an oil and natural gas company.

Now, a huge boost of cheap, clean power has huge implications for every aspect of our lives.

From how we travel, to the way we build houses and, of course, the development and rollout of AI.

That means, as the use of AI skyrockets, this company can’t help but shoot higher, right along with it.

As you’ve seen, I recommend companies at the cutting edge of technology. Next Gen Energy is right at the bleeding edge. Which means it’s smaller, and riskier than most of my recommendations. So it won’t be right for everyone.

To help you make a fully informed decision about investing in this groundbreaking energy pioneer, I’d like to give you a brand-new report called: Next Gen Energy.

I’ll tell you how you can get a copy, for free, in a moment.

Forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results.

Before I do, there’s one more AI opportunity every investor should know about.

The AI component market that’s expected to explode 73 TIMES higher…

Because it’s supplying one of the most in-demand... if not THE most in-demand component of AI’s future.

A recent report from Andreessen Horowitz describes this AI component as:

“A predominant factor driving the industry today.”

Marc Andreessen, General Partner of Andreessen Horowitz

It went on to note that companies have spent:

“More than 80% of their total capital on [this critical AI component].”

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman told the United States Congress:

“We’re so short on [this AI component], the less people that use [Chat-GPT], the better.””

Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI

This AI bottleneck is so worrying that the UK government plans to spend £100 million on [this critical AI component].

And if AI continues to grow at its current rate…

The market of this AI component is expected to explode 73 TIMES higher... in just over a decade…

To more than the entire American economy!

And I’ve uncovered what I believe is the best way to profit from this exponential growth.

You see, this market is dominated by a handful of giants.

Companies like Amazon, Google and Microsoft.

Yet the company I’ve uncovered...

Is 2,200 TIMES smaller than Microsoft.

That’s why early investors could easily see a tiny grubstake turn into a fortune… as the market for this AI component grows 7,300% higher.

Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future results.

As I’ve mentioned before – smaller companies are higher risk than established giants like Microsoft.

That’s why this type of investing is not right for everyone.

It’s only for those who want to trade that higher risk for more excitement and the chance to swing for huge rewards.

Forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results.

If you can accept the risks. I believe this company could put you on the path to the kind of investment success that others can only dream about.

I’ve put all the details on this incredible company in a brand-new special report called The Critical AI Component: A $25 Trillion Opportunity.

These three reports make up my entire AI Mega Trend Investor’s Playbook. 

I believe anyone who invests in these three firms right now... will have the chance to make exponential gains.

Forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results.

On the scale of what happened to Apple with the PC mega trend...

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five-year performance of Apple Inc: 2019 +88.09% | 2020 +81.85% | 2021 +34.48% | 2022 -26.32% | 2023 +48.91%

Amazon and Netflix with the internet mega trend...

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five-year performance of Amazon.com Inc (AMZN): 2019 +23.03% | 2020 +76.26% | 2021 +2.38% | 2022 -49.66% | 2023 +80.88%

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five-year performance of Netflix Inc (NFLX): 2019 +20.89% | 2020 +67.11% | 2021 +11.41% | 2022 -51.05% | 2023 +65.11%

These mega trends turned early investors that bought and held into millionaires.

Sadly though, most people got in too late... or missed out on them completely.

If you were one of those who missed out, this could be your second chance.

I refuse to miss this…
and you shouldn’t either

In fact, if you’re over 40 like me, this could be the last time you see a mega trend on this scale...

The last time we were at the tipping-point of a mega trend like this was almost 30 years ago, with the internet.

Almost two decades before that, it was the PC mega trend.

We may not see another mega trend like this for another 25 years.

That’s why, I can’t stress this enough…

Please, don’t miss this chance.

These three companies are the ones I believe offer the most opportunity right now.

Because they are building the future of AI.

Positioning yourself to potentially profit now could put you on the winning side of the AI wealth divide. 

Forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results.

Make no mistake…

AI has reached a critical tipping point.

This is a make-or-break moment for investing in AI.

Act now, and you could completely change your financial future.

Forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results.

Hesitate, and you could miss out.

Every day you wait, you take a step closer to the losing side of AI.

With these reports, you’ll have not just one… but THREE opportunities to put yourself on the winning side of the AI wealth divide.

Given the huge profit potential inside these reports.

We could easily sell each report for £199.

That’s a total value of £597.

But I don’t want to charge you £597… £297… or even £97.

I want you to have them at no charge.

All I ask in return is that you give my research a try, obligation-free.

But, I don’t want to stop there…

Earlier I mentioned that I’m the Head of Moonshot Research for a community of over five thousand British investors.

Today, I’d like to invite you to join this exclusive investment community.

Your limited-time invitation

It doesn’t matter where you are in your investing journey.

We’ve got members of every age… many experience levels… from Brighton to Glasgow.

It doesn’t matter if you have millions to invest, or just a few thousand.

We all share the same goal:

To profit from asymmetric opportunities…

In companies leveraging mega trends to achieve massive growth.

That’s why we call our community Southbank Growth Advantage.

Here’s how it works…

Every month, I select my number one investment opportunity.

Companies I believe are poised to hand you incredible profits.

This could be in a tiny quantum computing company…

Or a big established company like Rolls-Royce.

I’m committed to bringing you high-growth opportunities, wherever I find them. 

My Rolls-Royce recommendation is a great example.

It’s up 1,375% in less than 4 years.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Five-year performance of Rolls Royce (RR): 2019 -16.28 | 2020 -52.55 | 2021 10.45 | 2022 -24.15 | 2023 221.57


That 14 TIMES your money on one of the safest British companies.

Now, I can't promise you'll see returns that high. Or even any returns at all.

What I can promise is that every recommendation I make passes my three-step investment process which you saw earlier.

I will make sure each recommendation is leveraging a mega trend… has a unique technology… that I believe could become a 1,000%+ winner.

Forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results.

In short – I do all the heavy lifting.

All you have to do is read my research. Decide if you want to invest, and how much you want to invest. Then watch your potential profits pile up.

Now, it’s important to point out that this sort of short-term investing is not for everyone. It is higher risk than parking your money in an index fund. You need to be comfortable with that elevated risk and only invest money you can afford to lose.  

Yet responsible, well-researched, active investing gives you the chance to see a small stake swell into something much larger in just a few months.

By being more active, you open yourself up to gains that absolutely trounce the market.

Just like these community members could do…

Our 5,000+ community members
are saying…

Charles from Norwich took the time to say…

The service may represent the best value for money that I have ever received. I just wish I had learned about it all ten years ago!

I am living my best life, and it is only because of the wealth of information that you and your team have provided.


Jonathon from Birmingham, wrote to us saying…

Well, you certainly scored a home run for me, Sam mate! After subscribing I bought several tranches of Velocys when it was between 4p and 5p. As you know, this spiked right up a while back. My profits peaked at around 25 grand. Yes, 25 grand of clear blue profit!


Chas from Scarborough said…

I can report that it has been a very, very positive experience and one which I will continue.

“Even with the few thousand I invested last June, and despite the recent stock and crypto market tumbles, I’m still up over 30% - way better than if I’d left my money in the bank or took out a government backed scheme.

So a big thank you to you, long may you continue.


These are just a handful of the emails and calls that come in every week from the Southbank Growth Advantage community.

And I’d love for you to become our newest member… and to get a similar note from you as well.

My monthly research and investment recommendations are just the first of many benefits you get as a subscriber.

You’ll get instant access to my High Growth Portfolio. So you can immediately position yourself to profit from the high-growth companies I believe are about to make a big impact on AI… robotics… renewable energy… and electric vehicles.

You’ll get real-time trade alerts by email when it’s time to sell a position. So you never miss out on a big profit opportunity.

Plus you’ll have access to my entire vault of special reports and investment resources. This includes every special report I’ve written over the years, plus my two crypto books, newsletter archive, and video library.

In addition to all of these standard member benefits, when you take a 100% money-back trial membership today, you’ll also get my entire AI Mega Trend Investor’s Playbook.

That’s three special reports I want to send you today… with a combined value of £597… just for taking a hassle-free trial membership to Southbank Growth Advantage.

By now, you must be wondering…

What does it cost to join Southbank Growth Advantage?

I’ve arranged a special deal for you…

If we were to change what most professional firms do, for access to elite-level stock research…

It would price most people out.

That’s a fact.

You need a five-figure budget to invest in the majority of the places dotted around the City and Canary Wharf.

That’s one of the reasons why I ditched my career as a financial adviser.

You’ll be relieved to know you don’t need a five-figure sum to access my research and investment recommendations.

No, I believe in helping investors like you beat the City to the punch.

That’s why the normal price of Southbank Growth Advantage is just £199.

Frankly, that’s a bargain.

You’re getting details of my number one stock recommendation emailed to you every month…

And you’ve seen the kind of gains members have experienced with them…

The £199 price tag is a drop in the ocean compared to the value you’re getting.    

That’s without taking into account the £597 worth of bonuses you get the moment you join.

But here’s the thing…

You don’t have to pay £199 today.

If you take me up on this special offer right now…

You can try a one-year membership to the Southbank Growth Advantage community – and claim your AI Mega Trend Investor’s Playbook

For just £99.

That’s right…

You can save yourself £100 if you act right now.

And get £597 worth of special reports at no additional charge.

I reckon it will be one of the best financial moves you ever make.

You can see if I’m right, under no pressure, when you join Southbank Growth Advantage with a £100 off the normal rate…

Because you’re covered by my 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee.

100% money-back guarantee

Here’s how it works.

Take an entire month to read all my special reports, my newsletter back catalogue and video library.

See for yourself the money-making potential of my research into companies leveraging emerging trends to achieve high growth.

Once you’ve looked under the hood of Southbank Growth Advantage… if you decide this isn’t for you.

You can cancel anytime within the first 30 days and receive a full refund of your membership fee.

No stress. No hassles. And we’ll part as friends.

Plus, you can keep your AI Mega Trend Investor’s Playbook as a thank you from me for giving this a try.

You have nothing to lose…

So, the way I see it, the next step is up to you.

You can choose to ignore all the research I’ve just shown you today.

You can ignore the IMF research that shows AI could disrupt or destroy two out of every three British jobs.

You can pretend AI is not about to force thousands of businesses… and even entire industries… to undergo a sea change or fade away.

You can dismiss all the research showing AI could grow the global economy by as much as $200 trillion.

And you’ll see how that works out for you.

Or you can take action right now.

For the chance to put yourself on the winning side of the AI mega trend. 

Here’s what you need to remember…

AI isn’t just another trend. It’s a mega trend.

True mega trends can make or break a person’s future on a scale no other force can.

Those who position themselves now, well…

They could see huge investment gains… and have the kind of life most people only dream of.

Imagine how relaxed you’d feel knowing you can easily deal with any financial hurdles that come your way.

No matter how huge or disruptive the AI mega trend may be.

That’s the opportunity in my AI Mega Trend Investor’s Playbook.

That’s the kind of peace of mind you’ll find as a member of Southbank Growth Advantage.

To get started, just click the button below.

It will take you to our secure order form, where you can lock in your £100 first-year savings and review everything you get with your trial membership of Southbank Growth Advantage.

The ordering process is completely secure and privacy-protected.

Within minutes, you’ll get full access to my AI Mega Trend Investor’s Playbook.

As a reminder, here’s everything coming your way:

Just click the button below, and you’ll hear from me soon.

You have 30 days to check this out. If you’re not delighted with Southbank Growth Advantage, I don’t want your money. It’s as simple as that.

So, don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime chance to get in early on the AI mega trend.

Click this button to get started.

On behalf of Southbank Investment Research, I’m Sam Volkering. Take care.

Sam Volkering
Editor, Southbank Growth Advantage

Important Risk Warning

Advice in Southbank Growth Advantage (previous name: Small Cap Investigator) does not constitute a personal recommendation. Any advice should be considered in relation to your own circumstances, risk tolerance and investment objectives. Before investing you should consider carefully the risks involved, including those described below. If you have any doubt as to suitability or taxation implications, seek independent financial advice.

General - Your capital is at risk when you invest, never risk more than you can afford to lose. Past performance and forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results. Bid/offer spreads, commissions, fees and other charges can reduce returns from investments. There is no guarantee dividends will be paid.

Small cap shares - Shares recommended may be small company shares. These can be relatively illiquid meaning they are hard to trade and can have a large bid/offer spread. If you need to sell soon after you bought, you might get back less that you paid. This makes them riskier than other investments. Small companies may not pay a dividend.

Overseas shares – Some recommendations may be denominated in a currency other than sterling. The return from these may increase or decrease as a result of currency fluctuations. Dividends from overseas companies may be taxed at source in the country of issue.

Taxation - Profits from share dealing are a form of capital gain and subject to taxation. Tax treatment depends on individual circumstances and may be subject to change in the future.

Editors: Sam Volkering and James Allen. Editors or contributors may have an interest in shares recommended. Information and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of other editors/contributors of Southbank Investment Research Limited. Full details of our complaints procedure, privacy policy and terms and conditions can be found at, www.southbankresearch.com.

Southbank Growth Advantage is issued by Southbank Investment Research Ltd. Registered in England and Wales No 9539630. VAT No GB629 7287 94. Registered Office: Basement, 95 Southwark Street, London SE1 0HX.

Contact Us: To contact customer services, please call us on 0203 966 4580, Monday to Friday, 10am - 5pm Southbank Investment Research Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FCA No 706697. https://register.fca.org.uk/.

© 2024 Southbank Investment Research Ltd.


1 IMF Blog - AI Will Transform the Global Economy. Let’s Make Sure It Benefits Humanity – 14 January 2024

2 Research Professional News - Publisher Frontiers to cut 600 jobs – 11 January 2024

3 Institute for Public Policy Research – Transformed by AI, How Generative Artificial Intelligence Could Affect Work in the UK and How to Manage It – March 2024

4 Rest less - UK employment levels amongst the over 50s at an all-time high and growing faster than all other age groups – 1 April 2024

5 Statista – UK GDP Statistics & Facts – 3 July 2024

6 Mail Online – AI is coming for white collar jobs – 13 February 2024

7 Forbes - What White-Collar Jobs Are Safe From AI And Which Professions Are Most At Risk? – 28 February 2024

8 The Law Society - Images of the Future Worlds Facing the Legal Profession 2020-2030

9 BBC News - Is AI about to transform the legal profession? – 19 October 2023

10 Lexpert - New study ranks legal jobs most likely to be impacted by AI – 12 June 2024

11 Goldman Sachs - The Potentially Large Effects of Artificial Intelligence on Economic Growth

12 Statista - Number of employees of KPMG worldwide from 2010 to 2023, by region – December 2023

13 Numeric - Reframing AI’s role in accounting: Assistant not a replacement – 13 May 2024

14 KPMG – AI in Audit Survey – October 2023

15 BBC News - Could AI take the grind out of accountancy? – 26 March 2024

16 ICAEW – How artificial intelligence will impact accounting

17 FRC - FRC publishes latest accountancy and audit facts and trends report -14 August 2023

18 The New York Times – Vauhini Vara

19 Believer Magazine – Ghosts – 9 August 2021

20 WIRED – Confessions of a Viral AI Writer – 21 September 2023

21 Mail Online - How AI will have changed the world by 2030, according to experts | 20 May 2023

22 World Economic Forum - This company replaced 90% of its workforce with machines. Here's what happened – 16 February 2017

23 BBC News - BT to cut 55,000 jobs with up toa fi ft h replaced by AI – 18 May 2023

24 CYNGN - Autonomous Industrial Vehicles: The State of the Industry - 2 February 2023

25 ARK Invest – Big Ideas 2023 – 31 January 2023

26 Forbes – The Future of Farming: AI Innovations That are Transforming Agriculture – 31 March 2024

27 PwC Middle East - The potential impact of Artificial Intelligence in the Middle East

28 Seeking Alpha - Oil Economics - How Much Does an Oil and Gas Well Cost? – 2 January 2017

29 Instinctools – AI in the Oil and Gas Industry

30 Kent - The Great AI Debate in the Oil and Gas Industry – 10 March 2023

31 Customer Market Insights - Global AI In Oil and Gas Market Size, Share, Forecast 2030 – September 2022

32 Investopedia - What Is Moore's Law and Is It Still True? – 2 April 2024

33 OpenAI – AI and compute – 16 Mary 2018

34 PwC - PwC's Global Artificial Intelligence Study

35 IMF - World Economic Outlook - April 2024

36 Forbes - Harnessing AI And ChatGPT Technology: The Next Industrial Revolution – 12 September 2023

37 Forbes - The Most Thought-Provoking Generative Artificial Intelligence Quotes Of 2023 - 29 November 2023

38 Fortune - Sundar Pichai on A.I. being ‘more profound’ than fire – 17 April 2023

39 Statista – Data Center – Worldwide

40 IEEE Spectrum - 50 Years Later, We’re Still Living in the Xerox Alto’s World – 1 March 2023

41 BBC Future - The Apple Macintosh was first released 40 years ago: These people are still using the ageing computers – 23 January 2024

42 MacroTrends - Xerox Holdings - 47 Year Stock Price History

43 MacroTrends - Apple - 44 Year Stock Price History

44 CoinGecko - Cryptocurrency Prices, Charts, and Crypto Market Cap

45 YCharts - S&P 500 Market Cap Monthly Analysis: S&P 500 Earnings – June 2024

46 Newatlas - Elon Musk: AI will run out of electricity and transformers in 2025 – 1 March 2024

47 Four - AI and Machine Learning - top minds quotes

48 Daily Express -Photos show 10 most-loved high street British stores that no longer exist

49 MacroTrends - Amazon - 27 Year Stock Price History

50 BBC News - Netflix's history: From DVD rentals to streaming success – 23 January 2018

51 MacroTrends - Netflix - 22 Year Stock Price History

52 MacroTrends - NVIDIA - 25 Year Stock Price History

53 DAI Magister - AI: The Unlikely Hero in Data Centre Sustainability? – 15 July 2024


55 TIME – Nuclear Power is the Only Solution – 4 December 2023

56 The New York Times – Nuclear Power Can Save the World – 6 April 2019

57 Carbon Credits - Are SMRs The Future of Nuclear Energy? – 22 May 2024

58 Wikipedia – Equinix

59 World Nuclear News – US Companies sign up to Oklo for Microreactor Power – 9 April 2024

60 AI Now Institute – Computational Power and AI – 27 September 2023

61 MacroTrends - Hut 8 Market Cap 2020 – 2024

62 MacroTrends – Microsoft Market Cap 2010 – 2024

63 Apple – Investor Relations

64 Southbank Investment Research – Rolls Royce Issue – what to do? – 8 October 2020